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Gay Porn Star Model Ashton Taylor

Sounds like good and reasonable speculation to me. However, did I miss "Jared" somewhere? I saw him on an earlier Twitter feed, I believe with Tanner. But the writing on the picture said "fluff on the set" or something like that. I need to go back and look. All of what you and Betu brought forward makes sense. But to be perfectly honest, I am almost "burned out" on the Ashton drama. I am ready to see Jos Alvarez do his thing. Yes, it's time for Ashton to take a break. There are many newbies waiting for their turn.:001_smile:

Yes, you are right...

You are right about Jared... There are pictures of him with the newbie Landon, so I believe he was there two.

And you are right about Jos Alvarez... I'm looking forward to him sim!!! I have a good feeling about his one!:thumbup1:
I disagree with the comment about maybe not pairing him with the most Beatiful men. A couple of them are so pretty they would make a lot of girls jealous. If a straight boy is going to do a boy I think the prettier the better.
I disagree with the comment about maybe not pairing him with the most Beatiful men. A couple of them are so pretty they would make a lot of girls jealous. If a straight boy is going to do a boy I think the prettier the better.
I Love Beautiful men. So I agree with You. Gay or Straight I would rather look at a pretty boy anytime. Or Handsome.
Someone said Justin was a little to fem. I would not have to think for a second about having him in my bed.lol xo
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I disagree with the comment about maybe not pairing him with the most Beatiful men. A couple of them are so pretty they would make a lot of girls jealous. If a straight boy is going to do a boy I think the prettier the better.

where is this comment made? What "beautiful men" are they talking about? Inquiring minds want to know? haha:biggrin:
I disagree with the comment about maybe not pairing him with the most Beatiful men. A couple of them are so pretty they would make a lot of girls jealous. If a straight boy is going to do a boy I think the prettier the better.
I agree that the straighter of the guys who come to Broke Straight Boys are probably going to feel more comfortable fucking a "pretty boy" like a Tanner, Justin, Dillon or from the recent past, a Gage Owens than a big hairier muscle boy type. Not always necessarily true, but it is an observation that I've made over the years that some of the hotter scenes are between "straight" types and "pretty boy" types.
You gave me shivers coupling Gage Owens with "the recent past." I certainly hope Broke Straight Boys and Sha, in particular, have not retired Gage Owens from the site. I think it might be time to call that boy and get him back in the mix of "chosen ones." Love that boy!!!

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PS Rowan can cum with him too!!!

Hell yes.......Gage Owens would be perfect for any and all of these new guys...........Always thought he was very pretty. Wish they would have paired him with Brady B..
I disagree with the comment about maybe not pairing him with the most Beatiful men. A couple of them are so pretty they would make a lot of girls jealous. If a straight boy is going to do a boy I think the prettier the better.

I did find this comment interesting, in that it made me think? We as gay men, see other men we think are attractive and sometimes wonder "how can someone else not see what I see?" If I were in the position of being a young guy who has started to do porn, I don't know if physical attractiveness would be my biggest turn on as much as someone with whom I could easily work with? Maybe someone with whom I had some common ground? When I think back to the earlier scenes with Johnny Forza and Adam Baer, both very attractive from a gay man's perspective. Both guys straighter appearing and presentation, both doing gay porn. In the interviews and BTS, I got the impression that they had more in common with things that were difficult for them doing scenes and yet, when you watch them paired, there was almost a "chemistry". Now, I can't speak from a straight man's perspective because, I'm not one but I can say from personal experience if I'm going to be with a woman, I want her to be a pretty womanly one, not one who resembles a man.....if that makes sense?
I see Ashton will Fuck Cage Kafig August 27th. Almost seems they are TRYING to destroy Ashton's porn career. Oh Well. Hope for the best for the pretty boy. Lot of pressure this time..
I see Ashton will Fuck Cage Kafig August 27th. Almost seems they are TRYING to destroy Ashton's porn career. Oh Well. Hope for the best for the pretty boy. Lot of pressure this time..
I will watch as I am still a big fan of Ashton's however I do not expect anymore than I have seen in "Ashton Fucks Tanner", or "Ashton Fucks Benjamin", or "Ashton Fucks Drake" or "Ashton Fucks Justin". Unless Ashton takes a little blue pill which could change his whole level of performance. I love the kid but want to see him reach his full potential! :tongue:


