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Hawaii Passes Civil Union Bill


Feb 23, 2010
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Aloha, everyone!

Thought you might like to know that Hawaii's State House of Representatives passed yesterday a Civil Unions Bill that authorizes same-sex (and opposite-sex) partnerships. Now, civil partnerships are entitled to the same benefits as married people. The Governor has 45 days to act on it--she may either sign it into law, or VETO it altogether, or she will do nothing with it and let it go into effect quietly after the 45 days, which should be around the July 4th weekend. Right now, the popular public opinion is for her to sign it already... But there are a lot of details that have to be sorted out, such as what happens when the relationship breaks up, division of property, custody and support of children, etc., etc.. etc.

Earlier this year, when the bill was re-introduced (because although the local Senate passed it, the House did not and set it aside), a new argument was presented that the bill would ALSO benefit opposite-sex (unmarried) couples, and everyone came to their senses and realized that the bill--if passed--would be in everybody's best interests. But don't count out the Fundamentalists and the Mormons and others who had opposed the bill--everybody is expecting them to retaliate in one way or another. On the other hand, they could all sober up, pack up their shit and go home, and and let it slide quietly into effect.

In the meantime, you all take care and stay well... Thanks for your attention!

I appreciate what they have done. However, I am an allow nothing kind of guy. Married is married. Let them call it what they want to. This kind of bullshit legislation is designed to place GLBT people lower in status that heterosexual couples. I hope they fight it. I don't want to see other states trying to follow suit. We are not second class citizens. We are equal to heterosexual couples in all ways. OK, I have had my vent here...:001_unsure:
Here, Here Jayman. Well said!!! Until we are seen as equal, they will continue to try and keep us down like we are something less than human.....
I appreciate what they have done. However, I am an allow nothing kind of guy. Married is married. Let them call it what they want to. This kind of bullshit legislation is designed to place GLBT people lower in status that heterosexual couples. I hope they fight it. I don't want to see other states trying to follow suit. We are not second class citizens. We are equal to heterosexual couples in all ways. OK, I have had my vent here...:001_unsure:

Hey as they say... Rome wasn't built in a day.
Good to hear. I am glad for the people in your state!
Hey as they say... Rome wasn't built in a day.

I totally agree. I just know that too many people have the mind set of "if it isn't broken, don't fix it." I just feel strongly that if this is excepted as it is it will become the norm. Then we have accepted our place as second class citizens and it may take another 200 years or more to convince the moral majority there is something inherently wrong with that law before it will be updated to make us equal. Something is better than nothing is what everyone is saying. We need to say all or nothing. We will have our day again in a few years. Why accept being second class citizens for who knows how long when we are on the verge of having equal rights sooner than later.

Bless your heart, I understand that it is a major win in so many ways but it still labels GLBT people as being not as good as married couples. Since before the Spanish inquisition GLBT couples were united in marriage and it was legal and sanctioned by the churches. Then someone somewhere, Hummmm! ""may be the Pope decided marriage should not be for GLBT." Oh, my yes it was the Pope. It started with The Spanish Pope who decided it was wrong. Suddenly, the holy Roman Catholic Pope said these unions were wrong. Of course this then influences the writing of the King James Version of the Bible. And other religions adopt it as law. This passes judgment as man and is not in keeping with the divine truth or order of things. We were all born equal. We were all created of God perfect whole and complete just the way we are. I feel we should fight to keep it that way. It is God's divine law and his divine love that makes us all equal. Why would I ever let a legislator change my status? Please, I am but one voice in a choir. This is my humble opinion based on my life's experiences. I understand that when it comes to making man's laws the majority rules. I also understand that many GLBT feel they have fought as hard as they can to just get these rights. I am not sneering at these folks. I am encouraging everyone to hang in there for a few more rounds. Yet, I also understand that as long as people are being granted the same rights as married people they feel there fight is done regardless of what the politicians label it. It is a major step forward and a great victory. My issue is it sets a dangerous precedence politically where other states have granted equal rights. One day this issue will be resolved at a federal level. Then it will be the law of the land...

Bless your heart and thank you for letting me share my point of view.:thumbup::wink:
I find it amusing that Gay White men are complaining about being treated like second class citizens, while all women are second class citizens. If Gays want equal rights then they should join with women to form an alliance whereby both groups can achieve equal rights together.
I find it amusing that Gay White men are complaining about being treated like second class citizens, while all women are second class citizens. If Gays want equal rights then they should join with women to form an alliance whereby both groups can achieve equal rights together.
I see that you get my point. Women settled for what was offered and considered to be fair and equal. Now the fight is on again... Thank you for sharing and reminding us that your fight is not over either...
Spoke to a guy from NYC tonight. I asked him if he found the right guy would he get married and he said it's not yet allowed in NYC. That shocked me as it seems such a liberal place. God bless America.