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For Mikeyank


BSB Addict
Aug 29, 2009
Reaction score
Way south Texas
For Mikeyank and anyone else interested, here is a recounting of a recent erotic and very unexpected occurence.

I teach at a university and have my own office with a floor plan housing several programs and a communal secretarial pool.

One day I was sitting at my desk when I heard two young college boys enter the secretary's offices. I couldn't see them at first, but they soon walked past my open door and I caught a glimpse. They looked promising.

After about an hour, I finished my work and went to my secretary to give her some directions. Alas, the two boys were still there seated in the waiting area. I turned and faced them and they looked up at me. Immediately, we exchanged smiles.

Eric was taller, brown wavy hair, piercing dark blues eyes under long curly eyelashes, a rosy blush to his cheeks, and a big killer smile framed by small dimples. Josh was smaller, cute also, with a GI Joe haircut, a nice but smaller smile, but with very sexy brown eyes, bedroom eyes.

Eric went in to see his professor and Josh and I stepped outside to talk. He was very amiable, they both were.Josh's eyes grew smaller as we somehow got onto the fact that he had no girlfriend and was always horny. We drew in closer as he started telling me what he missed the most about his former girlfriend.Even his breathing had changed. I could tell he was getting himself turned on.

About that time, Eric reappeared inside the offices. I invited Josh back in to come and see my office. We joined Eric inside and went into my office. Inside my office, with the door wide open, Josh stood in front and to my left, while Eric stood also in front of me,but to my right. I was looking at Eric and noticed that he turned to look at Josh, then leaned back and asked if he should close the door. I suggested perhaps we should and he did. As he was shutting the door, I turned as I felt Josh's thigh up against my left hand. He had moved in closer.

The conversation restarted in slightly muted voices, and I reached up and placed my hand on Eric's shoulder, and slowly brought it down on his upper chest. I held it there, then began to move it up and on on his upper chest, grazing his left nipple, which quickly became quite hard. I brought my hand down and moved it up the back up the nape of his neck as we continued to talk.

In the meantime, Josh began telling Eric that he was telling me about his girlfriend. As he did, I could feel this mini electric shock from his thigh. He proceeded to move his hand over his pocket, and stuck his thumb in his pocket, as his fingers moved up and down his growing shaft. When I realized he was hard, I felt myself suddenly flushed and nervous, my throat going dry.

I turned back to Eric and saw that his face also had become quite flushed. The two boys recounting hints of what appeared to be a 3-some between the two of them and this girl. As they did. my hand and finger tips were slowly coming down the middle of Eric's back till they rested over his ass. Josh in the meantime was trying to push his hardon against my left hand, which I purposely had dropped in front of his crotch.

I knew this couldn't go any further, not right then, and certainly not there. I brought my hands up to my face and and exclaimed, "wow, this is too much!
You boys are something else, animals!" All three of us laughed, I looked over at Josh and he winked at me, I looked over at Eric and he had this hot glazed look on his face.

I told them I would love to hear more some time, and informed them that I would be there working past 5:00 pm, when everyone else was gone. I said that if they were still in the area and wanted to, to stop by at that time. As if by instinct, I looked over at Eric and we both moved into each other in a hug. My hand was still on his ass, and as we hugged I pullled him in closer with that hand. Our bodies touched and I could feel Eric's erect cock press against my stomach. The embrace was quick, but it was awkward,and for the moment, it was enough. Josh was not to be left out, even as we had all moved towards the door. As Eric opend the door, Josh came up on my left side and ground his raging hard on against my left hip. He smiled and winked again, and said, " i'll see you later." With that they both exited my office and I all but collapsed in my chair.

As I sat there contemplating the events, I was overcome with guilt. I kept telling myself that NOTHING REALLY happened! Maybe I had misinterpreted. Maybe I was just projecting what I wanted to happen. One thing for sure, I had not imagined those erect cocks! I knew I had not imagined that! I did know that I had 2 hours left of my day! It was going to be hell concentrating on anything but those 2 boys. I had given each boy my business card with my personal cell number. I knew I would not see them again today, but perhaps over the holidays, one, or both, would call me.
Boy was I wrong!