Ashton is still on Page one of the highest rated models on the third row in the #16 slot rated at 4.52. I understand that he is still new and the ratings level off as time goes on, but it also proves that I am not the only "shallow" member here who votes for beauty, often more than for performance. Also his six appearances including his behind the scenes interview and solo are currently rated:

BTS 4.64
Solo 4.44
with Tanner 4.67
with Ben 4.1
with Drake 4.36
with Justin 3.78

Not bad scores, and of course his scene partners are included in the over-all ratings, but even the #4 ranked model Ronan Kennedy, received a low score with Flip, so the numbers with Ashton indicate that despite his shortcomings that we've discussed here, over-all membership, including folks who've probably never even read this forum seem to like Ashton just fine so far. :tongue:
That's very chivalrous of you to stand up for Ashton here Mikey. :) I totally agree that Ashton still has s hot at being here for the long haul. One scene with mediocre ratings does not a career end. I hope that Ashton comes back better than ever. It may not be in his very next scene. But if the staff can successfully do a re-set with him and he gains more confidence with continued OJT, he could still put himself in the league of some of the site's most popular models.
That's very chivalrous of you to stand up for Ashton here Mikey. :) I totally agree that Ashton still has s hot at being here for the long haul. One scene with mediocre ratings does not a career end. I hope that Ashton comes back better than ever. It may not be in his very next scene. But if the staff can successfully do a re-set with him and he gains more confidence with continued OJT, he could still put himself in the league of some of the site's most popular models.

Well said Tampa. And I appreciate Mikey's remarks too. Here's where I am with Ashton:

I admit I'm totally hopeless when it comes to a hot body with a dick. I'll fall for him every time. And Ashton has a fucking hot body and a BEAUTIFUL dick. This guy could do anything he wanted to do to my BODY. Anything. He's so hot and beautiful.

Fortunately my parents and grandparents knew that I needed nice clothes and a nice car. My old grandfather bought me one of the first generation of Corvettes in made in 1953, when I was young and fucking hot. I'm driving along in 1957 in a '57 Corvette. It was the early stages of Interstate 40, when they were first building it. It was after dark and freezing cold and there was this little hitchhiker that I picked up, becasuse it was so cold. This guy was NEARLY frozen to death. He didn't have a coat or even warm clothing. (He'd started out in Southern California) Fucking near frozen. As soon a I got the fucker into my car, I realized that he stank like a nasty dog (which in itself was kinda hot! - LOL). But it was also immediately clear that this kid was blond, beautifully built, and was hot as a freshly fucked fox. He oozed sexuality! Damn he was pretty.

So I'm thinking I should wash him off and suck his dick. This is near Oklahoma City, where I was going. So I asked him if he'd ever had an experience with a guy. He hadn't. I told him I'd get us a room if he was willing to let me experiement with his body some, and he was pretty sure no one would ever find out. He didn't want any more of that freezing weather, so he readily agreed. I stopped. Fed him. And we got rooms that were connected so I could lock him out and sleep in a separate room, for security. I got the kid all washed up, warmed up, fed and feeling better, and naked in bed with me so I could experiment.

Well, it turns out the kid has a dick about 3 inches long. Not even as big as your hand, but when I put his hands on my dick so he could feel how a REAL dick feels, it made his little dick hard as a fucking rock. So I did my regular sucking and jerking the kid off and I'm just saying, this kid busted nuts all over the place and I busted nuts all over him.

And, I'm not NEAR through with this kid YET. So, then, the next morning. I take us to breakfast and explain to him how fucking works. He lived about 40 miles off the route I was going, but I agreed to take him to his home if he's let me experiement a little further with his body. This guy really wanted to go hom, so we went back to this motel. In those days we didn't have Dildo's and things like you have now. I wanted to fuck this kid's ass, and about the only way I had of prepping him was an enema bottle, and I filled his hot little ass up with warm water, stretched it out some, let his ass get used to the stretching, and took a couple of fingers and opened him right up. Then with some vaseline, I was able to get that little ass hole way open enough to fuck him good. This straight kid LOVD that fucking.

