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HD Quality Streaming

Hello Christopher,

Which video? There are a couple variables to keep this happening. Speed is usually the culprit. What OS are you using? What browser and version? Firefox has some issues because of plugins which you may find this useful: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/fix-common-audio-and-video-issues

Others have found this helpful as well: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/flash-video-wont-play-full-screen

We have backend software to be sure the full video is always streaming and that our streaming servers are fully operational. Even I have had playback issues if my local internet speed is not consistent.

I can typically help troubleshoot the issues if you send a ticket at www.blumediasupport.com Its usually speed issues or if you are on a cable modem if its a high traffic time in your local community and your speed is not constant. Wish there was a simple answer, but this is one of those complicated things to troubleshoot.

The HD version is high bandwidth, if the high version works fine try the HD version during off peak times of the day.
Hi Chuck + Christopher :) Similar issue here, most of the time I can't stream the videos properly, so I need to download them outright. What's weird is that the downloads themselves are consistently lightning fast, at any time of the day. Is there any chance of getting the BTS videos available for download? I've only been able to watch them in bits and pieces, which is incredibly frustrating. Thanks <33a.
Hi Chuck + Christopher :) Similar issue here, most of the time I can't stream the videos properly, so I need to download them outright. What's weird is that the downloads themselves are consistently lightning fast, at any time of the day. Is there any chance of getting the BTS videos available for download? I've only been able to watch them in bits and pieces, which is incredibly frustrating. Thanks <33a.

If the downloads are fast, then just do it then delete the file after you've watched it.
On the last BTS vid I had to watch it in low quality in order to view it. The high quality version was stopping and buffering constantly. Is that what you were referring to with the BTS vids Andy?
Hello guys,

I am going to work with our tech team to see if we can come to some solution. Can some of you PM me more information so we can gather more data to troubleshoot?

I will need the following:
results from www.speedtest.net (you nearest location)
Your Location
Is it only HD versions or High as well?
Copy the Computer info from this page:

Thanks so much!
~ Chuck
Question to the forum:

What do you do to watch the movie. Do you press the big right arrow button in the middle of the screen to watch or do you go to the streaming options below. I press the big right arrow and don't normally have any issues.
Jon, Until recently I did the same as you. But, something changed in the format and I found I could not fast forward or back up frequently without getting an error message and having to restart the entire vid. I now use the the top left option..can't recall what it is..in the list below the main picture.
Hey Chuck :) Update.,
I switched from FF to Chrome and the videos are now streaming quite okay (I still wish you could make the BTS available for download, that's the best way to watch them)
The remaining issue is that I can't make long posts. I'm getting "The file(s) uploaded were too large to process. " Every single time. I'm forced to trim down what I wrote til vbulletin will accept it.
like right now, it wouldn't accept this last sentence: I googled the error and apparently it's a server error (?). I've never included attachments etc in my posts. I can PM you more details about my connection, but it definitely seems to be a server thingie. Thanks <33a.
I just wanted to mention that I haven't noticed any more problems with "Codec errors" lately. Every vid I've tried to download lately has done so without a problem. I don't know if that's something that our men in Blu were able to fix or if I've just been lucky. lol