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Having techinical issues with first HD scene

Thanks Mark for keeping us posted! Oh the joys of new equipment and formats!!!! Hopefully you'll get it up and running soon, or are you going to wait to the 1st?

You Rock!
I am not sure it is fixed...The update available is for Saturday. And I was able to download both updates. So does this mean no update until the 7th then? I am a bit confused by all of it. I guess you will get it all sorted.
I am not sure it is fixed...The update available is for Saturday. And I was able to download both updates. So does this mean no update until the 7th then? I am a bit confused by all of it. I guess you will get it all sorted.

Thanks for letting me know, this has been fixed.

Can I just say Wow-fucking-wow!

Absolutely worth waiting for. Fantastic job guys! :thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1:
Why is the right side covered with verticle lines? Can we go back to Non HD? What bad quality using WMP
This is not good at all:cursing:
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I'm also having some issues with the streaming. First tried viewing it by clicking the link and it was stop-action. Then I waitied several minutes for it to stop loading - same result. Finally, I just saved it to my computer and it was still jerky. Any ideas? Thanks.
I just tested the HD videos on my NetBook, and even there, the HD videos plays perfectly.
HD quality means heavier files so if your Internet connection is not fast enough, then you'll have problems streaming. You might want to use the "medium" or "high" options. OR you can download the videos instead.

As for the vertical lines, not sure what causes this. You might want to update your player and see if it still does it. Keep us posted :)

There are always issues vis a vis quality vs. file size. Qwest keeps downgrading my dsl speed.... I did download the HD scene and Wow what a difference! So guys, a little patience is in order. Good things come to those who wait! And we still have several extremely useful options as far as file size (therefore Download speed) available to us.

Knowing me I'm going to need a Blu Media TB or 2 Drive just for these scenes. But again, I can always view it in a lesser format and upgrade my favs to HD!

The options are endless! Thanks Mark, Stephane, Chuck, David, Eddie and anyone else involved for a giant improvement in the site!!!!!!

Take care one and all.
WMP is up to date...still have verticle lines and sluggish
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Hmmmm I have had no problem playing the new HD scene.... My player is up to date and I have tried streaming/downloading on two different pcs now.... one using vista and the other using windows 7.... works great for me :D

It all works perfect for me. And thanks for putting the portable option so I can watch it on my iPhone. Great job guys!

WMP has a bunch of lines all over the right side (Looks like a bar code)...quicktime and flash dont work at all...:mad: Oh well.. I guess I will just give up aand look for low def sites when my membership runs out in a few weeks :blink:
Just had to say that I love the quality of the HD, it's awesome!
Now if we could get it in 3-D!! (jk) LOL!
Only bitch I have is that it takes so long to download. (48 min.) I have high speed DSL, maybe its my computer. IDK

All in all, great improvement guys!

Just had to say that I love the quality of the HD, it's awesome!
Now if we could get it in 3-D!! (jk) LOL!
Only bitch I have is that it takes so long to download. (48 min.) I have high speed DSL, maybe its my computer. IDK

All in all, great improvement guys!


mine downloaded in under 10min and i have a shitty connection, so chances are buddy it is your computer, mine's under 6months old.