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Finally a Gay Character on Battle Star Gallactica Series

As I mentioned on the thread "Captain Kirk gay?" it is possible to watch Blood and Fire Part I on Youtube now. And not just the previews. :-) LOL
My understanding was this was the precurser to that episode. I could be wrong...


I doubt that. The Peter Kirk in this episode was a middle aged teenager and was certainly under the age of 18.

That is one of my pet peeves, when new episodes of Star Trek don't jive with the previous history.

Live Long and Prosper,


I doubt that. The Peter Kirk in this episode was a middle aged teenager and was certainly under the age of 18.

That is one of my pet peeves, when new episodes of Star Trek don't jive with the previous history.

Live Long and Prosper,


Ok, I was under the impression this was all shot in the 60's but never made it to TV....