To be continued
Thank you

Wow! I am honored that you dedicated this story to me, and you have me totally aroused reading what transpired in your office. I very much do look forward to finding out exactly what happened.
Beware! Beware! To be continued is fraught with allegations!

For Mikeyank and anyone else interested, here is a recounting of a recent erotic and very unexpected occurence.

I teach at a university and have my own office with a floor plan housing several programs and a communal secretarial pool.

One day I was sitting at my desk when I heard two young college boys enter the secretary's offices. I couldn't see them at first, but they soon walked past my open door and I caught a glimpse. They looked promising.

After about an hour, I finished my work and went to my secretary to give her some directions. Alas, the two boys were still there seated in the waiting area. I turned and faced them and they looked up at me. Immediately, we exchanged smiles.

Eric was taller, brown wavy hair, piercing dark blues eyes under long curly eyelashes, a rosy blush to his cheeks, and a big killer smile framed by small dimples. Josh was smaller, cute also, with a GI Joe haircut, a nice but smaller smile, but with very sexy brown eyes, bedroom eyes.

Eric went in to see his professor and Josh and I stepped outside to talk. He was very amiable, they both were.Josh's eyes grew smaller as we somehow got onto the fact that he had no girlfriend and was always horny. We drew in closer as he started telling me what he missed the most about his former girlfriend.Even his breathing had changed. I could tell he was getting himself turned on.

About that time, Eric reappeared inside the offices. I invited Josh back in to come and see my office. We joined Eric inside and went into my office. Inside my office, with the door wide open, Josh stood in front and to my left, while Eric stood also in front of me,but to my right. I was looking at Eric and noticed that he turned to look at Josh, then leaned back and asked if he should close the door. I suggested perhaps we should and he did. As he was shutting the door, I turned as I felt Josh's thigh up against my left hand. He had moved in closer.

The conversation restarted in slightly muted voices, and I reached up and placed my hand on Eric's shoulder, and slowly brought it down on his upper chest. I held it there, then began to move it up and on on his upper chest, grazing his left nipple, which quickly became quite hard. I brought my hand down and moved it up the back up the nape of his neck as we continued to talk.

In the meantime, Josh began telling Eric that he was telling me about his girlfriend. As he did, I could feel this mini electric shock from his thigh. He proceeded to move his hand over his pocket, and stuck his thumb in his pocket, as his fingers moved up and down his growing shaft. When I realized he was hard, I felt myself suddenly flushed and nervous, my throat going dry.

I turned back to Eric and saw that his face also had become quite flushed. The two boys recounting hints of what appeared to be a 3-some between the two of them and this girl. As they did. my hand and finger tips were slowly coming down the middle of Eric's back till they rested over his ass. Josh in the meantime was trying to push his hardon against my left hand, which I purposely had dropped in front of his crotch.

I knew this couldn't go any further, not right then, and certainly not there. I brought my hands up to my face and and exclaimed, "wow, this is too much!
You boys are something else, animals!" All three of us laughed, I looked over at Josh and he winked at me, I looked over at Eric and he had this hot glazed look on his face.

I told them I would love to hear more some time, and informed them that I would be there working past 5:00 pm, when everyone else was gone. I said that if they were still in the area and wanted to, to stop by at that time. As if by instinct, I looked over at Eric and we both moved into each other in a hug. My hand was still on his ass, and as we hugged I pullled him in closer with that hand. Our bodies touched and I could feel Eric's erect cock press against my stomach. The embrace was quick, but it was awkward,and for the moment, it was enough. Josh was not to be left out, even as we had all moved towards the door. As Eric opend the door, Josh came up on my left side and ground his raging hard on against my left hip. He smiled and winked again, and said, " i'll see you later." With that they both exited my office and I all but collapsed in my chair.

As I sat there contemplating the events, I was overcome with guilt. I kept telling myself that NOTHING REALLY happened! Maybe I had misinterpreted. Maybe I was just projecting what I wanted to happen. One thing for sure, I had not imagined those erect cocks! I knew I had not imagined that! I did know that I had 2 hours left of my day! It was going to be hell concentrating on anything but those 2 boys. I had given each boy my business card with my personal cell number. I knew I would not see them again today, but perhaps over the holidays, one, or both, would call me.
Boy was I wrong!

