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Has Anyone Else Noticed...?


Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Near Indianapolis, IN
Has anyone else noticed how it seems most of the posts are from Broke Straight Boys models? I have no problem with their rendering input in the forums, but it seems they are providing an extensive amount. Back off and let your subscribers opine.
Has anyone else noticed how it seems most of the posts are from Broke Straight Boys models? I have no problem with their rendering input in the forums, but it seems they are providing an extensive amount. Back off and let your subscribers opine.

There is no objective reason that the models' posting or the amount thereof has any impact on any member posting or the amount thereof. Everyone is free to post whenever he or she wants and as frequently as he or she wants.
There is no objective reason that the models' posting or the amount thereof has any impact on any member posting or the amount thereof. Everyone is free to post whenever he or she wants and as frequently as he or she wants.

Clearly you missed my point thereof, but somehow I am not the least bit surprised thereof.
Has anyone else noticed how it seems most of the posts are from Broke Straight Boys models? I have no problem with their rendering input in the forums, but it seems they are providing an extensive amount. Back off and let your subscribers opine.

one min theres not enough models posting and now theres to much posting from models...you people need to make up your minds....LOL :)
I am overjoyed when Damien or any other Broke Straight Boys guys post. Hearing the same "few" people here post gets old. You know in advance what they are going to say. We need less of them and more of the "models"
one min theres not enough models posting and now theres to much posting from models...you people need to make up your minds....LOL :)

Dimmie, not once did I request any model to post. Not once did I request any model to NOT post. I started this thread to inspire more forum members to chime in rather than leave the chiming to the models. Apparently so many people have stones and venom to hurl and spew at me because of past comments for which I felt the need - and desire - to apologize. Nevertheless, I was misunderstood by those who now wear the blinders. I find this comically amusing. Personally, I appreciate when models chime in, albeit I presume this is part of what you are paid to do to a vast degree. Regardless, I would like more opinions from the many subscribers of Broke Straight Boys to proffer their conjecture as well. For that matter, you go right on ringing your bells on here, and I shall do likewise.
Dimmie, not once did I request any model to post. Not once did I request any model to NOT post. I started this thread to inspire more forum members to chime in rather than leave the chiming to the models. Apparently so many people have stones and venom to hurl and spew at me because of past comments for which I felt the need - and desire - to apologize. Nevertheless, I was misunderstood by those who now wear the blinders. I find this comically amusing. Personally, I appreciate when models chime in, albeit I presume this is part of what you are paid to do to a vast degree. Regardless, I would like more opinions from the many subscribers of Broke Straight Boys to proffer their conjecture as well. For that matter, you go right on ringing your bells on here, and I shall do likewise.

Hahaa that's true though I would also like for more members to get involved! ;)
...and can I chime in....sorry, couldn't help myself.:001_tongue:

There it is, my daily smile, courtesy of Ms. Beth. Chime in anytime. Unlike my opinions, yours are always welcomed on here, even on the scenes pages. (Have you looked at the number of THUMBS DOWN I got?! I find it fascinating I am able to ruffle so many panties merely by expressing myself.)
Dimmie, I knew you would understand my POV. I have nothing but the highest respect for you.
There it is, my daily smile, courtesy of Ms. Beth. Chime in anytime. Unlike my opinions, yours are always welcomed on here, even on the scenes pages. (Have you looked at the number of THUMBS DOWN I got?! I find it fascinating I am able to ruffle so many panties merely by expressing myself.)
Dimmie, I knew you would understand my POV. I have nothing but the highest respect for you.

Thanks Bruh!
I bet Beth ;) power of the tongue ;p

Such naughty people in these forums. Shame, shame, shame. LOL
Ms. Beth, you are at your typical brilliance no one can deny.
Dimmie, perhaps it is time you are taken to the woodshed.
Like he wouldn't enjoy it. haha :bondage:

You are so right, Tampa! He would enjoy it, though I doubt he would go through with it. I certainly would enjoy it, as I am involved with a local spanking circle here in the Midwest (call it a fetish, call it a weakness; I and all who participate call it exciting); and I am convinced you would enjoy watching (on film, as I typically film my spanking sessions per my spankees' desires and permission; or even live) or even participating. Dimmie appears to be able to endure quite a bit. Most impressive!
So, Dimmie - what do you think? Want to give it a go? No games, for real here.
I am always happy to see any of the models add in their comments. In fact part of the fun here has been the interaction with the models. I would be happy to see more of the subscribers comment but that is p to them to do so. My experience has been that a large number of people simply lurk and do not post. Some post a lot and some post occasionally. Such is life.
I am always happy to see any of the models add in their comments. In fact part of the fun here has been the interaction with the models. I would be happy to see more of the subscribers comment but that is p to them to do so. My experience has been that a large number of people simply lurk and do not post. Some post a lot and some post occasionally. Such is life.

Well put, Juanjo. I concur: sucks is life.
You are so right, Tampa! He would enjoy it, though I doubt he would go through with it. I certainly would enjoy it, as I am involved with a local spanking circle here in the Midwest (call it a fetish, call it a weakness; I and all who participate call it exciting); and I am convinced you would enjoy watching (on film, as I typically film my spanking sessions per my spankees' desires and permission; or even live) or even participating. Dimmie appears to be able to endure quite a bit. Most impressive!
So, Dimmie - what do you think? Want to give it a go? No games, for real here.

hahaha im sure in time we could make somthing happen :p