See, I think one of the cruel conditions that men, gay or straight, can endure is NEVER knowing the intense sexual experience of a good ass fucking. There is NO other sexual experience to match it. I don't think ANYTHING else feels that good.

This is where I am with Ashton. (I'm guessing) he has some mental block against having his ass penetrated, or we would have seen signs of it coming by now. The kid is hopelessly straight, unless I've got it all wrong. And the way you get around that mental block is just by good explanation. I've been over this road with straight guys so many times in my life. I think no one has really given Ashton the "sales pitch" on getting his ass penetrated. Made it conceptjually acceptable to him and to let him perceive for the first time how good it will feel. I wish I had the opportunity to explain it to him. I can talk almost anyone into anything. I have always believed that I could have talked even Tim Haynes into letting someone fuck his ass. Not that anyhone necessarily wanted to see this, but in Ashton's case, it would open a new world, to him and to us! Oh Jeeze!

Because I'm telling you, if we got Ashton in the right frame of mind, got him properly prepped, and laid down in front of a hot guy that knew how to fuck, sweetly and gently. Maybe not such a big dick to scare him. Maybe darline little sizzline hot Romeo. I'm pretty sure we could turn this kid into one fabulous hot bottom star on Broke Straight Boys Just think of the possibility!

It will be a long long time before we see another guy that has the personal magic and raw sex appeal that Ashton has. I think Broke Straight Boys asks models if they want to be fucked, and then accept whatever answer they get. Fuck NO! We need to drill that well. The magic is in the convincing pitch and the good preparation. I think we could be on the virge of a star being born here of Johnny Forza' or Dillon Anderson's stature.

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My Dearest Friend on the Forum is gonna hate me. Sorry mike..But Ashton is cute. But he is no Johnny Forza. But that is just what I feel.
Johnny Forza really had " IT " Ashton is cute.

I agree johnny. Sadly, though, they both share the same syndrome but as you said Johnny had "it" whereas Ashton is just cute.
Well said Tampa. And I appreciate Mikey's remarks too. Here's where I am with Ashton:

I admit I'm totally hopeless when it comes to a hot body with a dick. I'll fall for him every time. And Ashton has a fucking hot body and a BEAUTIFUL dick. This guy could do anything he wanted to do to my BODY. Anything. He's so hot and beautiful.

Fortunately my parents and grandparents knew that I needed nice clothes and a nice car. My old grandfather bought me one of the first generation of Corvettes in made in 1953, when I was young and fucking hot. I'm driving along in 1957 in a '57 Corvette. It was the early stages of Interstate 40, when they were first building it. It was after dark and freezing cold and there was this little hitchhiker that I picked up, becasuse it was so cold. This guy was NEARLY frozen to death. He didn't have a coat or even warm clothing. (He'd started out in Southern California) Fucking near frozen. As soon a I got the fucker into my car, I realized that he stank like a nasty dog (which in itself was kinda hot! - LOL). But it was also immediately clear that this kid was blond, beautifully built, and was hot as a freshly fucked fox. He oozed sexuality! Damn he was pretty.

So I'm thinking I should wash him off and suck his dick. This is near Oklahoma City, where I was going. So I asked him if he'd ever had an experience with a guy. He hadn't. I told him I'd get us a room if he was willing to let me experiement with his body some, and he was pretty sure no one would ever find out. He didn't want any more of that freezing weather, so he readily agreed. I stopped. Fed him. And we got rooms that were connected so I could lock him out and sleep in a separate room, for security. I got the kid all washed up, warmed up, fed and feeling better, and naked in bed with me so I could experiment.

Well, it turns out the kid has a dick about 3 inches long. Not even as big as your hand, but when I put his hands on my dick so he could feel how a REAL dick feels, it made his little dick hard as a fucking rock. So I did my regular sucking and jerking the kid off and I'm just saying, this kid busted nuts all over the place and I busted nuts all over him.

