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For Jimmy: An Appreciation by way of support; and an apology


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
Over the past several weeks, there have been a number of threads focusing on Jimmy. "Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one!" so the saying goes. Nevertheless, I'm venturing into this subject once again in the hope that this thread might bring clarity to some and calm to this forum and its members. So before I started writing this, I went back and watched all of Jimmy's scenes and some of the BTS Pride coverage to help me form the basis of my thoughts and opinions. So here goes:

1) Jimmy is criticized for not being sufficiently willing enough to have gay sex.
Well, he's jerked off, gotten sucked, sucked, had his feet fucked, fucked somebody's feet, kissed with tongue, and topped. I'd say that's pretty sufficient. But for some, being sufficient will only be satisfied if he bottoms.
He says he won't bottom (and many, myself included never, ever want him to), and he turned down $500 to rim somebody. The Tier1CastingforBlu- MediaStudios site states the following: "Models are never asked to do something they are not interested in doing.", and "We will not put you (the model) into any situation that compromises your personal space, comfort level, or safety." While I don't know the hiring process at Broke Straight Boys but given these guidelines, I would presume that models are asked or, at least, they should be asked what they will be comfortable in doing. (Please note that I'm completely ignoring the mythical "trick straight boys into having sex" - which I never bought from the get-go. But even if they were tricked the first time, then subsequent times they are either hired or know the story of the site.) Moreover there is precedent both on Broke Straight Boys as well as cdudes and other feature length studios where straight guys don't bottom. Thus, I stipulate that Jimmy has been consistent in what he won't do from the beginning of his time here on Broke Straight Boys and members shouldn't argue for him to be fired for not wanting to bottom. And I'm a big 'ole bottom and I love bottom scenes, but some people just should never bottom and Jimmy is one of them.

2. Model or actor? - I think the term "model" is misleading and really doesn't apply to this site. These guys are actors. Jimmy - in one past post you referred to you guys as porn stars (I don't think any of you have put in enough time to reach star status yet, but several, especially you, have the potential and of course my man Rob from cdudes). On the other hand, in a few of your posts you have said that you aren't an actor, but that Jimmy Johnson is the real you. This might be confusing for some of us. Let me give you an example. Matt Damon played the character of Will Hunting, but we don't know how much of Matt's personality, and character strengths and flaws are reflected in the character of Will Hunting. Person X plays the character of Darren on Broke Straight Boys and we don't know how much of X's personality, and character strengths and flaws are reflected in the Darren character. Person Y plays the character of Jimmy Johnson on Broke Straight Boys And you've told us both in scene interviews and BTS footage that Jimmy Johnson is the real you. So I can understand why you say and believe that you are not acting. But you have to understand the members' point of view that while Jimmy Johnson the character is the same as you the individual, we see you playing Jimmy Johnson who is having sex with other men while you the individual would never have sex with other men. So to us that is acting. While some might criticize you for not acting overjoyed to be having sex with another man, that is exactly what makes it real because Jimmy Johnson or Person Y would not be overjoyed. Believe me, from my experience I've had sex with enough straight hustlers to know the difference between their enjoying it or just tolerating it for the money.

3)"We're here to fuck not make love" - I laughed like hell, Jimmy, when you said that in one of the scene interviews. And how right you are. If there is kissing and other forms of affection in any of the scenes on Broke Straight Boys that's fine with me but not essential. I want to see hot sex. If I want to see "love making" as an integral part of a scene then I'll watch cdudes.

4)"A man's word is his bond" - This is something I believe in strongly and I take a person's word as true until he or she gives me reason not to. Therefore, a] I believe Jimmy when he says he is a real Broke Straight Boys And for anyone to say or imply that he is gay or bi- is wrong and disrespectful; b]I believe Jimmy and Colin when they say that the scene they did which engendered so much criticism was discussed and planned prior to filming.

