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Giovanni & Jordan

Everything one would have hoped it to be. This shoot also illustrates Dave's point about telling the lads to switch positions.
Everything one would have hoped it to be.

Okay Baal and Yabba... I'll be the contrarian this time.

Where was the kissing?

One of the reasons that many of us hoped that Jordan and Giovanni would be matched up again was the passion and enthusiasm that they had for each other. Maybe too much time had passed because they didn't seem to pick up where they left off. Jordan seemed to not only agree to the kissing in his first scene with Giovanni, he looked like he really enjoyed it.

If Jordan had been matched up with any other model I would not have expected him to kiss. But since he was with Giovanni again I was looking forward to some kissing. So I was a little disappointed. It's a good vid though.
I am with you Tampa buddy.

I really enjoyed this vid but like you I thought we would be treated to some more kissing as they really seemed to be into each other before. Maybe this scene was filmed before the other one....

Thought they were hot though in this scene....loved the dirty talk....they were definitely into it though maybe not as into each other as last time.

Thumbs up though and I do like the way David makes them change positions.:w00t:
Gets a 4 from me and yes it would have been a 5 if there would have been kissing, especially as they had kissed before. Norty Jordan xx
Loved it. Loved the action. Loved the talk. Could have done without the incredibly grody cum towel at the very end, though. Reality porn, I guess! No one's ever heard of Clorox?
Paradise Lost

I agree with Tampa - some of the heat had gone from Jordan. It was certainly no Diesal/Jimmy situation there.When he was getting oral, he barely touched Giovanni, just stroked his head once. When Jordan was on top, when he put his hand around G's neck, you could tell that G thought they were going to kiss. Jordan being a little young, no gay/bi experience to speak of. and semi-shy, I wonder if G was maybe a bit too camp for him? This puts a lot of straight guys off in my experience
Loved the talky stuff tho' from Jordan. He is a good fucker and really enjoyed it. Definitely a 5*, but could have been 6* with kissing and a bit more show of interest from Jordan in the foreplay. Maybe he would be better with another straight boy.
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Overall a great video except G sure could have used a hair cut and did anyone notice the dust on that end table? I really thought the use of generic bottled water was sort of tacky. And I am really getting sick and tired of the shoos that the camera man keeps wearing to these shoots. I don't think he is really gay and this is supposed to be gay owned and operated??? Hello people aren't we paying attention here. If these videos don't improve I'm going to cancel my membership. I gave it a 5....:001_tt2:
I'm with Baal. WOW! Loved it. It seems the more Jordan does, the better he gets. I think he's getting more comfortable with m/m action on cam. Giovani is a great partner and is so into it that it increases the comfort level considerably. I gave it a 5. Hopefully, Jordan will, with time and experience, be willing to jump right in and do it with the same enthusiasm shown in his recent solo. God, he's cute :) Giovani is a great player and hope he is around for a long time too. He has a great body and cock and is really cute.
I will shamelessly admit that right now I can't touch myself any more because after watching this full-length video three times straight while being very "aggressive" myself down there with the little issue we boys like to call "morning wood" I now nearly have a case of blue balls! LOL! :001_tt1: I was the designated driver last night for a couple of straight guys talking about blow jobs, so you can only imagine the sexual tension and frustration I had last night while trying to haul them home. The one guy was legitimately curious about it---he tried to overkill the "Whoa, man! Too much info!" sort of spiel and I have to admit I was half-tempted to say he could spend the night at my place. LOL! I shot a massive load last night and will probably get off again in a few minutes while lusting over what is easily one of my Top 5 favorite videos now on Broke Straight Boys!

Perhaps I'm just dense but I didn't realize until this shoot that Giovanni was gay. That turned me on just a bit more because now I can see that there are some cute Italian boys running amok that I could have a chance with! :thumbup1: I have to admit that I also, like the others, got the sense that there was less passion on the part of Jordan towards Giovanni in this shoot, and while that was a bit of a let-down overall I couldn't have asked for much of a hotter scene. Besides, Jordan is supposed to be the "straight" one, is he not? If all he wanted to do was make out with Giovanni and suck him off part of that straight-on-gay allure that really turns me on so much would have been lost.

