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Facial Hair or no?


Active Member
Jun 2, 2016
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I hear that their is a rule you have to grow facial hair? I like clean shaven, and miss the models clean shaven? any Thougt's!
I hear that their is a rule you have to grow facial hair? I like clean shaven, and miss the models clean shaven? any Thougt's!
Where did You hear that Ike? Seems kinda silly. Can't see Rowan with a beard.Maybe there trying to butch the boy's up?
But that seems a little far out. But you never know? Even a beard won't do it for a few. lol
I will be Very Sad if Tanner grows a beard and covers up his Beautiful face..To many tats are bad enough...
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I agree with you too, Tanner is great the way he is, love him too. Hope he doesn't have facial hair, I guess we will see soon
I hear that their is a rule you have to grow facial hair? I like clean shaven, and miss the models clean shaven? any Thougt's!
Just cause I am a curious guy. I would love to know where you heard that? Maybe it is a new thing we have not heard yet....
do you have a twitter or kik my twitter is @Briefs and my kik is Briefs80234 hit me up there we can talk
because if I gave you the names of the models that have told me, Sha would fire them and we would never see them again
you can use Kik it is anonymous you don't have to give any information to get on and use Kik
I would be interested to know as well. I don't have a glitter or a dik account. Does anyone just have normal conversations these days?
Please read my response above to Johnny, I will not say there names here where Sha can read them
because if I gave you the names of the models that have told me, Sha would fire them and we would never see them again
you can use Kik it is anonymous you don't have to give any information to get on and use Kik
No pictures of You Briefs.Very disappointing.Is that you in the briefs? That would be a plus.Not a big Oliver fan. So that would be no big deal.
But i would hate seeing Dillon fired before he starts HERE....
it wasn't Oliver so don't go guessing when you don't know, and you are one to call a spade a spade look at you, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
oh by the way it wasn't Dillon either, so lets just see how Dillon shows up to do the scene, that will tell the story, by the way were are your pics lol
Kind of sounds like stereotyping to me. Boys with facial hair obviously must be more masculine? I smell Bandini! That's a type of fertilizer for those of you who do not know. Any normal person knows that you can put ear rings and lipstick on a pig and it is still a pig........I could maybe understand Sha telling the boys to butch it up a bit but he surely knows that this membership is way too smart to be fooled by stubble or facial hair. Very little gets by this group.
First of all, I don't see any pics of you posted, sad! Do not start naming names of people you want to get fired. buy the way it was not Oliver or Dillon that told me, and you throwing there names under the bus if Terrible and mean. Just because I talk to them and follow them on Twitter doesn't mean they told me.
Why would you do the to any of the models putting themselves out there for us, and you want to destroy them because they are moving up in the business How dare you.
it wasn't Oliver so don't go guessing when you don't know, and you are one to call a spade a spade look at you, people that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Oh Please. You don't know me.Or have you seen my picture. Remember Your the one that
started the whole thing. If You can't back up your words. You should not put them out. And meaning that Oliver is the only one on your twitter page.
What is one to think? And Who am I calling a spade? You don't have to answer me. !3 posts and I don't think I want to play with you.I don't want to destroy anyone.You sound nuts..Let it go..
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Ok I am back, I am not playing with you. I have models that told me, so I can back up my words by why would I throw them under the bus just because you want to knwo. why would you want me to say who they are! Don't play with me, you don't have to believe me lets just see what Tanner looks like, and Dillon and all of the models in the next scenes. That will back up my statement, I just wanted to know what members think about it.
Wow, and I thought this was going to be another not so interesting Sunday. Time for a good bloody mary and a movie I think. And Johnny, everyone knows you live in a well constructed Victorian up there. Glass would be very unsafe with all the earthquakes. I'll send you a very special bloody mary......I think you could use one.
Looks like there is a new boy, Sebastian Lee, coming up in the next week or so. He looks like he may be a good addition to the stable. Clean shaven and all.
Wow, and I thought this was going to be another not so interesting Sunday. Time for a good bloody mary and a movie I think. And Johnny, everyone knows you live in a well constructed Victorian up there. Glass would be very unsafe with all the earthquakes. I'll send you a very special bloody mary......I think you could use one.
Thanks SFPSO1..I could use one. I'm going to a Birthday party so I think I may have a few.
As you can see I am not a fighter. So I will let it go. I just didn't expect this on a Sunday morning..
Second person in four years I don't want to know or deal with.
I just can tell we won't be friends. Thanks for the drink offer.lol xo
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