5)Jimmy, in one of your posts replying to a member who said that members wanted you fired, you rightfully pointed out that he didn't speak for all members. And in another post you said, "No true straight guy would enjoy sex with a man." Well, the same rule applies. You don't speak for all straight guys. Let me give you a personal example. Back in the mid-80's I hooked up with a straight hustler (and believe me he was every bit as straight as you) and we did the hustler-john thing for about a year. He decided to get off the streets, got his GED, got a job, married the girl he was with while he was hustling and had two kids. During this time, our relationship also changed. We just spent time together and had mind-blowing sex, friends with benefits if you will. When I asked him why we were doing this he simply said, he enjoyed it, nobody ever gave him better blowjobs, there were no strings attached and he liked my ass (I was younger and it was harder then - lol!). There were two other situations I was involved with, similar but not as long lasting. I'm not using these examples to say you are wrong because I know many straight guys who not only wouldn't enjoy sex with another man, but also wouldn't even do what you do for any amount of money. I simply point out that I could agree with your statement if you modified it to say "Many (or most) true straight guys wouldn't enjoy sex with a man."

So in summation dear readers, this is where I come down:

1. The character Jimmy Johnson is reflective of the person playing him.
2. Jimmy has been consistent with respect to what he will and won't do sexually on the site and his positions are consistent with Broke Straight Boys's casting principles.
3. The recent nasty exchanges between some forum members and Jimmy should be put to rest for the good of the forum and each other.
4. Everyone who posts on the forum should be guided by the principle to "disagree agreeably" when responding to a post with a differing opinion.
5. No one should use language that attacks the personality or character of anyone else (as St. Thomas Aquinas would say no "ad hominem" attacks).

Whether or not any of the above helps to clarify matters, to heal wounds, or to soothe egos, I know not. But I certainly hope that at a minimum it will help people reflect on how they plan to post in the future.

Now, Jimmy, for the apology. In two of my prior posts, I said that I didn't like you at the beginning because I felt you came across as homophobic. Well, in re-watching all of your scenes prior to starting this thread, I realized that you were not homophobic and I am sorry that I said that and implied that you were. As I've come to "know" you through scene interviews and watching BTS Pride event footage, I realized that you were just being the "you" who I have come to really enjoy and "love". There's no way a true homophobe could relate to us gays at the Pride Events the way that you did.

And one last thing, Jimmy. The guy I referred to above - my dear Craig - it is uncanny how much you are like him. The physical resemblance is weird enough (build, dick size, hard bubble butt). But the really unbelievable resemblance, and most important to me, is your personality, your wicked sense of humor, your masculinity, and the way you carry yourself. You could be his twin. He passed away almost two years ago but seeing and hearing you makes it seem all the more unreal. So keep the faith, Jimmy, and know that you have plenty of friends and admirers here.

And now for a question which I hope you can answer - someone recently posted that you were hired for the Pride Tour season, implying that when that's over, you could be gone. Is this true?
And.. Jimmy-The Neverending Story goes on...and on. May this be the last apology. May everyone now be at peace. Please let this sleeping dog lie.
And.. Jimmy-The Neverending Story goes on...and on. May this be the last apology. May everyone now be at peace. Please let this sleeping dog lie.

Oh, Larkster, sarcasm doesn't become you. Presuming you read the entire post, you would see that the "apology" part was a small one and personal to me. I wouldn't have even included on the thread if I could have pm'ed Jimmy. But since none of the actors can be pm'd, this thread was my only recourse and it was necesary to do if I were going to be genuinely honest.
They need to get off Jimmy's back, he does what he is hired to do. He doesn't claim to be gay so he shouldn't be expected to act like he's gay. He reminds me alot of the old Diesal and he gets better with every scene. You need to remember these scenes are scripted and I'm sure to some extent so is Jimmy's tough guy attitude. I like Jimmy and I make no bones about it and I'll be the first to stick up for him and tell the haters to "GET OFF HIS BACK!"
Oh, Larkster, sarcasm doesn't become you. Presuming you read the entire post, you would see that the "apology" part was a small one and personal to me. I wouldn't have even included on the thread if I could have pm'ed Jimmy. But since none of the actors can be pm'd, this thread was my only recourse and it was necesary to do if I were going to be genuinely honest.
Stowe1, I read every word of your post and I applaud your honesty, and your willingness to be able to admit that you may have misjudged what you initially thought that you saw. As far as if Jimmy is "modeling" or "acting", I would say that the real person is acting, but the role he is playing is himself, if that makes any sense. And I agree with you that I don't have a clue as to the real person playing the role of Darren, but I do have a good idea who the real person playing Jimmy Johnson is, as he has exposed so much of himself, (pun intended) in his scenes, his BTS and his posting here on the forum.

I also applaud you for the honesty you show in admitting that you have paid straight hustlers in the past, as have I. I would imagine that we are not the only men here, with a strong attraction to straight guys, who've realized that the closest we can come to having sex with a real straight guy, is to pay him. That way, both the hustler and the "john" can justify that the young man is still straight, although he has allowed a man to suck his cock, and or more.

You, Stowe were very fortunate to develop a relationship with your dear Craig, as he was able to admit that he loved the sex with you. I am very sorry to hear that he tragically passed away before his time.

And to respond to Larkster in this same thread, when you said:

"And.. Jimmy-The Neverending Story goes on...and on. May this be the last apology. May everyone now be at peace. Please let this sleeping dog lie."

As noble and civil as your request is, I believe that Jimmy still stirs something up inside some of his detractors, where they will not be able to help themselves from dredging up the same arguments, and complaints with Jimmy. Jimmy has true "star power" on this site and especially in this forum, and stars will be talked about, commented on, praised and criticized, just by the nature of who they are. When people stop talking about you, your fifteen minutes of fame is over. I hope that Jimmy's Broke Straight Boys hour glass has plenty of sand remaining in it.
Stowe1, I have to say that I respect your honesty and your candor. Thanks for posting.

...I believe that Jimmy still stirs something up inside some of his detractors, where they will not be able to help themselves from dredging up the same arguments, and complaints with Jimmy. Jimmy has true "star power" on this site and especially in this forum, and stars will be talked about, commented on, praised and criticized, just by the nature of who they are.

I think that this is very true. I know that this may be a very difficult request, but I would ask Jimmy to try not to take many of the negative comments personally. I know they can sting, but I learned a long time ago that you can't please everyone. Some people are going to like you for who you are. Some won't. Some will even try to throw you under the bus. Just be true to yourself and to hell with everyone else.
And.. Jimmy-The Neverending Story goes on...and on. May this be the last apology. May everyone now be at peace. Please let this sleeping dog lie.

Larkster, Stowe's post was very well thought out and eloquent. Generally speaking, it's not necessary to ask people to "be quiet" when instead we can simply ignore what we don't feel like reading.

Stowe, thank you for your beautiful post, and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. And I was very much touched, and saddened about the recent loss of your friend Craig. But he lives on in your memories, and you almost brought him to life in your descriptions of him and I thank you for that as well my friend.
stowe, through you, your friend lives on.
thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
may you recall only fond memories.
I can't believe people are still talking about Jimmy. This is what annoys me is that the fact it's like it's 50/50 on who likes him or not. It's sad how people are still arguing about him. I DONT THINK JIMMY SHOULD BE DOING GAY PORN. He's got a great body and personality but not for gay porn. If he was doing straight porn I think it would be hot. I dont get how Broke Straight Boys pays him to get sucked off and fuck like a robot and complain in every scene. It's there money.
Oh, Larkster, sarcasm doesn't become you. Presuming you read the entire post, you would see that the "apology" part was a small one and personal to me. I wouldn't have even included on the thread if I could have pm'ed Jimmy. But since none of the actors can be pm'd, this thread was my only recourse and it was necesary to do if I were going to be genuinely honest.

It seems I now owe you an apology. I did not read in your post that your friend had past away. I was not being sarcastic, I just felt, and judging from other post I was right, that your post would bring back the controversy that everyone said they wanted to put to rest. I want to make it clear that I do not dislike Jimmy. You will not find a post from me on this board that says that. Any criticism I have had has been totally about his performance. And any post to him has been by way of solicited advice. Jimmy's only negative comments to my posts was in my attempt to assuage his anger about someone having the audacity to suggest that he might be bisexual. I tried to explain that it is no big deal. If he chooses to feel otherwise, that is his privilege. You will find at least one post where I have defended Jimmy. So, I guess that the give and take on Jimmy will continue. No skin off my nose. I won't be participating since I have said all I have to offer. But please don't consider me a hater of anyone. I can't seem to write my post carefully enough. Strange, for a professional playwright. Oh well! PEACE!:001_smile:
Anyone who quotes St Thomas must be a friend of mine! I like your argument and especially your apology. Written like a true Canon lawyer. How are you in listening to confessions?
Stowe1, I read every word of your post and I applaud your honesty, and your willingness to be able to admit that you may have misjudged what you initially thought that you saw. As far as if Jimmy is "modeling" or "acting", I would say that the real person is acting, but the role he is playing is himself, if that makes any sense. And I agree with you that I don't have a clue as to the real person playing the role of Darren, but I do have a good idea who the real person playing Jimmy Johnson is, as he has exposed so much of himself, (pun intended) in his scenes, his BTS and his posting here on the forum.

I also applaud you for the honesty you show in admitting that you have paid straight hustlers in the past, as have I. I would imagine that we are not the only men here, with a strong attraction to straight guys, who've realized that the closest we can come to having sex with a real straight guy, is to pay him. That way, both the hustler and the "john" can justify that the young man is still straight, although he has allowed a man to suck his cock, and or more.

You, Stowe were very fortunate to develop a relationship with your dear Craig, as he was able to admit that he loved the sex with you. I am very sorry to hear that he tragically passed away before his time.

Thanks, mikeyank, for your kind words. I think for men of my age and particular circumstances, the hustler route was the most discreet and safest to go. Escorts services too depending on where you were. Truthfully I had no idea that the vast majority of hustlers at least whom I encountered were going to be straight. The hustler culture here in Pittsburgh, while gone for the most part now, was quite structured in the mid-80's to mid-90's. I worked in Manhattan from 70-74 and traveled there on business until the mid-80's and my favorite spot for picking up hustlers? - The FDR Post Office on Third Avenue. I had the best luck in picking up the hottest guys there of any place in any city I lived or visited. Ever cruise there?

Yes, the relationship I had with Craig was something wonderful and totally unexpected when we first met on Feb. 6, 1986. I'm convinced that God sent him into my life as a means for me to realize that final missing piece of the puzzle of who I was and take the last step out of the closet. I am so glad that I could share part of his life; and he, mine.
Stowe, thank you for your beautiful post, and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. And I was very much touched, and saddened about the recent loss of your friend Craig. But he lives on in your memories, and you almost brought him to life in your descriptions of him and I thank you for that as well my friend.

Thanks, abe! I've never done this posting thing before the Broke Straight Boys forum. It is something which I didn't think I would do, but I find a sense of family here. Craig was a very special person to me - at times frustrating to the point of exasperation and at others the funniest and most charming guy I ever knew. I've watched all of Jimmy's scenes as they were posted, but it wasn't until I watched them all in a row which I did prior to posting this thread that his similarity to Craig just hit me like a ton of bricks. I kept saying to myself over and over, "How could you have missed this?" But Craig does live on in my memories; hardly a day goes by that something does come up that reminds me of him and our time together. I am blessed to have those in my dotage.
stowe, through you, your friend lives on.
thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
may you recall only fond memories.

