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Facebook and Google May Start Sharing Our Online Browsing Histories


Oct 30, 2008
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As the story of Facebook's upcoming new "upgrades" leak out in the press, I have to say that I am very worried about "Big Brother" sharing our browsing history to all of our hundreds of "closest" friends on Facebook or any other social media site. They are announcing that as of March 1st they will change everyone's home page to a new format that will share alot of our past histories online. And you can't opt out.

According to news reports in the mainstream media "friends" and visitors to your page will be able to see some of your browsing history on Youtube, Gmail and some other file sharing sites. For gay people especially who are not out to the entire spectrum of their family and acquaintances...this would appear to pose no small problem.

Google has also announced plans to share your browsing history with advertisers to "tailor" their marketing to your apparent hobbies and interests.

Does Aunt Tilly need to know that we watched drunken frat brothers play a game of "gay chicken"? Does cousin Bob in Minnesota need to know that we watched 2 hot dudes sucking face poolside? Just because Facebook and other sites have the ability to electronically track our movements online doesn't mean that they should. And it certainly doesn't give them the right to share all of this more or less publicly without our consent. At this point I am considering closing my major social networking sites altogether.

We already know that potential employers are increasingly researching our public networking site profiles before deciding whether or not to hire us.

Even for straight people it's frightening in its implications. Does the married Baptist minister want his congregation to know that he has a fondness for watching college cheerleading squads perform? Even if they based hundreds or thousands of miles from where he lives? Or that the other spouse has been researching sites for divorce attorneys? This whole thing for millions of people has the potential to be a ticking time bomb of unintended consequences.

None of us know for sure how mundane or seemingly intrusive and detailed this sharing of our browsing history on other sites will be or will become. And that's the scary thing. All we know for sure is that March 1st is looming quickly on Facebook. I'm not out to promote hysteria here. But I am worried.

I hope we can have a rational discussion on this and share the facts with each other that come out in the press on this matter.
not just my 'friends' will know i googled leather bars, san francisco, but advertisers will be sending me ads from leather making sites and leather mamas be seeking a good time.
hotel and travel agencies will seek my business for my next trip to san francisco.
and then there will be those people i have not shared all the details of my life with, for good reason. it is none of their business.
i am very concerned.
The Truth Comes Out, and it is not pretty!

Dear Tampa and Tequilla,

Thanks for the heads-up about Facebook impinging on personal privacy. I have never felt comfortable about Facebook and I plan to cancel my membership as afar as that goes. Who knows if this will be sufficient to avoid this latest assault to personal privacy. It almost sounds Orwellian in its scope.

If anyone has SPECIFIC SUGGESTIONS on how to ABSOLUTELY close out your account to Facebook's PRYING EYES, please feel free to enlighten us reluctant users like me.


I would like to hear from those much more computer savvy than myself as to how we might delete our accounts if we decide that's the best course of action for us personally. I never have been an avid addicted Facebooker. I won't miss it.
google and others of that ilk said they would not combine data across services. now they say combining data will make providing services better. i am concerned with the question of with whom will they share this combined data? anyone who knows my name, a list broker service, the government, who?
I am with cumrag27 for starters, I am canceling my facebook membership right now, and i think i will cancel my goggle account also, once i switch over to another email account.
What the hell happened to our "rights" of privacy
i have always thought that governments are like children, you have to watch them carefully or they will get into mischief.
it looks like the same thing applies to corporations we entrust the data about ourself.
a sense of honor and a sense of right and wrong are human traits, corporations lack those traits. privacy is not part of the business model.
(corporations are not persons)
This is why I always use private browsing, when I am looking at porn everything else I don't care lol also for people thinking of deleting facebook here is something that can help http://suicidemachine.org/
Curious outcome from Facebook cancellation...

As the story of Facebook's upcoming new "upgrades" leak out in the press, I have to say that I am very worried about "Big Brother" sharing our browsing history to all of our hundreds of "closest" friends on Facebook or any other social media site. They are announcing that as of March 1st they will change everyone's home page to a new format that will share alot of our past histories online. And you can't opt out.

According to news reports in the mainstream media "friends" and visitors to your page will be able to see some of your browsing history on Youtube, Gmail and some other file sharing sites. For gay people especially who are not out to the entire spectrum of their family and acquaintances...this would appear to pose no small problem.

Google has also announced plans to share your browsing history with advertisers to "tailor" their marketing to your apparent hobbies and interests.

Does Aunt Tilly need to know that we watched drunken frat brothers play a game of "gay chicken"? Does cousin Bob in Minnesota need to know that we watched 2 hot dudes sucking face poolside? Just because Facebook and other sites have the ability to electronically track our movements online doesn't mean that they should. And it certainly doesn't give them the right to share all of this more or less publicly without our consent. At this point I am considering closing my major social networking sites altogether.

We already know that potential employers are increasingly researching our public networking site profiles before deciding whether or not to hire us.

Even for straight people it's frightening in its implications. Does the married Baptist minister want his congregation to know that he has a fondness for watching college cheerleading squads perform? Even if they based hundreds or thousands of miles from where he lives? Or that the other spouse has been researching sites for divorce attorneys? This whole thing for millions of people has the potential to be a ticking time bomb of unintended consequences.

None of us know for sure how mundane or seemingly intrusive and detailed this sharing of our browsing history on other sites will be or will become. And that's the scary thing. All we know for sure is that March 1st is looming quickly on Facebook. I'm not out to promote hysteria here. But I am worried.

I hope we can have a rational discussion on this and share the facts with each other that come out in the press on this matter.

I would like to hear from those much more computer savvy than myself as to how we might delete our accounts if we decide that's the best course of action for us personally. I never have been an avid addicted Facebooker. I won't miss it.

google and others of that ilk said they would not combine data across services. now they say combining data will make providing services better. i am concerned with the question of with whom will they share this combined data? anyone who knows my name, a list broker service, the government, who?

I am with cumrag27 for starters, I am canceling my facebook membership right now, and i think i will cancel my goggle account also, once i switch over to another email account.
What the hell happened to our "rights" of privacy

This is why I always use private browsing, when I am looking at porn everything else I don't care lol also for people thinking of deleting facebook here is something that can help http://suicidemachine.org/

Dear Forumites,

I would like to find out what has been your recent experiences pertaining to cancelling your membership to FACEBOOK.

Shortly after reading these initial comments, I decided to avoid the loss of privacy guaranteed by FACEBOOK before March 1st when their new policy goes into effect. I received comfirmation from FACEBOOK that my account would no longer exist two weeks after that date.


THIS MUST HAVE HAPPENED TO ME 30+ OR MORE TIMES YESTERDAY. These articles were run-of-the-mill current news items that suddenly are no longer available?????? WHAT GIVES WITH THIS BS????

Has anyone out there had similar experiences since March 1st trying to check out new items with video clips? I am really PISSEDDDDDDDDD over this! If this is how FACEBOOK operates, then this should be considered as a "Monopolistic Practice" AND BROKEN UP LIKE AT&T OPERATING LIKE SOME "OMNIPOTENT FORCE ON THE INTERNET TO BE RECKONED WITH"!:sick2::sick2::sick2:

IS FACEBOOK REALLY AN UPDATED VERSION OF '1984'S - NEWSPEAK" AND ESSENTIALLY "BIG BROTHER" IS EVERYWHERE NOW"! Where do we go to pick up the food capsules? Where is "Charlton Heston" when we really need him? Hopefully, not gone to "target practice" yet again to recertify for his gun license. He was the first hollywood "gun-slinger" to help the Chinese finally develop "gun powder" by accidentally dropping his prototype Maybelline Mascara into the explosive powdery mix! What a waste of a perfectly good mascara that was practically new right-out-of-the-package, too! (Oops! A few of his "private photos" worked their way in by mistake! Definitely not by courtesy of FACEBOOK!)

Sincerely feeling "undermined and compromised",


PS My operating system is Windows 7-Ultra/Internet Explorer 9 with all MS updates installed.


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