To be continued

Dear JLips4u,

Take this warning for what it is worth. Having suffered at Mikeyank's poison pen, I can tell you from experience that words like "To be continued" is fraught with allegations, such as Mikeyank's favorite, namely "prick tease".

Knowing your background in education and having spent myself 36 years as a high school counselor and educator, don't be surprised if he soon follows his seemingly supportive words only to then turn 180 degrees and refer to you more harshly than is typically used in the education field. Undie and I were among his last victims of such verbal abuse when we shared personal experiences with straight guys hitting on us. I don't know exactly what gets MY going but, perhaps it is the whole straight/gay thing or maybe it is that he simply is a grumpy old man not wanting anyone else to have some fun, too.

I've done my best. Take heed and avoid the wrath that is Mikeyank!


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy

Wow! I am honored that you dedicated this story to me, and you have me totally aroused reading what transpired in your office. I very much do look forward to finding out exactly what happened.

Dear Mikeyank,

I now know you definitely don't like being interrupted in mid-stroke, whether it is just a pen or your pen...is. As you can see, JLips4u has been fully apprised of your habits and is expecting your predictable reply should there be further delay.

Please let your anamosities you feel towards me not carry over for another gifted forum story teller and writer or I will have to turn your name over to the principal's office for further action.

Dear Mikeyank,

I now know you definitely don't like being interrupted in mid-stroke, whether it is just a pen or your pen...is. As you can see, JLips4u has been fully apprised of your habits and is expecting your predictable reply should there be further delay.

Please let your anamosities you feel towards me not carry over for another gifted forum story teller and writer or I will have to turn your name over to the principal's office for further action.

I'm getting used to "edging" while reading stories by forumite authors, Stimpy. You guy's all are getting me good at practicing "coitus interruptus" of the right hand.

But I have faith that my friend JLips4u will "cum" through with an explosive finish to his experience with those college students and their hard cocks that they let him see in his office. It all sounds so hot and so "yummy" too. :001_tt2:
Part Two

It was finally 5 o'clock and everyone began to vacate the offices. At 5:15 no one had shown up and I packed my bag to go home. As I was locking up my office, I heard a banging at the front doors. My heart skipped a beat, "it couldn't be them", i thought to myself. I looked out,and lo and behold it the two boys, Eric and Josh, both grinning from ear to ear and waving at me. I let them in and told them I was shocked to find them still on campus.

I led them to my office and this time Josh was asking if everyone was indeed gone and that I was alone. I reassured him that I was alone but couldn't be certain that no one would return, as unlikely as that seemed.

Josh closed the door and I sat in a chair in front of my desk while Eric had leaned up against my desk. Josh pushed him closer towards me and also leaned up against my desk. Eric looked kind of nervous, but Josh started talking right away. He had enjoyed our conversation from earleir and was anxious to tell me more details. He nudged Eric and told himtotell me about his girlfriend.

Eric told recounted how they had all 3 gotten drunk one night at Josh's apartment and decided to play poker,and then strip poker. Being as they were all drunk and horny, one thing led to another and the 2 boys took turns fucking her. ( I keep saying boys, but Eric is 21 and Josh is 23, FYI)

By now josh was again hard as a rock and feeling his cock through his jeans as Eric let the details of their drunken adventure.I wasn't sure how this was going to play out and was not comfortable sitting there, so I stood up and asked them to let me sit between them. Eric was now on my left and josh to my right. I placed my feet on the chair I had been sitting on to further separate them. As I got settled, Josh immediately stood and pressed himself against my leg, grining widely and winking at me. Eric was still leaning his butt against my desk. I reached over and placed my hand on Eric's neck and shook him gently calling him an animal. I then started asking them about the events and slowly ran my hand down his back again, all the way down to his ass.

Josh was very discreetly humping my leg with his now raging hardon, so I turned to him and started asking how he had enjoyed the whole thing. HE began telling me that he had wanted to all along since he had also had the hots for Eric's girlfriend. Mean while, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Eric was possibly touching himself as I was facing Josh. I grabbed his jeand at the waist, trying to pull him further back on my desk, which he promptly did.

As Eric got comfortable, I reached with my right hand and placed it on Josh's shoulder running my hand up and down his very muscular arm. I asked if they had fucked her at the same time, a double penetration, to which he responded no, but he had wanted to.
Eric laguhed saying his girlfriend woujld not have gone for that.

I turned to face Eric, and I could see his jeans were bulging in the front, so I placedmy hand on his thigh and asked if he had already tried anal with his girlfriend. AS soon as my open hand was on his thigh, I felt his thight muscles jump. I knew from experiecne that meant his cock woujld have throbbed , so I began giving his thigh a gentle squeeze from time to time. Each time i did, I felt that familiar muscle twitch in his thigh, I knew he had to be getting hard.

Josh in the meantime, had turned slightly and pressed his hardon against my open hand, which I had dropped to the edge of the desk. As I continued to face Eric and chat with him,I deflty opened my fingers of my right hand and began to feel Josh's hard cock. His cock began to pulse as my fingers moved up and down his hard shaft. I looked over at him quickly and he had his eyes closed, enjoying the feel of my fingers on his hardon.

The whole time I was truning fromone to the other and asking them about experiences, my left hand moved closer towards Ereic hard cock each time I gave his thigh a squeeze. I asked them both if she had sucked their cocks as they took turns fucking her, as my hands worked to get a handful of each boy. My fingers found Josh's zipper and I slowly pulled it down and began to reach inside his jeans. My left hand was almost at Eric's hard cock, I could feel the heat emanating from his hardon and I could now feel his cock throb eaech time I squeezed his thigh. My fingers began to shake slightly as I was so worked up myself, and nervous.

I turned to face Josh again, as my fingers slipped into his boxers, and finally ehld his throbbing cock inmy finger tips.I asked if he was not embarrased to have sex in front of Eric, and he responded that they were good buddies, and they were cool. With that, Josh pulled his jeans open and let out his hard cock, my fingers wrapped around the shaft, so I began to stroke it. I was looking down at his cock, but i could see he was sending Eric some signal with this head.

I looked back to Eric and was shocked to find he had unzipped his fly and was already pulling his cock out. With that, Eric stood up and opened his jeans and pulled his raging hardon out. So, I reached over and started stroking him. I now had both cocks inmy hands.

At that, I stood up and pushed the boys together in front of me, leaning against the desk, and I sat in the chair again, a cock in each hand.Eric's cock was beautiful, about 7.5 inches and cut. Josh was aabout 6 inches but thicker, and as I stroked him, I went down on Eric's cock.

My head was swimming as I smelled the sweet young musky odor of Eric's crotch. I kissed the tip and his cock throbbed as my lips encircled the head and it disappeared down my throat. He let out a little gasp as my mouth took the whole length of his cock dwn my throat. He tasted so good.

I sucked him for several minutes, then turned my attention to Josh. His cock was leaking precum donw over my fingers as I stroked him. I icked it off the tip of his head and in one fell swoop, I took his whole cock down my throat. I sucked both, back and forth and it was not long before they were ready to reward me with their young hot loads. I let Eric cum all over my fface, and with his cum dripping down my face, I swallowed Josh's load. By 6:15 the boys had literally cum and gone, and I went home with yet another hot yet unexpected adventure,

Post Script:
I ran into the boys 3 days later. I thought they were going to pretend not to see me, but they were both still very friendly and warm. They admitted that they had both been aroused the very first time we met, and they had discussed coming back that afternoon and allowing me to suck them both. They enjoyed themselves, and Josh commented that he wanted my ass. I gave them my cell phone again, and invited them to come and see me over the holidays. We shall see!
Dear JLips4u,

Take this warning for what it is worth. Having suffered at Mikeyank's poison pen, I can tell you from experience that words like "To be continued" is fraught with allegations, such as Mikeyank's favorite, namely "prick tease".

Knowing your background in education and having spent myself 36 years as a high school counselor and educator, don't be surprised if he soon follows his seemingly supportive words only to then turn 180 degrees and refer to you more harshly than is typically used in the education field. Undie and I were among his last victims of such verbal abuse when we shared personal experiences with straight guys hitting on us. I don't know exactly what gets MY going but, perhaps it is the whole straight/gay thing or maybe it is that he simply is a grumpy old man not wanting anyone else to have some fun, too.

I've done my best. Take heed and avoid the wrath that is Mikeyank!