Thanks another1 for your kindness. And believe me all my memories of Craig and our time together, both the good and not so good, are fond.
Anyone who quotes St Thomas must be a friend of mine! I like your argument and especially your apology. Written like a true Canon lawyer. How are you in listening to confessions?

Well, angelone, didn't quite make it that far in the seminary so I can listen to confessions, just no "absolvo te..."!

Ah, St. Thomas. It's 1960-61 I'm a sophomore at Loyola College in Baltimore (now a much larger Loyola University Maryland), and our single biggest course load is Philosophy (5 credits a semester/ one class every day). The first semester is compromised of Aristotleian logic (one quarter) and the second quarter is Epistemology ("How do we know we know, and how do we know what we know is truth" - my favorite course description ever!!!). The entire second semester is the two "summas" of St. Thomas. Junior year is physcholgy as seen through the philosophical prism of St. Thomas. Then a three year break from Loyola when I entered the seminary (Holy Cross Fathers - cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame). One of our third year courses was the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas (again the two summas plus) but our professor argued that the only way you could truly appreciate Thomas was to study his works in the original Latin. Which was a challenge for me since the only Latin I knew was from the liturgy. So I had to speed learn Latin so I could keep up with philosophy. (I often wonder if this weren't God's way of telling me that the priesthood wasn't for me -lol!).

But I came out of all this with a structured, logical thought process which stood me in good stead throughout my professional business career and life in general.
Thanks, mikeyank, for your kind words. I think for men of my age and particular circumstances, the hustler route was the most discreet and safest to go. Escorts services too depending on where you were. Truthfully I had no idea that the vast majority of hustlers at least whom I encountered were going to be straight. The hustler culture here in Pittsburgh, while gone for the most part now, was quite structured in the mid-80's to mid-90's. I worked in Manhattan from 70-74 and traveled there on business until the mid-80's and my favorite spot for picking up hustlers? - The FDR Post Office on Third Avenue. I had the best luck in picking up the hottest guys there of any place in any city I lived or visited. Ever cruise there?

Yes, the relationship I had with Craig was something wonderful and totally unexpected when we first met on Feb. 6, 1986. I'm convinced that God sent him into my life as a means for me to realize that final missing piece of the puzzle of who I was and take the last step out of the closet. I am so glad that I could share part of his life; and he, mine.
First of all Stowe, thank you so much for sharing some of your history with us, your forum friends. It is most interesting to learn the true life experiences of another person, where we can be honest and express our true experiences and feelings with like-minded folks. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading a bit of your history here.

As far as the FDR Post office in Manhattan, I was a bit confused. I live in Brooklyn but spent a lot of time in the city itself, but was unfamiliar with that post office, or the fact that you met hustlers there. So I googled it, and now have a smile on my face as I see that it is on East 53rd Street and Third Avenue.

I discovered in the mid 1970's that the block you mentioned was "hustler haven" in NYC. There were several bars on E 53rd between Second and Third Ave that catered to older men and very young men, and the streets on that block were filled with young guy's looking to be picked up in cars and whisked off to wherever to make a buck.

My best friend growing up, David who I experienced most of my first sexual experiences with from ages 11-up became a very hot young man, and discovered the world of hustling. We were in our mid twenties at that time, and he showed me that block. I was working out at a gym in Manhattan with him during that period and got in the best shape of my life. One night I was sitting on a ledge outside a big concrete structure, (perhaps that post office) talking to David, when a limousine pulled up and a man in the back seat asked me to get in the car with him. I declined, but was so pleased that a john had attempted to pick me up. :biggrin:

Thanks Stowe for bringing up the memories of "53rd & Third" from so many years ago.
Where's the beef

What has happened to Darren and Jimmie video for Oct. 13th? It seems that it has not ben posted although it is now Oct. 13th. Also, I am becoming a little disallusioned with the seemingly constant repeat performances of certain models. What has happened to, for example, CJ., Kevin, Zach etc. It seems as if new models are now only appearing occasionly as if to through members a bone or two inbetween repeat performers. Just terribly disappointed. :confused1::confused1:
I was a Capuchin for seven years, a graduate of St Anselm College and loved every moment of it. I joined the Old Catholics and became a member of the Society of Franciscan Worker. Our primary mission is to homeless in San Francisco; we also minister to the runaways on the streets. It was a long journey from New England to the west coast but I believe it was God's will. Now I have a little less Canon law and a lot more compassion to give out to my "family".
Stowe1, I could not have said it better myself. That was eloquent and well thought out. I take off my hat and bow to you.

