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Happy Gay Pride Month


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
Today is June 1st, traditionally the beginning of Gay Pride Month which all began right here in New York City on June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn, in Greenwich Village when the cops once again raided a gay bar and this time, the gays fought back.

This is the History Channel's online description of the events of that night.


"Just after 3 a.m., a police raid of the Stonewall Inn–a gay club located on New York City’s Christopher Street–turns violent as patrons and local sympathizers begin rioting against the police.

Although the police were legally justified in raiding the club, which was serving liquor without a license among other violations, New York’s gay community had grown weary of the police department targeting gay clubs, a majority of which had already been closed. The crowd on the street watched quietly as Stonewall’s employees were arrested, but when three drag queens and a lesbian were forced into the paddy wagon, the crowd began throwing bottles at the police. The officers were forced to take shelter inside the establishment, and two policemen were slightly injured before reinforcements arrived to disperse the mob. The protest, however, spilled over into the neighboring streets, and order was not restored until the deployment of New York’s riot police.

The so-called Stonewall Riot was followed by several days of demonstrations in New York and was the impetus for the formation of the Gay Liberation Front as well as other gay, lesbian, and bisexual civil rights organizations. It is also regarded by many as history’s first major protest on behalf of equal rights for homosexuals."

For all who may have forgotten or never knew, this is why June is designated as Pride Month.

Happy Pride Month Everyone!!

Thanks for the thread Mikey. While the History Channel narrative is pretty weak and almost condescending, the Stonewall Riots are a huge part of our culture and heritage. :) June 28, 1969. I was 6 years old. haha
Happy Pride Month Everyone!!

Thanks for the thread Mikey. While the History Channel narrative is pretty weak and almost condescending, the Stonewall Riots are a huge part of our culture and heritage. :) June 28, 1969. I was 6 years old. haha
And I was 19 and didn't really have a clue what was going on as I sure knew and practiced being gay but never ventured into the city or hung out at a gay bar, although interestingly enough I did go to a gay club with my friend David later that summer not realizing what had gone on that past June. I saw the stories of the Stonewall Riot in the newspaper and heard it on the news but somehow it didn't resonate with me.

The first gay club I went to that summer was called "The Sanctuary" and it was in an old church on West 43rd Street and Ninth Avenue in Manhattan. I remember the doorman asked me if I knew it was a gay bar when I entered. It was run by the mafia as were most of the gay bars here back then and I just found some interesting images of The Sanctuary.

And I was 19 and didn't really have a clue what was going on as I sure knew and practiced being gay but never ventured into the city or hung out at a gay bar, although interestingly enough I did go to a gay club with my friend David later that summer not realizing what had gone on that past June. I saw the stories of the Stonewall Riot in the newspaper and heard it on the news but somehow it didn't resonate with me.

The first gay club I went to that summer was called "The Sanctuary" and it was in an old church on West 43rd Street and Ninth Avenue in Manhattan. I remember the doorman asked me if I knew it was a gay bar when I entered. It was run by the mafia as were most of the gay bars here back then and I just found some interesting images of The Sanctuary.
I remember the doorman always asking our group if we were aware we were entering a gay bar. Never thought about that until you mentioned the same experience. The first gay bar in this area, called the Driftwood, and still in business today under the same name. I think they may have a new doorman though. lol
"No body likes fem guys" Listen to Zach's message in it's entirety for his message on Pride Month. I have so much respect for this young man.
Thanks Louis for bringing back this important thread from last year.
HAPPY GAY PRIDE 2017 everyone! :smiley-love021:

Pride Month is my passion. As a victim of molestation at the age of 11 who has experienced all the turmoils and changes throughout my life, I give thanks to God Every day that I am still here and standing PROUD.
A little unrelated but seemed fitting for the Thread, This award is given to companies by the NGLCC for diversity, I just happen to work for one of the companies who received the 2016 Award! Congratulations Corning Inc.!