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy

Wow! My Christmas wish, was to survive the holidays being stuck between in town family and out of town family, that don't like each, make snide comments about each other, and always make me feel caught in the middle.

Someone is always offended if I get on my computer for an escape, but this thread feels like my house.:scared:

Your story was hot. I loved it! I hope at least one of them calls you.:001_tt1::001_tt1::001_tt1:
Thank you JLipps for that hot story. Please do let us know if either one contacts you during the break. Perhaps their girlfriends are not available, and they need to visit you for some relief. You are fortunate that these two hot young studs enjoy feeding you their young hard cock's and their fresh loads too.

And Stimpy, as JLipps finished his story promptly, I will not have to "harass" him for the steamy conclusion, as he finished, and so now I will too. :001_tt2:
Thank you Ms.K. I enjoy recalling and writing about my experiences, and I have plenty! I have had a very blessed life with countless encounters much like I just wrote about.

I totally understand your predicament about the holidays. Our family was much the same, I think most families are like that. I nowonly invite and share our holidays with relatives who are easy going and not into all the family drama. It has made the holidays much more memorable over the last couple of years. Life is too short to be spending with people who bring turmoil and discontent into your life. Better to keep them at a distance, and that goes for siblings as well. Eventually they do get the message, and have the choice of changing their behavior and being included, or stay as they are and remain on the outside.

For all those who enjoy reading about real life experiences with straight guys, I will continue to post these. Only their names are changed, but the actual stories are directly the product of my own experiences.
For all those who enjoy reading about real life experiences with straight guys, I will continue to post these. Only their names are changed, but the actual stories are directly the product of my own experiences.
That's great news, as true life experiences, especially with straight guys are my favorite kind to read about. And perhaps your stories will inspire other's to share some stories with us as well.

After all, we are all paying members of a web site dedicated to the depiction of young straight males having gay sex, so there must be interest in the subject among the participating members of the forum.

As both Phillionaire and JLipps4u have shared, I'd love to read more. I may be inspired to share an experience or two that I have not yet written up as well.
Most excellent report Jlipps4u, I take it this is a true story which really makes it hot, so how long ago did it happen? I used to work in education myself but in technology. not teaching at a community collage. I used to almost die walking through the hallways especially in the summer. I never tried to hit on anyone but I sure wanted to. :tongue_smilie:
Remember, leadership has its price...

Thank you Ms.K. I enjoy recalling and writing about my experiences, and I have plenty! I have had a very blessed life with countless encounters much like I just wrote about.

I totally understand your predicament about the holidays. Our family was much the same, I think most families are like that. I nowonly invite and share our holidays with relatives who are easy going and not into all the family drama. It has made the holidays much more memorable over the last couple of years. Life is too short to be spending with people who bring turmoil and discontent into your life. Better to keep them at a distance, and that goes for siblings as well. Eventually they do get the message, and have the choice of changing their behavior and being included, or stay as they are and remain on the outside.

For all those who enjoy reading about real life experiences with straight guys, I will continue to post these. Only their names are changed, but the actual stories are directly the product of my own experiences.

Dear JLipps4u,

Great story, great descriptions, great rhythm, and it is easy to dance to.:masterbate: I can't imagine any forumite not looking forward to your next installment. It hits so many spots so very well. Keep up the good work as your actions justly deserve to be considered as a community service.:blowjob: Were it not for your prompt action, these fresh young things might have to seek release from some more disease prone source. Thankfully, you are there to intercede on their behalf tending to their immediate and explosive needs.

Yes, I know this can be a thankless job, from time to time requiring many unreimbursed hours of additional preparation and personal sacrifice beyond your normal days work. Hopefully, there is some justice in life's experiences and you will be duly rewarded with their glistening manhood being the necessary lubricant for additional services you can offer up for mankind's sake.:thumbup: Please, please remember to keep plenty of Bounty in your office, as it is the quicker picker upper and a trusted friend in meeting the emergency needs of these and other similarly deserving young men.

Quite frankly, all of this has me totally spent as the emotional impact has been so great and rewarding.:porn: Having worked with young students for 36 years at public high school, my personal experiences with horny and willing young men wouldn't fit on a postage stamp, in comparison. Perhaps, I should have focused my attention at post-secondary instead. Perhaps, this is another of life's cruel jokes on me!