And Jimmy, I have never met you although I think I would enjoy doing so someday if the karmic deities worked that out. But I have known a number of young men who would appear form your various comments to be very similar in attitude. I think you are a handsome man and I like you just the way you are. I hope to continue seeing you performing here.
Over the past several weeks, there have been a number of threads focusing on Jimmy. "Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one!" so the saying goes. Nevertheless, I'm venturing into this subject once again in the hope that this thread might bring clarity to some and calm to this forum and its members. So before I started writing this, I went back and watched all of Jimmy's scenes and some of the BTS Pride coverage to help me form the basis of my thoughts and opinions. So here goes:

1) Jimmy is criticized for not being sufficiently willing enough to have gay sex.
Well, he's jerked off, gotten sucked, sucked, had his feet fucked, fucked somebody's feet, kissed with tongue, and topped. I'd say that's pretty sufficient. But for some, being sufficient will only be satisfied if he bottoms.
He says he won't bottom (and many, myself included never, ever want him to), and he turned down $500 to rim somebody. The Tier1CastingforBlu- MediaStudios site states the following: "Models are never asked to do something they are not interested in doing.", and "We will not put you (the model) into any situation that compromises your personal space, comfort level, or safety." While I don't know the hiring process at Broke Straight Boys but given these guidelines, I would presume that models are asked or, at least, they should be asked what they will be comfortable in doing. (Please note that I'm completely ignoring the mythical "trick straight boys into having sex" - which I never bought from the get-go. But even if they were tricked the first time, then subsequent times they are either hired or know the story of the site.) Moreover there is precedent both on Broke Straight Boys as well as cdudes and other feature length studios where straight guys don't bottom. Thus, I stipulate that Jimmy has been consistent in what he won't do from the beginning of his time here on Broke Straight Boys and members shouldn't argue for him to be fired for not wanting to bottom. And I'm a big 'ole bottom and I love bottom scenes, but some people just should never bottom and Jimmy is one of them.

2. Model or actor? - I think the term "model" is misleading and really doesn't apply to this site. These guys are actors. Jimmy - in one past post you referred to you guys as porn stars (I don't think any of you have put in enough time to reach star status yet, but several, especially you, have the potential and of course my man Rob from cdudes). On the other hand, in a few of your posts you have said that you aren't an actor, but that Jimmy Johnson is the real you. This might be confusing for some of us. Let me give you an example. Matt Damon played the character of Will Hunting, but we don't know how much of Matt's personality, and character strengths and flaws are reflected in the character of Will Hunting. Person X plays the character of Darren on Broke Straight Boys and we don't know how much of X's personality, and character strengths and flaws are reflected in the Darren character. Person Y plays the character of Jimmy Johnson on Broke Straight Boys And you've told us both in scene interviews and BTS footage that Jimmy Johnson is the real you. So I can understand why you say and believe that you are not acting. But you have to understand the members' point of view that while Jimmy Johnson the character is the same as you the individual, we see you playing Jimmy Johnson who is having sex with other men while you the individual would never have sex with other men. So to us that is acting. While some might criticize you for not acting overjoyed to be having sex with another man, that is exactly what makes it real because Jimmy Johnson or Person Y would not be overjoyed. Believe me, from my experience I've had sex with enough straight hustlers to know the difference between their enjoying it or just tolerating it for the money.

