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Fuck, I Love Facebook...


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
I'm just staring at this photo...just damn.:001_wub:

I'm just staring at this photo...just damn.:001_wub:

Thank you Beth for posting that picture, as it is obviously new featuring Tyler, Kadim with his new tattoo, and my very favorite model* in the history of BSB2 is back, the one, the only AYDEN!!!!

I was afraid that he was gone for good, and one of his last scenes featured him bottoming, which I vehemently opposed, and I had supposed that he might have left due to his not wanting to do it again, but I'm as pleased as punch to see my guy back again.

*Yes I called Ayden my favorite BSB2 model, and I offer my apologies to Jimmy Johnson, but Ayden has even surpassed Jimmy in my adoration, but I still love Jimmy too! :thumbup:
MikeYank, do you not know by now, "Love means never having to say you are sorry." - LOVE STORY
MikeYank, do you not know by now, "Love means never having to say you are sorry." - LOVE STORY
Indeed I am old enough to remember that book and the movie were popular during my time in college and I had a crush on Ryan O'Neal too.



So I unashamedly profess my love for my AYDEN!!!!:smiley-love021:
Indeed I am old enough to remember that book and the movie were popular during my time in college and I had a crush on Ryan O'Neal too.



So I unashamedly profess my love for my AYDEN!!!!:smiley-love021:

There is never any shame whatsoever in professing love for someone. I love my late wife; I love my late son; I love my late godson; and I love my five - count 'em, 5! - furchildren and three feather babies. I also love reading many posts on here from very special people. (Smile, MikeYank and Ms. Beth - you are certainly among them!)
but I still love Jimmy too! :thumbup:

The first step in getting help Mikey.........is admitting that you have a problem. :rotflmao: LOL :p

I have to agree with you buddy that the very first thing I took note of....is that Ayden is back!!!

I'm very happy to see him. Right about the time that he was really hooking me as a fan...he left. I'm so pleased to see he's come back to us. With Johnny's interview style I'm very curious to know more about him. Even if it's just to learn a little bit more of his personality.

He looks great. And I like his haircut. :001_tt1:

Thank you Beth for sharing that with us!
The first step in getting help Mikey.........is admitting that you have a problem. :rotflmao: LOL :p
Okay Tampa, it's time to settle this once and for all. Get out your boxing gloves and we will settle this in the squared circle, the boxing ring as we engage in the manly sport of pugilism. :wink:

You know I am, and always will be loyal to my Jimmy, as he once called me his "dawg"!!!:biggrin:
Okay Tampa, it's time to settle this once and for all. Get out your boxing gloves and we will settle this in the squared circle, the boxing ring as we engage in the manly sport of pugilism. :wink:

You know I am, and always will be loyal to my Jimmy, as he once called me his "dawg"!!!:biggrin:

OMG. I love where this is going. I want front-row seats! The very art of online fisticuffs. This is amazing. Anyone bring popcorn and beer?
Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be? The sweet love story that is older than the sea. The simple truth about the love he brings to me? Where do I start?
With his first hello, he gave a meaning to this empty world of mine. There'll never be another day, another time. He came into my life and made my living fine. He fills my soul.
He fills my heart with very special things, with angels' songs, with wild imaginings. He fills my world with so much love that anywhere I go, I'm never lonely. With him along, who could be lonely? I reach for his hand; it's always there.
How long can it last? Can love be measured by the hours in a day? I have no answers now, but this much I can say: I know I'll need him 'til the stars all melt away - and he'll be there. (Just for you, Dawg.)
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Tampa and I have locked horns on the Jimmy Johnson issue countless times. There is nothing further to be said except that I am right and he is wrong. :sneaky2:

Of course, Tampa is very much aware you are indeed right, and he is indeed wrong.
So, I am too late for the fight? Damn it. I would screw up a wet dream and not even be in it.
I thought you would enjoy the lyrics to LOVE STORY. Sad thing is, MikeYank, even with my regrettably fading memories, some things, such as those lyrics remain reasonably intact. That is almost scary!
OMG. I love where this is going. I want front-row seats! The very art of online fisticuffs. This is amazing. Anyone bring popcorn and beer?
Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be? The sweet love story that is older than the sea. The simple truth about the love he brings to me? Where do I start?
With his first hello, he gave a meaning to this empty world of mine. There'll never be another day, another time. He came into my life and made my living fine. He fills my soul.
He fills my heart with very special things, with angels' songs, with wild imaginings. He fills my world with so much love that anywhere I go, I'm never lonely. With him along, who could be lonely? I reach for his hand; it's always there.
How long can it last? Can love be measured by the hours in a day? I have no answers now, but this much I can say: I know I'll need him 'til the stars all melt away - and he'll be there. (Just for you, Dawg.)

Fuck, how did you know? I try to hide it, but I can't stop staring and smiling, every time I see you. You truly light my life and I am better because of you!...

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This has to be one of the best bunches of models we've ever had. Just like everyone else has mentioned ayden is in the picture which begs the question of has he done more scenes and if he has when do we get to see them. I can't wait to see some of these guys paired up together.
This has to be one of the best bunches of models we've ever had. Just like everyone else has mentioned ayden is in the picture which begs the question of has he done more scenes and if he has when do we get to see them. I can't wait to see some of these guys paired up together.
I'd sure like to see Ayden with Vadim Black or Tyler, preferably fucking either one of them...................hard. I love watching Ayden fuck!!! :thumbup:
I'd sure like to see Ayden with Vadim Black or Tyler, preferably fucking either one of them...................hard. I love watching Ayden fuck!!! :thumbup:

I hope you all forgive me, but my innate cynicism is aroused (unfortunately, that is the ONLY thing I can get aroused anymore, but alas, life sucks). Something inside tells me not to get hopes too high re Ayden. For your sakes, I truly hope I am in error.

Good night, forumites. Spanks for an incredible day. No one spewed venom at anyone. How dare you all do the right thing! Anyway, time for my nightly knock-out drugs and booze. Have to love them all!
Cheers, y'all.
A bunch of good guys! Everyone of them in their own way.
We have to thank Mark and all those with him for making it possible!
Tampa and I have locked horns on the Jimmy Johnson issue countless times. There is nothing further to be said except that I am right and he is wrong. :sneaky2:


Mikey is quite right on this. Sparring over Jimmy Johnson and his merits/talents/contributions as a Broke Straight Boys model (or the total lack thereof) is one of our favorite pastimes. It's almost become a bonding game between us.

:movie: :Banane29: :ridehorse: :sign0004: