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Exorcism of Casper


It just occurred to me that someone named rifle got caught in the crossfire in the demise of Casper.
I would be very surprised if Tyler has any emotional attachment to anyone he doesn't deal with personally at Broke Straight Boys I would guess he has vaguely positive feelings toward his fans in general and specifically feels that a lot of them are creeps. Irving Goffman wrote a lot about insiders and customers or outsiders if you are interested in how these sorts of setups operate. I haven't been paying attention to this list for a couple of weeks. So Casper is banned, a) good riddance, 2) may he some day acquire social and emotional maturity. And others have left: life is change
I would be very surprised if Tyler has any emotional attachment to anyone he doesn't deal with personally at Broke Straight Boys I would guess he has vaguely positive feelings toward his fans in general and specifically feels that a lot of them are creeps. Irving Goffman wrote a lot about insiders and customers or outsiders if you are interested in how these sorts of setups operate. I haven't been paying attention to this list for a couple of weeks. So Casper is banned, a) good riddance, 2) may he some day acquire social and emotional maturity. And others have left: life is change

No, wrong again: Tyler has an almost allergic intolerance for almost the whole panoply of BSBs themselves. One of the most revealing and interesting moments in his interview with Dave, since you haven't been keeping up all that much, is when he confesses to uniformly relegating his co-futonites to the category of assholes. Gotta love him. Go Tyler.

Rifle obviously got to know him during the course of the book he wrote, in part about Tyler himself, and I can't imagine their not being good friends.

Casper probably peaked some time ago on his social and emotional maturity scale, as well as his physical, lol. Gotta love him too.
Tampa, bullshit. I deleted all my postings at one time, you'll recall, when my family started receiving email threats from one of your dear member friends, not because of misquoting or misunderstanding. You and your guild attacked me for it and asked for my banning. I explained my reason and you backed off but warned me about deleting. I have never done it again. Casper did it in one of his petulant rages and you never said a word. Now you bring it up in an effort to hint at anything other than him as a reason for the change. Shame on you.


I know that people want us to end this thread. But I cannot let all these untrue allegations against my character go unchallenged.

When you deleted most of your postings at one time you had gone into exile. Scorpio was the one who posted a notice to people saying that it was not right for some members to delete bunches of their posts. Probably because it made some of the threads incoherent and ruined the flow of them. Even if they were older threads. You did delete most of your postings at one time and I don't doubt that it was for the reasons you say. And the fact that you were getting threats against you or your family would never for a moment have given me any pleasure. That's sick for anyone to do that.

About 2 months ago you finally came back from your exile and posted something very innocent that I quoted with a warm response. I later saw that you deleted that one (many months after your major purging of posts) and then you excoriated me for quoting a post that you had wanted to delete. Where all the venom came from I had no idea. I have mentioned many times that it is not right for people to delete THREADS because it erases time and effort that many others have put into their own posts. And Scorpio has asked people not to delete individual multiple POSTS as well as threads. I do recall saying in a post that although everyone has the right to delete a post, that they should do so sparingly. (For the above reasons)

If someone is being harassed and is having personal info in their posts used against them or their loved ones... in the real or virtual world, then obviously exceptions have to be made.

I was never one of the people who sent you or your family any hate mail. And you know that. Yet for some unknown reason you now wish to imply that I did. I had no idea that you were having to endure such a thing at the time. I certainly would not have approved of such a thing from anyone. Even if it was from people that I was friendly with in here.

You say that I asked for your banning. That's not true at all. If you can quote a post of mine where I said or even implied that then please feel free to quote it. And if anyone in management has even a PM from me suggesting that Rifle be banned then you are welcome to call me out on it and quote me publicly. Not even in any PM's to any friends or my (guild?) have I advocated your ouster.

Let me see the logic of this one here. Because Casper deleted or changed a post, and because I didn't respond by castigating him for it, then I was using a double standard. If someone deletes a post before we see it how do we know if it was an innocent erasure on their part? If someone modifies a post before we see it intact how do we know if it was edited to fix a typo or to take down an insult? While I may seem to be omnipresent to many here in the forum you seem to imply that I am omniscient. I'm not.

I'm not the policeman of the forum. Nor am I the Moderator of the forum. I am one member among thousands.

I was quite clear in my post that Casper was not 100% to blame for the loss of PM's to the models. But that he was very likely a consideration in the decision.

I went on to clearly say that Casper was absolutely the reason why we lost editing privileges. I left no wiggle room in there at all to blame anyone but Casper for us being cut down to a window of 30 seconds. That it was done so that he (the unfriendly ghost) couldn't claim to be misunderstood or misquoted.

Yet now you wish to imply that my pique at Casper for us losing editing privileges was really aimed at you. Or the two of you. What???? :confused1: Shame on me? :confused1:

I am very sorry to hear of your loss Rifle. I have always thought that you have a charmed life with your family that many of us could only dream of.
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A short while ago, I mentioned about divulging too much about oneself within the forum and in pvt messages. From what I have read from the previous posts on this thread and at times posts on other heated threads, it proves my point.

Unless you have physically met anyone, whether it be on this forum on chat rooms etc, then do not divulge much about yourself and certainly not your family and friends.

I've said it recently - keep everyone at arms length - it's safer that way.
A short while ago, I mentioned about divulging too much about oneself within the forum and in pvt messages. From what I have read from the previous posts on this thread and at times posts on other heated threads, it proves my point.

Unless you have physically met anyone, whether it be on this forum on chat rooms etc, then do not divulge much about yourself and certainly not your family and friends.

I've said it recently - keep everyone at arms length - it's safer that way.

Amen Brother, Amen!
This may be a first in that I agree with our UK correspondent but truth is truth. I just found out that someone I felt close to on facebook, who I'd met at a different message board and had ongoing chats with him and his girlfriend, had lied about every single facet of his life. The girlfriend was even a fake job, using stolen pictures of that ultragrrrl chick! I'm not gonna say I'm never gonna trust again (there's someone on these boards I consider a good friend and restores my faith in online friends all the time) but it hurts to be lied to and used for whatever game someone else is playing. Keep everyone at arm's length until they prove themselves I guess will be my new motto...
Sad that you were lied to and sad that no one told you at age 5 that people sometime do. I suggest Ronald Regan's policy with the Soviets, "Trust but verify".
Nail on the head yabba

Sad that you were lied to and sad that no one told you at age 5 that people sometime do. I suggest Ronald Regan's policy with the Soviets, "Trust but verify".

Why not just trust, and let the conversation do the verification automatically? I thought gay guys were supposed to have vestiges of feminine intuition that helped them twig to falsity and falsehood. I agree that you shouldn't any more leave your car unlocked with the keys in the ignition than chat online about your address, PIN for your Mastercard and when you're gonna be away and which flowerpot your key is always left under. Also if you're not out to everyone who would otherwise be shocked to hear that you like dick, then don't publish photos of you liking dick. But otherwise, relax. It doesn't take long to identify a potential stalker and cut the person off.

I have a logitech webcam, and sometimes meet people on videochats where you can see each other. Seeing and hearing a person provides the possibility of a very different assessment of him from just reading his prepared statements on facebook.

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This is basic Internet protocol:

(1) Assume anything anybody says about themselves is false.

(2) Assume anything you write or any picture you send, even in the most private email, will become public at some time.

(3) If you are at all a public person in real life, or any member of your family are at all public persons, assume anybody can find out anything they want to about you with almost no effort.

I'm no angel regarding these rules. I have shared personal information (my email and in broad strokes, where I live) with someone else on this list but it was a calculated risk. They have more to lose than to gain by breaking my confidence. In another thread I shared some health problems I've had but considering the insight I showed, I think you can judge my truthfulness.

The scary one is #3. Over the new year a buddy moved to North Carolina. Despite numerous mutual pledges to stay in touch, he hasn't responded to my emails or phone calls. This is not unusual. He did the same when he lived in town. Curious, I wanted to see if I could use the Internet to track him down even though he's been in North Carolina for only two weeks. I did have the benefit of my buddy's unusual last name. By spending $1 and an hour, I found an address and phone number in North Carolina for his brother. The key was an obituary for my buddy's uncle in my local newspaper. It gave me the names of everyone in family. I'm not going to act on it now - I'm not a stalker - but if I need to, I could send my buddy a post card through his brother. And I would make it a post card, a very public communication. I have no agenda other than the desire to continue the friendship.
This is basic Internet protocol:

(1) Assume anything anybody says about themselves is false.

(2) Assume anything you write or any picture you send, even in the most private email, will become public at some time.

(3) If you are at all a public person in real life, or any member of your family are at all public persons, assume anybody can find out anything they want to about you with almost no effort.

I'm no angel regarding these rules. I have shared personal information (my email and in broad strokes, where I live) with someone else on this list but it was a calculated risk. They have more to lose than to gain by breaking my confidence. In another thread I shared some health problems I've had but considering the insight I showed, I think you can judge my truthfulness.

The scary one is #3. Over the new year a buddy moved to North Carolina. Despite numerous mutual pledges to stay in touch, he hasn't responded to my emails or phone calls. This is not unusual. He did the same when he lived in town. Curious, I wanted to see if I could use the Internet to track him down even though he's been in North Carolina for only two weeks. I did have the benefit of my buddy's unusual last name. By spending $1 and an hour, I found an address and phone number in North Carolina for his brother. The key was an obituary for my buddy's uncle in my local newspaper. It gave me the names of everyone in family. I'm not going to act on it now - I'm not a stalker - but if I need to, I could send my buddy a post card through his brother. And I would make it a post card, a very public communication. I have no agenda other than the desire to continue the friendship.

Casper gave me his phone number when we were getting on really well and messaging every day at the end of the summer. I ended up not calling him up, but later was curious to see where the whole California thing came from and checked the online phone book. White pages provides a "reverse" service that tells you a number of data, including the person's age and address (!) just from his phone number. I was really surprised. Less than 5 minutes and free except for the electricity.
Who The Hell Reads These Titles Anyways?

Casper gave me his phone number when we were getting on really well and messaging every day at the end of the summer. I ended up not calling him up, but later was curious to see where the whole California thing came from and checked the online phone book. White pages provides a "reverse" service that tells you a number of data, including the person's age and address (!) just from his phone number. I was really surprised. Less than 5 minutes and free except for the electricity.

Link? I'd like to add it to my list. There was a situation on a message board where a poster claimed to have gone to an internet cafe without taking much needed meds and was thus dying slowly in public. I was able to track down which cafe in which city from clues he gave and pass along that information so I have a knack for that kind of thing and have done it a few times since just for fun...
There are also reverse e-mail lookups that will search 40-something social media sites simultaneously. In some cases it will also pass along profile pictures, full names, and the location of the IP Address that the person uses while accessing those sites.

Just FYI.
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Well the fact is, there is no such thing as private anymore. I'm not talking of some vast conspiracy about gov't spying or some nonsense, I'm simply referring to what has been stated. There are companies that can do in depth searches for a charge, that will provide more information than you'd ever think. Hell, even doing a simple google search can get information you may not realize is out there. It's one reason that anything I put on my blog, or other forums is something I wouldn't be embarrassed in people seeing.

It also allows me to google anyone who sends me submissions. Someone acting like a tool on a messageboard, or posting paranoid fantasies somewhere? You can bet they get the fast track to rejection.