And, I'm not NEAR through with this kid YET. So, then, the next morning. I take us to breakfast and explain to him how fucking works. He lived about 40 miles off the route I was going, but I agreed to take him to his home if he's let me experiement a little further with his body. This guy really wanted to go hom, so we went back to this motel. In those days we didn't have Dildo's and things like you have now. I wanted to fuck this kid's ass, and about the only way I had of prepping him was an enema bottle, and I filled his hot little ass up with warm water, stretched it out some, let his ass get used to the stretching, and took a couple of fingers and opened him right up. Then with some vaseline, I was able to get that little ass hole way open enough to fuck him good. This straight kid LOVD that fucking.

See, I think one of the cruel conditions that men, gay or straight, can endure is NEVER knowing the intense sexual experience of a good ass fucking. There is NO other sexual experience to match it. I don't think ANYTHING else feels that good.

This is where I am with Ashton. (I'm guessing) he has some mental block against having his ass penetrated, or we would have seen signs of it coming by now. The kid is hopelessly straight, unless I've got it all wrong. And the way you get around that mental block is just by good explanation. I've been over this road with straight guys so many times in my life. I think no one has really given Ashton the "sales pitch" on getting his ass penetrated. Made it conceptjually acceptable to him and to let him perceive for the first time how good it will feel. I wish I had the opportunity to explain it to him. I can talk almost anyone into anything. I have always believed that I could have talked even Tim Haynes into letting someone fuck his ass. Not that anyhone necessarily wanted to see this, but in Ashton's case, it would open a new world, to him and to us! Oh Jeeze!

Because I'm telling you, if we got Ashton in the right frame of mind, got him properly prepped, and laid down in front of a hot guy that knew how to fuck, sweetly and gently. Maybe not such a big dick to scare him. Maybe darline little sizzline hot Romeo. I'm pretty sure we could turn this kid into one fabulous hot bottom star on Broke Straight Boys Just think of the possibility!

It will be a long long time before we see another guy that has the personal magic and raw sex appeal that Ashton has. I think Broke Straight Boys asks models if they want to be fucked, and then accept whatever answer they get. Fuck NO! We need to drill that well. The magic is in the convincing pitch and the good preparation. I think we could be on the virge of a star being born here of Johnny Forza' or Dillon Anderson's stature.


You nailed it plain and simple.
In my enthusiasm, I always make a mistake posting things. I just remembered a fun experience I had when I was a kid, that I thought offered some possibilities for developing Ashton into a hot bottom, which I'd love to see. I can't seem to resist hyperbolizing. I was thinking we never know what we get if we don't explore the possibilities with Ashton.

But I agree that the hyperbole which compares Ashton with with Porno Icons like Johnny Forza or Dillon Anderson is probably a little over the line. I thought I had a fun story here, but I'm afraid I just went too far. LOL

I apologize for getting carried away.

Please don't pay any attention to me. I just run away sometimes with my observations. Sorry.
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In my enthusiasm, I always make a mistake posting things. I just remembered a fun experience I had when I was a kid, that I thought offered some possibilities for developing Ashton into a hot bottom, which I'd love to see. I can't seem to resist hyperbolizing. I was thinking we never know what we get if we don't explore the possibilities with Ashton.

But I agree that the hyperbole which compares Ashton with with Porno Icons like Johnny Forza or Dillon Anderson is probably a little over the line. I thought I had a fun story here, but I'm afraid I just went too far. LOL

I apologize for getting carried away.

Please don't pay any attention to me. I just run away sometimes with my observations. Sorry.

If I Were CHER . I Would Give You A Good Slap And Tell You To...SNAP OUT OF IT... xo
All I was trying to say is that as of now, Ashton still has over-all very high ratings as he is still on the third row of top models, despite the criticisms by the forum, myself included, for his lack of a solid erection when performing, and his unwillingness to bottom thus far. My point being that the scores come from total membership and not just the forum, and so he is still very appealing to over-all membership on the site. We shall see how his ratings go moving forward but for now he is doing very well in the ratings department.