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Gay Porn Models with Tattoos

Rough around the edges? Sorry I don't see it.

I see a hot twink with tattoos, might not be what I'd do, but I'd watch him fuck/get fucked 😏

Now I'd draw the line at Bo Sinn, his tattoos cross the line IMHO 🤢

I see a hot twink with tattoos, might not be what I'd do, but I'd watch him fuck/get fucked 😏

Now I'd draw the line at Bo Sinn, his tattoos cross the line IMHO 🤢

I have a different thought. When these guys with large tats get older what will they think, especially as the skin changes or they gain or lose lots of weight.
I see a hot twink with tattoos, might not be what I'd do, but I'd watch him fuck/get fucked 😏

Now I'd draw the line at Bo Sinn, his tattoos cross the line IMHO 🤢


I agree with you Chac! It’s their bodies and their generation. As an older guy, I have no right to tell them what to do. I hated it back in the late sixties and early seventies when older people told me and my generation that long hair and sideburns looked dirty or unkempt. I vowed then and try to maintain my vow not to be judgmental of how young people express themselves.
Tattoos are an art form that reflects a person's interest and thoughts. They can be beautiful and thought provoking and sometimes just god awful. I’ve chosen to look at a persons’ tattoos and to inquire about their meanings with no judgement on my part, after all a person puts tats on their body to show them off so I assume they’d like to share their meanings. I personally do not have any tatttoos and I totally enjoy a naked body, but tats can be sexy as well. I think I don’t have tattoos because I could never decide what would look good or have significant meaning to me. Thank god they can be removed these days with laser.
was raised that people that smoke are disgusting and that low-lifes have tattoos. To this day i do not hang out with people that smoke. I find tattoos disgusting and I am quite judgmental. That being said I like Broke Straight Boys and its models. I find the tattoos somewhat distracting during a scene and if it bothers me too much I click forward or off. So as long as the action keeps my attention I can ignore the distraction from the artwork.

And "NO", not all young guys have tats.
Tattoos are an art form that reflects a person's interest and thoughts. They can be beautiful and thought provoking and sometimes just god awful. I’ve chosen to look at a persons’ tattoos and to inquire about their meanings with no judgement on my part, after all a person puts tats on their body to show them off so I assume they’d like to share their meanings. I personally do not have any tatttoos and I totally enjoy a naked body, but tats can be sexy as well. I think I don’t have tattoos because I could never decide what would look good or have significant meaning to me. Thank god they can be removed these days with laser.

Thanks for your input. I love your avatar. I loved the brewer twins for so long.
I see a hot twink with tattoos, might not be what I'd do, but I'd watch him fuck/get fucked 😏

Now I'd draw the line at Bo Sinn, his tattoos cross the line IMHO 🤢


I love you, Chac, but Bo Sinn can get this ass anytime.
Hey! I didn't say he couldn't fuck me, just that I'm not a fan of his tattoos LOL I wouldn't say no either if he knocked on my door 😁

Though side note... I wonder what tattoo he covered up on his pec there
I think he used to have a tattoo that said “I love Chac54” and per my request he covered it to show his loyalty to me. lol. Jk.
I said elsewhere I don't care for tattoos, and they can often be a turn-off. This is irrespective of their value as art, which I can appreciate.

I wonder about why they are so popular nowadays, though. Did it just reach some kind of threshold where it went from being a thing "thugs" did and became something that young people often seem to treat as a rite of passage? When I was a kid, I never seriously considered a tattoo, in part because of the permanence of it. That's why I associate it with poor judgment. In my mind, to alter your body more-or-less irreparably could never be something you do casually.

I'm obviously not a model, so this is off-topic, so I hope you don't mind a little indulgence here, but I have only ever considered 2 tattoos with any sort of real thought. One is the Triforce, because I love The Legend of Zelda series soooooo much. And the Triforce is such an understated design. But beyond that, I haven't even thought where I would put such a thing on my body, and ultimately, it's from a video game. But then again, I'm someone who appreciates games as an artform as well.