Man, I can't even tell you how much I'd loved to have been a fly on that wall during the shoot! LOL! The thought of lying on my back under Giovanni to give him head and a massage while Jordan was fucking him doggy-style? MMMMMMMM!!!! Or even a Jordan and Giovanni tag team? YUMMY! I think it would be hot to see Giovanni fucked by Jordan again while sucking off Tyler, but then again that's just me! :tagteam:

Excuse me now while I go tend to some "business" while thinking of a curly-haired and semi-aggressive adonis with his well-tanned and gorgeous-eyed Italian counterpart!
Jordan really got into sucking cock last time, wish he had done some of that in this video.
Hail Comicus Maximus! We who are about to die from laughing salute you! I humbly bow down before you. If I have to enter the arena again I want you as my captain. (Of course, I want Jordan to back me up. I have a feeling his screams would scare away the lions and tigers and bears. I would then at least die with a smile on my face!) I spoke with management about the straight camera man. He was a substitute hired to save money to afford the phoney Brazillian wax job on the equity actor hired to play Giovanni who was actually a voice-over artist from Corbin-Fisher. I thought surely you would recognize some of the higher notes he hit when the shoo-man had to explain to the blonde-afro stand-in for the stunt-dick what he meant by 'putting him on his back.' It came just before the big line, which I'm really embarrassed to say the scriptwriter should be fired over, "This is fuckin' awesome." My mother, Denny, raised me to be generous to a fault and once a year I give my husband a charity fuck whether he has earned it or not. So in honor of the fact that I think I forgot to do that this year, I gave a charity '5' to this scene. I'm embarrassed because it should have been a '6' or '7' but I didn't know how to ask for change.
I was the designated driver last night for a couple of straight guys talking about blow jobs, so you can only imagine the sexual tension and frustration I had last night while trying to haul them home. The one guy was legitimately curious about it---he tried to overkill the "Whoa, man! Too much info!" sort of spiel and I have to admit I was half-tempted to say he could spend the night at my place. LOL! I shot a massive load last night and will probably get off again in a few minutes while lusting over what is easily one of my Top 5 favorite videos now on Broke Straight Boys!
I love when you tell us about your experiences with straight guys, RunningScorpio. I remember a very hot experience that you shared with us, just before you had moved to your new home. I believe it was a straight guy who you met from Craigslist, who I believe you gave a nice blowjob to, before he ran away after cumming......a typical reaction from a newbie to having a guy suck his dick. Once he cums, he is remorseful and wants to head for the hills........:001_smile:

Anyway, if you want to share anything more about the two straight guys in your car talking about blowjobs, I for one would be fascinated to read all about it. Being young and sexy yourself, you have an advantage over some of us more "mature" members of this site, in seducing straight young dudes.
Jordan is fast becoming my new favorite Broke Straight Boys model, although it seems to me he was more "affectionate" (not necessarily kissing, but lots of little things -- touching, caressing, sitting close, etc.) with his partners in some of his previous videos. Maybe he had his reasons in this most recent appearance with Giovanni. Anyway, I hope Jordan has not decided to hold back on affectionate gestures in order to appear "more straight." Mind you, this is not a complaint, more of an observation or comment. I really like Jordan and hope he is going to be around Broke Straight Boys for a good while.
Jordan is HOT!!!

Jordan has become my current "favorite" Broke Straight Boys model, since the release of his audition tape in Dave's office, earlier this week. One of the great aspects of Broke Straight Boys is that in a sense, I get to know the repeat models. I don't mean that I really know who they are outside of the studio, but with Dave's style, and depending on the model's openness, we can get to know who these guys are, to an extent. After watching him in the audition, I fell in love with this guy, (even though I had seen him before, he didn't strike me as that special until the two most recent scenes).

I absolutely loved him with Giovanni. Giovanni is a very hot young gay guy, and he was the perfect match for a hot young straight guy in Jordan. I liked the way Jordan shook his head repeatedly, saying no to receiving anal for $1500. He seems as adamant about not getting fucked as Shane, another very hot straight boy on the site.

I am one of the few guys here, who usually prefers sucking to fucking, but in this film, Jordan was incredible fucking Giovanni. His body looked the best I've seen him while fucking. I guess that is something that comes very naturally to young straight guys. Giovanni said that he likes aggressive guys to fuck him hard, and Jordan delivered the goods extraordinarily well. And he used the same type of "dirty talk" that we heard in his solo scene, a lot of "oh fuck" and "Ahh yeah". I assume that is how he usually reacts when jerking off or getting sucked, or fucking. He is a sexual animal, a naturally sexy young guy.

I hope that he is still working for the company, and I wouldn't be shocked to see him bottom in the future. But like Tyler, who bottomed for a while, and then stopped, saying it makes him feel like a girl. So we will see what happens in that regard with Jordan, but I hope that he sticks around for a while. He sure is purdy:001_tongue:.
I think Jordan discovered just how much fun Gay sex can be eventhough he was topping. Wow, he really started to get into it. Gee, and to think he wasn't sure he could get it up... Great job Giovani and Jordan...:thumbup: Keep up the great work.:thumbup: