I am the luckiest guy in the world, since my favourite
Broke Straight Boys/
College Dudes model of all time (and likely of ALL time)
JASON, returned! So I have nothing to complain about ;-)))
My favourite "former" models are:
*Danny - and wow, that guy did
unspeakable things to me! Danny was right for me in EVERY way, and I actually shed a tear, when David said he wouldn't be returning. (Because Danny was a great bottom, he always got USED as a bottom, but he was an even BETTER TOP - and the fact that he wasn't FILMED more, as a top, is my #1 biggest frustration in
Broke Straight Boys history!
*Anthony - totally handsome, adorable, and sweet.
*Shane - whom I always called my "little Confederate soldier", because his Celtic features reminded me of old Matthew Brady photos I'd seen, of Confederate soldiers from the Civil War. Behind Shane's harsh and sometimes truculent attitude, I am sure, there was a heart of GOLD. And. . . he is sexy as hell!
P.S. I would give my right hand (of course, I am left-handed ;-) to know what Danny is up to, now!