What Rep said! haha
I was such a late bloomer sexually that I have no interesting stories to tell of my early life. I lived in such a homophobic part of the country that I never felt that I would be physically safe if I came out. And it would have been social suicide to have been found out. I would have lost every friend I had. My family (neither immediate nor extended) would have been accepting. (Talk about the irony of feeling it necessary to hold on to friendships that gave only conditional love and support.)
After all, how deep and sincere are those friendships anyway? If these wonderful friends would possibly turn on you and attack you physically, drop you overnight like a hot potato as a friend, call you all the hurtful names in the book, and make you a pariah in your own neighborhood and school...in hindsight you're trying to hold on to a pile of sand. But still...in childhood and adolescence, the friendships of our peers and the love and support of family (however conditional on the part of others even when we were happily willing to offer them a much more unconditional love in return), seem/seemed very valuable and necessary.
I didn't come out until college. Then that was during the early onset of the plague. So I was horny as hell, but also silently terrified to have any sex that might turn out to be unsafe. And back then, in the beginning at least, we had very little idea of what was truly safe or not. Sorry to be such a downer on the subject... But that's just the way it played out for me in my early life. If I had had a fuck buddy in late childhood or high school I would have been thrilled to be getting that sexual release. But also terrified of being outed. That was just my life experience in the area I grew up in, and all of my complicated family dynamics at the time.