Happy Pride to everyone. A bit tardy this year. This weekend in the 'Burgh is Pride Weekend. Jennifer Hudson was the star performer last night. I think it is important to remember that we must remain united and vigilant if we are to protect the hard earned rights won by those on the battle lines from Stonewall to the present day. It is also important that the younger glbt'ers know the history of the movement. I'm just getting around to watching the ABC special from back in Feb-Mar called 'When We Rise". A very good primer for beginners but it is important for each city or town with a gay community to pass on its history to the young people who are coming out now.
Tomorrow we are going to have a Prude Parade in São Paulo, Brazil, where I live. This year's theme is 'Despite our faith/believes, no religion is the law'. Sao Paulo's Parade is the biggest in the world and I have been there for the last 17 years, when my mother took me. I remember it used to be small and I used to see it as a big party. Then it started to get bigger and the crowd changed... I started seeing families, with kids and babies that weren't there before. The discourse got more serious and political. Nowadays no mother doesn't go anymore, because of the big crowd and his health, but I keep going every year...
Tomorrow we are going to have a Prude Parade in São Paulo, Brazil, where I live. This year's theme is 'Despite our faith/believes, no religion is the law'. Sao Paulo's Parade is the biggest in the world and I have been there for the last 17 years, when my mother took me. I remember it used to be small and I used to see it as a big party. Then it started to get bigger and the crowd changed... I started seeing families, with kids and babies that weren't there before. The discourse got more serious and political. Nowadays no mother doesn't go anymore, because of the big crowd and his health, but I keep going every year...

It's too bad in the sense that the size got too large for families to comfortably bring small children.

I've seen other local non-gay cultural events near me change over decades to where the size of the crowds got too big to properly enjoy the event. It's sad when that happens. Some of these events can become victims of their own success. lol
Today is Gay Pride Day in New York City and in San Francisco, the two big centers of gay life in the United States and of course it all started here in New York City with the Stonewall Riot back in 1969.

The March begins today at 12 Noon on Fifth Avenue and West 36th Street going all the way to the West Village and Christopher Street. In my younger days I would be out there and then for the after party into the night along the west side piers. And today is actually five years since Broke Straight Boys had a booth at the Pride event on Hudson Street back in 2012 where I spent part of the day with Sha, Blake Bennet, Jason Matthews, Denver Grand and Cole Gartner of College Dudes It was a most memorable day for me. Happy Pride 2017, everyone! We've come a long way baby! lol:biggrin:


June may be Pride Month, but for me and others, Pride is every month, every week and every day. It is the essence of me and the breath I breath. "I am who Am" (Jesus)

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I'm sorry that Broke Straight Boys no longer represents at the Pride events, not just the one I attended in 2012 but I always enjoyed watching the BTS videos of the models just being themselves at the various events around the country interacting with the fans. Those were fun videos and part of what made Broke Straight Boys so different from every other porn site on the web.
Mikey, that was then and this is now. Change happens. The models who participated in the Pride events are a different caliber of the models we have today. Back then, the models formed a family within themselves and developed a comradery with each other. Now the models come for a week, do their shoots and leave. There is no longer the magical experience of the Mansion and what it offered.

The Mansion was a temporary fantasy place for young boys who were experiencing their introduction to the porn business. Today is it merely a work place where one says, "Slam blam, thank you mam."
You are correct Louis, but I do love celebrating the past, in music, TV, movies as well as reminiscing about my life and very much for the "Golden Days of Broke Straight Boys" as well. The Pride Events were a large part of what "humanized" the boys to me, seeing them among themselves and interacting with their fans. And lucky for us, as well as having the archives of all the porn from over the years, we also have the "Behind The Scenes" archives available to us, with Pride events going back to 2009 crisscrossing the country to meet and greet the fans. Early BTS pride videos include Austin, Diesal, Cousin Mikey, Mike Robbins and Logan among others.

But I really started getting into watching the many BTS episodes from 2011 when Sha seemed to be out and about every weekend with an unlikely trio of Jimmy Johnson from Broke Straight Boys with Cole Gartner and Rob Ryder of College Dudes, and I loved watching the camaraderie that developed between Jimmy and Rob, two seemingly very different types of guys, but we watched their bromance develop on screen. Very cool stuff to me!



And there are so many more videos available to us from the events in the more recent years, like with Damien Kyle, Blake & Adam


And Brandon Beal, Adam & Paul


How about Paul Canon and Daniel Grange with chaperone Sha?


And when Pride came to Denver Colorado, then the home of Broke Straight Boys and the mansion, a whole "bevy of beauties" showed up!


Thank you Mark for keeping all of this video footage available for us to watch on the site. And for anyone interested check them out along with many other interesting behind the scenes clips from all the way back in the beginning from the days of David and his futon in Fort Lauderdale right up to present with Sha's current introduction videos of the new models in Atlanta!
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