So my dear Beth, why would I be watching video's on a porn site..? This fifty year old has had his "undies boys". But now... daddy does no longer date. But don't cry. Been there, seen all, and tried most.
Due to some anti-depression medicine, my libido witnessed a true skyfall... and I'm content with that, after following my penis for so many years, now I am satisfied by merely a hot video and my right hand.
Oh Rob,
I just can't see you any other way than being serviced by a boy, on his knees in front of you; he pulled your undies down to keep your ankles warm!
I don't remember my first sexy underwear. I do enjoy shopping for them, I really enjoy the Andrew Christian uncensored underwear videos.
I tried to post one of the videos but it didn't work. Here is the link if you're interested, if you like seeing hot boys in and out of their undies you might enjoy these.