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Flesh Light Orgy


BSB Addict
Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
That was not what I was expecting! Austin and Danny stole the show. Danny seemed happier in this shoot than I've seen him in a long time. Me thinks I need one of those things. Now which one of the flesh lights was the fave? :lol:
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Yes. Danny looked happier and more relaxed than I've ever seen him. I'm thrilled. He seems like such a good guy. Good for him! :001_smile:
Yes. Danny looked happier and more relaxed than I've ever seen him. I'm thrilled. He seems like such a good guy. Good for him! :001_smile:

Hummm! Now which thread to post to that is the question. LOL Wow, that was unusual but it was kind of fun... They only had to play with the "Fleshlight." Danny and Ryan were actually kissing and Austin actually gave Dustin some head too... Even if they were prompted off camera to do those things it was a nice illusion and it appeared as if they did it all on their own. It really made the scene for me. It was nice to see the boys enjoying them selves in a kind of circle jerk with the new fleshlights. I will bet sales will increase now.. LOL :thumbup:
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The general feeling is of Relief it looks like to me. On both these threads this shoot (from the Neolithic Epoch, it does date back a bit), seems to have succeeded mainly on the basis of what wasn't in it. I was relieved like everyone else that it wasn't the excruciating few minutes we expected, with Dustin being Dustin and Danny looking as if he were gonna break into tears at any moment.

Production did a good job. The whole theme party concept actually worked, and the way the boys were distributed on the bed in the different scenes was really nice. Ryan gets the Slim Pick Penis Prize this time, and the Vintage Bright Boy one as well. Who else besides me likes dicks that curve up like his? And guys with nice voices who say funny things? Ryan all the way.

I want to know what Danny had on to get sunburned in exactly that precise way. It looks like the sort of pattern he'd get by wearing a strapless bra to the tanning studio. Or maybe there's some kind of sports gear that produces that band across the chest? Or what? David, surely you asked him. What did he say?
Danny is by far the prettiest boy that Broke Straight Boys has had lately. I know what Slim means about Danny "looking like he is about to cry." That kid needs to smoke a something and relax before he comes to work. If he could just loosen up, relax, and be a little more talkative it would be great.

I thought the intro was good. They were all laughing and talking and seemed to be having a good time. A lot of camaraderie and I like that.

I don't get particularly excited by group scenes or watching guys just jack themselves off, but to each his own.
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The general feeling is of Relief it looks like to me. On both these threads this shoot (from the Neolithic Epoch, it does date back a bit), seems to have succeeded mainly on the basis of what wasn't in it. I was relieved like everyone else that it wasn't the excruciating few minutes we expected, with Dustin being Dustin and Danny looking as if he were gonna break into tears at any moment.

Production did a good job. The whole theme party concept actually worked, and the way the boys were distributed on the bed in the different scenes was really nice. Ryan gets the Slim Pick Penis Prize this time, and the Vintage Bright Boy one as well. Who else besides me likes dicks that curve up like his? And guys with nice voices who say funny things? Ryan all the way.

I want to know what Danny had on to get sunburned in exactly that precise way. It looks like the sort of pattern he'd get by wearing a strapless bra to the tanning studio. Or maybe there's some kind of sports gear that produces that band across the chest? Or what? David, surely you asked him. What did he say?

LOL Poor Danny. That is too funny.
I want to know what Danny had on to get sunburned in exactly that precise way. It looks like the sort of pattern he'd get by wearing a strapless bra to the tanning studio. Or maybe there's some kind of sports gear that produces that band across the chest? Or what? David, surely you asked him. What did he say?

Upon further examination of the video (and photos) I tend to think that Danny wears a lot of those t-shirts commonly known as wife beaters. God I hate that term. But in any case they have the 2 thin shoulder straps on either side and then a very low cut neckline that actually just covers the pecs. I didn't mind his tan line though. He's too cute to lose any points in my book over something like that.

Of far more intrigue to me in the still photos was Danny's bikini line. My gosh he must wear bikinis that are 2 1/2 inches wide on the hips. Where does he go to sun himself? He would stop traffic if he walked down the street wearing those. Watching him strut his stuff at the beach or pool wearing that would be such a glorious tease. It would almost be better than seeing him naked. Err... almost! LOL :001_tt1:
Upon further examination of the video (and photos) I tend to think that Danny wears a lot of those t-shirts commonly known as wife beaters. God I hate that term. But in any case they have the 2 thin shoulder straps on either side and then a very low cut neckline that actually just covers the pecs. I didn't mind his tan line though. He's too cute to lose any points in my book over something like that.

Of far more intrigue to me in the still photos was Danny's bikini line. My gosh he must wear bikinis that are 2 1/2 inches wide on the hips. Where does he go to sun himself? He would stop traffic if he walked down the street wearing those. Watching him strut his stuff at the beach or pool wearing that would be such a glorious tease. It would almost be better than seeing him naked. Err... almost! LOL :001_tt1:

:drool:Their called Muscle T's, I liked when he said that every time he comes here he swallows his pride! and then snapps that's all I'm swallowing. I all most missed the rest of the video I was laughing so hard.lol
Alex and Shane episode had that excruciating "pain" that come over straight guys' faces when confronting with doing a gay thing on film. Alex denied doing anything with a guy but he didn't look all freaked out about it. But Shane on the other hand not only denied it he looked painfully stunned by the thought. He silently stared straight ahead. You can feel the tension - it was almost painful to watch. I was surprised that Shane's dick got hard when Alex sucked on it. I was even more stunned when he sucked Alex's' dick.