The other is the sun. I am still thinking about it. My mother's name was Sol, Spanish for sun, and I have grieved much for her. When I think about how to honor her, I think of a tattoo, even though she had none. Sometimes when it's unpleasantly hot outside, I say sarcastically, "Thanks, mama." And when it's chilly and I leave the shade, feel its warmth, I'll say "Thanks, mama." So, the sun. Bringer of life. Mine personally, and to that of all the Earth.

I have a spot on my forearm I would put it. I consulted some people about how I should orient it. Is it for me, or is it for other people? I think I've come to the conclusion, if I get it, it would be kind of a mix. I once said I wished it was old days where I could wear a black armband to show I was in mourning, and a friend said I should, but that's too morose. But a little sun, reminding me of how she shined down on me with her love, sometimes harshly, could make me feel better. And maybe someone would ask me why I have it. (I usually wear short sleeves). As it's been six years, aside from PTSD flashes, it's harder to remember the good stuff and not just my grief. Something to automatically remind me of her warmth.

Man, I need therapy again. Here's looking forward to being so poor I qualify for Medicaid!
I think you should get the tattoo.

I don't have the life experience to help you through talking, but I think people here do - but also I hope that it helps to tell us this stuff in some way. And thankyou for sharing.

If you need therapy can't you just go to the doctor? It's free here.
I said elsewhere I don't care for tattoos, and they can often be a turn-off. This is irrespective of their value as art, which I can appreciate.

I wonder about why they are so popular nowadays, though. Did it just reach some kind of threshold where it went from being a thing "thugs" did and became something that young people often seem to treat as a rite of passage? When I was a kid, I never seriously considered a tattoo, in part because of the permanence of it. That's why I associate it with poor judgment. In my mind, to alter your body more-or-less irreparably could never be something you do casually.

I'm obviously not a model, so this is off-topic, so I hope you don't mind a little indulgence here, but I have only ever considered 2 tattoos with any sort of real thought. One is the Triforce, because I love The Legend of Zelda series soooooo much. And the Triforce is such an understated design. But beyond that, I haven't even thought where I would put such a thing on my body, and ultimately, it's from a video game. But then again, I'm someone who appreciates games as an artform as well.

The other is the sun. I am still thinking about it. My mother's name was Sol, Spanish for sun, and I have grieved much for her. When I think about how to honor her, I think of a tattoo, even though she had none. Sometimes when it's unpleasantly hot outside, I say sarcastically, "Thanks, mama." And when it's chilly and I leave the shade, feel its warmth, I'll say "Thanks, mama." So, the sun. Bringer of life. Mine personally, and to that of all the Earth.

I have a spot on my forearm I would put it. I consulted some people about how I should orient it. Is it for me, or is it for other people? I think I've come to the conclusion, if I get it, it would be kind of a mix. I once said I wished it was old days where I could wear a black armband to show I was in mourning, and a friend said I should, but that's too morose. But a little sun, reminding me of how she shined down on me with her love, sometimes harshly, could make me feel better. And maybe someone would ask me why I have it. (I usually wear short sleeves). As it's been six years, aside from PTSD flashes, it's harder to remember the good stuff and not just my grief. Something to automatically remind me of her warmth.

Man, I need therapy again. Here's looking forward to being so poor I qualify for Medicaid!
When I was a young man back in the Middle Ages, tattoos were most commonly seen on people who had been in jail or the military. As time has passed, the social taboo on them has lessened and they have become a popular form of expression, especially among the younger generations. I know many people who have tattoos and have discussed them with them. Everyone I have ever spoken to about tattoos has said one of two things about them. They either chose a tattoo because it held some significance to them or they became really drunk and got one because others were getting them. But in either set, none seemed upset or regretted doing so. The only situation where that did not apply was some former clients who had received gang tattoos and later, having decided they did not want anything to do with that lifestyle they regretted the tattoo.

For my part, while I was a Navy brat as a kid and wandered about the Pacific for a while in my early twenties, I never had any particular interest in getting a tattoo. But I have no issue with them per se. I have seen some really ugly ones over time and I have seen some that I thought were not located in the best location - like on one's faces. But it is very much a matter of personal taste. As for models with tattoos, that has never been an issue for me at all. Justin Case, or some other models who have some serious ink look just fine to me.