Enough said. I want to extend to you my best wishes for a continuation of these stories that tear at one's heart-strings, and elicit more precum than I have seen in months. You have me undivided attention JLipps4u and my best wishes for a fulfilling and ever fruitful New Year!

Please don't go down the path of becoming a work-a-holic as all of this uncompensated overtime may take its tole on you. Even if you have to take your work home with you overnight, this might be preferable to taking the risks of having a nightwatchman interrupt you in mid-stroke or worse. Remember too, that there will always be a tomorrow with new opportunities to solve more raging problems as they take aim at you.
Disharmony on the web? Certainly not!

Wow! My Christmas wish, was to survive the holidays being stuck between in town family and out of town family, that don't like each, make snide comments about each other, and always make me feel caught in the middle.

Someone is always offended if I get on my computer for an escape, but this thread feels like my house.:scared:

Your story was hot. I loved it! I hope at least one of them calls you.

Dear Ms. Kianna,

My words of warning were shared to enlighten JLipps4u of my similar past experiences. I had no malice or mean spirited intentions for my cautionary warnings. Sorry you felt compelled to intercede as I am pleased to see Mikeyank has been fully rehabilitated. He is now comfortably catching his breath in his efforts while recovering from JLipps4u heart warming rendition of an educator with both a heart and a hard on which we should want to pattern our lives. Mentoring, after all, is one of the highest callings in life.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

My biggest regret was that you felt it necessary to interceed in this instance. Rest assured, I am not intending to ruffle anyone's feathers!


and Happy New Year, Ms. Kianna and All Forumites

Thank you all for your kind words. I used to share my experiences with my best friend, in fact, we often competed for the same guy. Besides best friends, we lived together off and on over a period of 25 years. Every now and then we would even share the same guy. That was great fun!

I have some ideas on how to go about this and I will share them as soon as I figure it out. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, a very happy and safe New Year to all. Please party responsibly.

Dear Ms. Kianna,

My words of warning were shared to enlighten JLipps4u of my similar past experiences. I had no malice or mean spirited intentions for my cautionary warnings. Sorry you felt compelled to intercede as I am pleased to see Mikeyank has been fully rehabilitated. He is now comfortably catching his breath in his efforts while recovering from JLipps4u heart warming rendition of an educator with both a heart and a hard on which we should want to pattern our lives. Mentoring, after all, is one of the highest callings in life.

My biggest regret was that you felt it necessary to interceed in this instance. Rest assured, I am not intending to ruffle anyone's feathers!



Thanks Stimpy,

Slimmie calls that the "Mama Grizzly Bear" in me. :blush::001_rolleyes:

It is interesting that the other person in your post, took the same name as a compliment, on how well Mike liked his story and wanted to hear more.:001_smile:
Happy New Year to all.
I have just posted a new story under a new thread entitled, "Tales of Lust and Seduction". I do not have a schedule for posting, but I will attempt to post new stories on days when there is no update.
Hope you will all enjoy.
Happy New Year to all.
I have just posted a new story under a new thread entitled, "Tales of Lust and Seduction". I do not have a schedule for posting, but I will attempt to post new stories on days when there is no update.
Hope you will all enjoy.
That was a very hot story, and your young friend sounded ultra hot too. It would be very cool if you were to continue posting more of your experiences. Thanks for the steamy hot stories. :drool:
How hot is it?

That was a very hot story, and your young friend sounded ultra hot too. It would be very cool if you were to continue posting more of your experiences. Thanks for the steamy hot stories. :drool:

Dear Mikeyank,

Jlipps4u stories are so hot, I no longer have to rely on "Ben Gay" to lube up just for getting a stiffy. Now, it is more a mind over matter exercise, as in the past. JLipps4u matter in the form of his hot stories really matters know after going "cold turkey" on Ben Gay.

Hope your New Year results in a few more torrid scenes to light up your "Ole Faithful" like the ball in Times Square! And, speaking seriously for a moment, "thank you, Mike" for your "generous and kind sentiments at Christmas time". I really appreciated them. Looking back, I felt my reply definitely fell far short of the mark! Genuinely hoping this will make up for my past shortcomings in 2010!

Have a truly wonderful New Year celebration!


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy