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For those intending to visit the UK - Don't

Brrr what a cold weekend it has been, overnight temps down to minus 11C at my mums and minus 18 not far away. A good friend and myself cleared my mums drive on Sat - it took us nearly 3 hours, but we finally cracked it. I departed this morning and drove the 80miles to Leeds through temps of -15 and my windscreen washer froze up - and yes I did have winter wash in the bottle.

Nice to see the Spanish govt eventually getting tough but guess they are going to have to get tough on a lot of things if they are to avoid the plight of the Irish and Greece.

On a happier and warmer note, I am now glad I bought mum a solid fuel burning fire for the lounge - the gas fire was rubbish and expensive - now this baby throws out 7kw of heat. I'm also fidgeting on with a new Iphone4 which I got on contract on Saturday. Hence me not being posting for a while.

Hope you didn't miss me too much lol xx

Wow! People think Colorado is a cold and snowy state, but honestly, we've only had a dusting so far, we have 300 days of sunshine here in Denver and we haven't had a day below 20, yet.... I don't envy you the cold there, Jon...

I'm green with envy. I have to wait till April to get the iPhone 4.... But until then, I'm still in love love love with my 3G. AND, I can read the forum, respond and watch all the HD vids from my phone... I can watch the older ones, but only by scene....

Enjoy your new toy... see you in a week:)
Originally Posted by slimvintage
Phillionaire is already here.

I hope you have a king size bed. I might get cold at night. :biggrin: :001_tt1:

A king size bed would not be big enough for Phill's ego
For those of you who can't make it to the Med with Jon and Slim and the gang, come to San Francisco instead. I'll gladly up you up at the "Cummings Hotel" on the Polk.