3)"We're here to fuck not make love" - I laughed like hell, Jimmy, when you said that in one of the scene interviews. And how right you are. If there is kissing and other forms of affection in any of the scenes on Broke Straight Boys that's fine with me but not essential. I want to see hot sex. If I want to see "love making" as an integral part of a scene then I'll watch cdudes.

4)"A man's word is his bond" - This is something I believe in strongly and I take a person's word as true until he or she gives me reason not to. Therefore, a] I believe Jimmy when he says he is a real Broke Straight Boys And for anyone to say or imply that he is gay or bi- is wrong and disrespectful; b]I believe Jimmy and Colin when they say that the scene they did which engendered so much criticism was discussed and planned prior to filming.

5)Jimmy, in one of your posts replying to a member who said that members wanted you fired, you rightfully pointed out that he didn't speak for all members. And in another post you said, "No true straight guy would enjoy sex with a man." Well, the same rule applies. You don't speak for all straight guys. Let me give you a personal example. Back in the mid-80's I hooked up with a straight hustler (and believe me he was every bit as straight as you) and we did the hustler-john thing for about a year. He decided to get off the streets, got his GED, got a job, married the girl he was with while he was hustling and had two kids. During this time, our relationship also changed. We just spent time together and had mind-blowing sex, friends with benefits if you will. When I asked him why we were doing this he simply said, he enjoyed it, nobody ever gave him better blowjobs, there were no strings attached and he liked my ass (I was younger and it was harder then - lol!). There were two other situations I was involved with, similar but not as long lasting. I'm not using these examples to say you are wrong because I know many straight guys who not only wouldn't enjoy sex with another man, but also wouldn't even do what you do for any amount of money. I simply point out that I could agree with your statement if you modified it to say "Many (or most) true straight guys wouldn't enjoy sex with a man."

So in summation dear readers, this is where I come down:

1. The character Jimmy Johnson is reflective of the person playing him.
2. Jimmy has been consistent with respect to what he will and won't do sexually on the site and his positions are consistent with Broke Straight Boys's casting principles.
3. The recent nasty exchanges between some forum members and Jimmy should be put to rest for the good of the forum and each other.
4. Everyone who posts on the forum should be guided by the principle to "disagree agreeably" when responding to a post with a differing opinion.
5. No one should use language that attacks the personality or character of anyone else (as St. Thomas Aquinas would say no "ad hominem" attacks).

Whether or not any of the above helps to clarify matters, to heal wounds, or to soothe egos, I know not. But I certainly hope that at a minimum it will help people reflect on how they plan to post in the future.

Now, Jimmy, for the apology. In two of my prior posts, I said that I didn't like you at the beginning because I felt you came across as homophobic. Well, in re-watching all of your scenes prior to starting this thread, I realized that you were not homophobic and I am sorry that I said that and implied that you were. As I've come to "know" you through scene interviews and watching BTS Pride event footage, I realized that you were just being the "you" who I have come to really enjoy and "love". There's no way a true homophobe could relate to us gays at the Pride Events the way that you did.

And one last thing, Jimmy. The guy I referred to above - my dear Craig - it is uncanny how much you are like him. The physical resemblance is weird enough (build, dick size, hard bubble butt). But the really unbelievable resemblance, and most important to me, is your personality, your wicked sense of humor, your masculinity, and the way you carry yourself. You could be his twin. He passed away almost two years ago but seeing and hearing you makes it seem all the more unreal. So keep the faith, Jimmy, and know that you have plenty of friends and admirers here.

And now for a question which I hope you can answer - someone recently posted that you were hired for the Pride Tour season, implying that when that's over, you could be gone. Is this true?

thanks for taking the time the write this i appreciate it...im not going anywher just yet even after the tour...im glad to hear you like my work i try my best...btw that whole if a straight guy enjoys sex with a man thing...think about it buddy if he likes sex with a man hes BI thats the only point i was making by saying that...im pretty sure you know idc what anyone else does with ther dick or what the like but the fact is if you like having sex with men your not "straight"