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Farewell and Best Wishes to Paul Canon & Damien Kyle


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
For anyone anyone who did not see Beth's link on the "Damien & Paul on Facebook" thread, the apparently reliable blog menofporn reported that our dynamic duo have joined up with another porn site or group of sites and I wanted to start a thread offering them both thanks and a Bon Voyage on their new journey.


A quick check shows 65 scenes and behind the scenes episodes featuring Paul beginning with his solo released on October 8, 2012 where he shows off his many assets that helped make him become one of the iconic and most beloved models in Broke Straight Boys history.




And Damien has been in a combined 47 episodes beginning with his solo on October 22, 2012, (although he first caught the attention of some with his audition tape for Broke Straight Boys-TV under the name Brandon Biss). My friend Ms. K fell with love with that solo and became the first forumite promoter for the career of Damien Kyle.

This is from the Damien Kyle solo.


My thoughts on Paul are that he is one of the most handsome models in my opinion ever to grace us on Broke Straight Boys My earliest moment of loving him was in one of his early scenes where while sucking his partner, the camera panned to his pretty soft cock and we watched as it twitched and got harder and harder without him even touching it until it reached full erection and a pearly drop of precum appearing on the head. I fell in love with the dude right there.

But as time went by, and Paul began appearing in BTS, and writing on the forum, my respect and admiration doubled as I discovered that this incredibly handsome young man was also incredibly witty and intelligent. My two most memorable of non porn moments for Paul were the incredibly moving BTS where we traveled with Paul back to his family home in South Florida and got to see Paul with his parents and his brothers, (tragically his older brother passed in an automobile accident shortly after this moving BTS was released).

The other moment that shines for me was when we had an "off balance" forum member who was obsessed with Paul in a very bad way, and made some horrible statements including that he wanted to see Paul "euthanized" which shocked and angered so many of us, but Paul actually came onto that thread and spoke in such an intelligent and rational way to diffuse his obsessed fan, while never going off the deep end himself, but instead used intelligence and wit that showed incredible incite and maturity which I will never forget.

Damien was never my favorite model, but it is all a matter of individual taste, but I have to say that Damien Kyle is one of the most incredible self promoters I have ever seen, as he used social media brilliantly to build up his brand name, and became the best promoter for BSBT, even to the extent of playing along with a supposed "leaking" of an unauthorized trailer for the TV show all to help promote the brand.

I am confident that both Damien and Paul will use all their promotion on social media to bring many many paying customers to their new ventures and I also hope that they will be receiving a cut from the new company for all of their fans that they bring to the new company.

Thank you boys for the hours and hours of entertainment you have brought me here on Broke Straight Boys and I wish you all of the success possible into the future with your new ventures. Thanks guys and best of luck into the future!!! :thumbup:
What a shame to loose 2 of my favorite models but this simply shows the continued downward spiral of Broke Straight Boys I wish them much luck and happiness in what they must consider greener pastures!
I don't know what to say, I'm at a loss. Both Paul and Damien have become, as my Avatar shows, more than just guys I love to watch and chat with. Both have developed a real sense of who they are, in their scenes, postings and on LiveChat. I will follow them wherever they go, but I do think it is very sad. Thank you Paul and Damien for all of your efforts.:thumbup:
Paul..I will Love you forever. From the first time I saw you. My heart is broken. Silly Man I am. You became real too me.
Even though I felt it was going to happen. Today is a very sad day for me.I will miss you so much. Just the thought of you made me happy. I will follow you where ever you go.There will NEVER be another Paul.Thank God for Facebook and twitter. And being my friend on both.
I will stay for the Forum but now won't have to waste my time on the porn part.
Damien Kyle it was You that sold me on the TV show. Not Broke Straight Boys.You were the best PR man they ever had.
I will miss you both very much. And wish you both so much happiness. Strange. Such a empty feeling.
Love You Both Forever.....Johnny
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This is what I posted on the Paul/Damien Facebook thread:

"Many of us had deduced that they were leaving months ago. This just confirms the fact. I'm surprised they haven't told us here unless they would not be allowed to do so. But I and all of us can only thank them for their bodies of work done while here and wish them the best personally and professionally. I shall miss especially Paul. He was a sexy, personable young man who always gave his best during his scenes."

The only thing to add is that I concur wholeheartedly with mikey's post starting this thread. Mikey, your post was very heartfelt and totally on point. There is no improvement on perfection. Well said, my friend.
There is a thread called "Have you seen this?" or something close to that about Broke Straight Boys guys on other sites. It meandered around to someone posting about a blog which had an article about Vadim Black's leaving Broke Straight Boys and being an escort. Mark replied thusly on 3/6 at 6:17 am:

Quote Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Vadim Black is still with us. He decided on his own to delete his Twitter account. He has been working out like crazy and is looking hot!

After I read Mark's post, I posted the following on that thread at 11:41 am:

'Thanks for that, Mark. Now can you speak to the other post on that blog that Paul & Damien are no longer with Broke Straight Boys? That matter is, I believe, of far more importance to more of us than is Vadim Black's. Thanks."

Given the subject matter of this thread, I thought this might be of interest. Let's see if there is ever a reply?
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What a shame to loose 2 of my favorite models but this simply shows the continued downward spiral of Broke Straight Boys I wish them much luck and happiness in what they must consider greener pastures!

Although I have kinda soured on Paul and Damien due to the way they treat their fans I do still like them and agree with you that this site is going down hill. I have heard for a long time how hard it is to attract models but they've had time to correct that. Perhaps a studio in LA or Las Vegas would help. How hard can it be to grab a camera and some lights and two or three crew and set up shop for a few days/weeks and film some decent scenes with some variety. For a company that began as one that thought outside the box they sure have sunk to a formula that is getting very tiresome. I know this is about Paul and Damien and I do wish them well but I sure wish this site would get going. Instead of a four million dollar mansion on a hill in Denver maybe a little more financial incentives are in order to attract models. They're out there. If they can't come to you then go to them. It's not rocket science!!
Although I have kinda soured on Paul and Damien due to the way they treat their fans I do still like them and agree with you that this site is going down hill. I have heard for a long time how hard it is to attract models but they've had time to correct that. Perhaps a studio in LA or Las Vegas would help. How hard can it be to grab a camera and some lights and two or three crew and set up shop for a few days/weeks and film some decent scenes with some variety. For a company that began as one that thought outside the box they sure have sunk to a formula that is getting very tiresome. I know this is about Paul and Damien and I do wish them well but I sure wish this site would get going. Instead of a four million dollar mansion on a hill in Denver maybe a little more financial incentives are in order to attract models. They're out there. If they can't come to you then go to them. It's not rocket science!!

I think you speak for a lot of us there mate.
I thought about this for awhile this morning and I'm really bummed these two guys have left. I started to get a nasty taste in my mouth the end of last summer when they were no longer being filmed and their posting rights were taken away. I can't believe all they did to promote themselves, Broke Straight Boys and the show and they were still treated like 3rd rated models. I think (my opinion) that the ratings and membership rose when these two joined the site. Even last fall when everything was unknown about their future (probably by them too) they still put on a smile and pushed Broke Straight Boys onto everyone through social media. Then to go out like this just leaves me a very unhappy member of a site that I used to love to go to everyday. I used to think that the mgmt had a heart unlike other sites, but I guess that is proven to be wrong :frown:
I thought about this for awhile this morning and I'm really bummed these two guys have left. I started to get a nasty taste in my mouth the end of last summer when they were no longer being filmed and their posting rights were taken away. I can't believe all they did to promote themselves, Broke Straight Boys and the show and they were still treated like 3rd rated models. I think (my opinion) that the ratings and membership rose when these two joined the site. Even last fall when everything was unknown about their future (probably by them too) they still put on a smile and pushed Broke Straight Boys onto everyone through social media. Then to go out like this just leaves me a very unhappy member of a site that I used to love to go to everyday. I used to think that the mgmt had a heart unlike other sites, but I guess that is proven to be wrong :frown:

I agree with you and not only that they squandered all the goodwill those two models and others like Zander Floyd and Daniel and Jason etc. provided them. They all had a large following and because they are young could have reached thousands more through their social media contacts and Broke Straight Boys just let that slip through their hands until Damien at least tried to bring them into modern times. This is the only site I have ever joined for more than just a month and I am so disappointed to see it disintergrate right before our eyes when so many people are making it clear to them that they are going in the wrong directions. Okay. I'm putting my soap box away. Peace out!!
It's a shame to see them leave but I look forward to seeing them in a new and different setting. No doubt they will be missed here but they will still be delighting us with their "assets" at other studios.
Mike that was a great post !!!! I will miss these 2 guys also.....I totally enjoyed every scene they were in....I have always been partial to Damien Kyle, (simply because he looks like my ex who I adored...lolol) but enjoyed Paul's scenes enormously.......I wish them both the best !!!!!......they sure are a cute couple.....lolololol.....:crying2:
Mike that was a great post !!!! I will miss these 2 guys also.....I totally enjoyed every scene they were in....I have always been partial to Damien Kyle, (simply because he looks like my ex who I adored...lolol) but enjoyed Paul's scenes enormously.......I wish them both the best !!!!!......they sure are a cute couple.....lolololol.....:crying2:
Thanks Rafe, and to the others who commented on my post. I just thought it appropriate and the least we could do as forumites to thank Paul & Damien for all the pleasure they have brought to so many of us and to wish them well in their future endeavors. We won't see the likes of that pair again for a long time to come.
While I share the sentiments of many who've said how grateful they are for the many hours of entertainment and enjoyment these two models provided. I took this a step farther....I didn't wait until they it was obvious they were not being featured in scenes, I have always shared my sentiments with them. Earlier this week, I did convey yet another message of appreciation to them via a dear friend of mine. Which reminds me, if you care for someone, don't wait until they're gone to let them know.....:crying1:
Thanks for the heartfelt Thread Mikeyank.., you're a real special person....:001_rolleyes: