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BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
Well, we've been begging for something like this almost ever since the forum first appeared. I remember Wahoo and RunningScorp flirting unrealistically with the idea of being the first paying members to cross over and share the futon with a Brokie, before backing out. Then there was casper. More recently S. Moore has taken the whole thing rather farther, and says in email messages to me that he and David are continuing to communicate about how and when he might go down to Fla. for a shoot. Smoore is actually keen on becoming a Broke Straight Boys, not paying one to fuck him.

Which is Dylan's case. He conforms to several of the criteria for being a co-protagonist in a scene: his age is the main one, he's cute without being a buff sizzler, his story actually comes off as more real than many of the Straighties'. He did a typical solo jerk off of the more successful type and obviously has orgasms that move him. I frankly can't wait to see who gets roped in to fuck him and how that comes off. From the standpoint of the models this concept moves into the gray area between porn actor and escort in some vague way, and the boys who take Dylan up on his offer will have an added aura of some sort, a sort of distinction that sets them apart. I'm reserving judgement till I actually see how the scenes come off, but am expecting to like this initiative of David's and Dylan's, and to support the Straighties who take up the challenge.
Not sure how I feel about this. But time will tell if it turns out well.

And does anyone wonder if Dylan is on the forum?
Hell, if I had known you could pay to have sex with the boys on this site, I would have cashed in my 401K account 2 years ago!
Disturbing on so many levels!:ohmy:

Let the floodgates of offers open.:scared: Hide all the popular models.

And Slimmie, put down your wallet. You may not buy Tyler!:lol:

Disturbing on so many levels!:ohmy:

Let the floodgates of offers open.:scared: Hide all the popular models.

And Slimmie, put down your wallet. You may not buy Tyler!:lol:


Tragedy of my life. But just in case, I'm gonna watch my PMs for some kind of sign from him hehe. Just "ahem" or "happened to be in the forum and just thought I'd say hi". Anything, just anything.

You there Tyler?
Is this the prize winning directorial debut? Otherwise Broke Straight Boys just needs a musical score to be the Best Little Whorehouse in Miami


Then this is no longer a porn site; it is a subsidized pimp site. As Phyllis George, the former sportscaster, Miss America and First Lady of Kentucky was so fond of saying, "There's a fine line between being sweet and innocent and being a tough broad."
Ummm... yeah the idea is definitely something that I've thought about (wouldn't mind meeting Zakk), but pimping out the site? Not sure if I'm confortable with this one.

By the way, tell the new guys that they don't have to impress us with alot of exaggerated moaning, etc.
I think Slimvintage hit the nail on the head with his opening post. While reading the story before watching the scene,I was not sure how I felt. But, after watching it, I feel it's a new twist that will be fun to watch. It's a bit daring to make this kind of exception to the premise of the site, but we all continue to ask for something a bit different. So thanks to David for being willing to take this chance. As for Dylan, he's a pretty hot young guy and appears to have the 'fire in the belly.' Can't wait to see him teamed with his favorite models.
So Dylan is going to give up his virginity on camera for us all to see? Sounds hot to me.
hmm, rather than thinking of it as pimping, I would say Dylan is more like a co-producer. It just so happens that he also gets a starring role as well as dealing with the finances of the production. Not unheard of in the indie film industry.
David has opened up Pandora's Box on the site which I believe is illegal. Too many others would pay to be fucked by any of the great tops or perform oral services on the models. Please do not do this Broke Straight Boys David has erred greatly. The membership should not be free to pay for sex with the models on this site. If you want to prostitute your models, do it elsewhere. Broke Straight Boys cannot become a site to pay for sex with the models by the membership!
Sorry, when Thespus of Icaria stepped out of the chorus and became the first actor he was paid to perform not to participate. He was a member of the world's second oldest profession not the world's oldest profession. It's a fine line, but when an eighteen year old is asked to cross it for money, it's a big step. Emotionally the difference is whether or not he can go home saying "I performed a sexual act for money" or "I fucked a guy for money." One way's an actor, one way's a whore - who's being exploited here? I know those of you who think it's hot don't care and I'm not interested in arguing the point with anybody.I'm just tossing this out here because I think it crosses my line. What's the next line to be crossed? Forced entry? I'm not worried about Dylan. He went to the colesseum and got box seats.
Calm down, Rifle

Sorry, when Thespus of Icaria stepped out of the chorus and became the first actor he was paid to perform not to participate. He was a member of the world's second oldest profession not the world's oldest profession. It's a fine line, but when an eighteen year old is asked to cross it for money, it's a big step. Emotionally the difference is whether or not he can go home saying "I performed a sexual act for money" or "I fucked a guy for money." One way's an actor, one way's a whore - who's being exploited here? I know those of you who think it's hot don't care and I'm not interested in arguing the point with anybody.I'm just tossing this out here because I think it crosses my line. What's the next line to be crossed? Forced entry? I'm not worried about Dylan. He went to the colesseum and got box seats.
Don't get all riled up Rifle. Remember this is a "fantasy site". My guess is that young Dylan may have offered to pay for his futon time with the "brokies", but I believe that David is playing out this premise for the sake of the site, but I believe that both he and Shane will receive checks from BluMedia or D&E Productions or whoever doles out the checks to the models.

Please don't take everything said during the vignettes on screen as gospel. It is fantasy based on reality, but I can't believe that David would offer anything illegal, or that Mark would release any scene involving a member paying a model for sex.

So get some lube, and grab your dick in your right hand, (if you are right handed) and enjoy the action, and don't get hung up on what is said on camera.
I'm quite surprised at the reactions of some to Dylan's venture. This is the first time a member has been on the Futon, but not the first time a member has paid the models. I don't recall which vid a member's cash allotment to the models was discussed, but I do remember Dustin was given a packet of seafood in exchange for him doing another fave model. Perhaps it was Austin's first bottoming scene?

I think it is a fun little fantasy, and it never registered with me at all the legalities of Dylan's proposition.

As has been said so many times in Forumland, all is not as it appears.

I'm looking forward to cute little spectacled Dylan's experiment, and finding out whom he has selected to be his partners in "crime". hehe
There was an episode a couple of years ago where a member sent David I think $1K to add to the pot that David pays the guys, IF they would do a specific sex act. It was a while ago but that was done. However, all it did was add to the pot paid the guys. The member that sent the money didnt get to have sex with a model.
This brings up many thoughts pro & con for what is going on.
Maybe Dylan's money should be given the BluMedia's favorite charity they use when they auction items. That may ease some of the turmoil in some of the members minds.
I dont know what I think about this.. I didnt think he played well to the camera. I think He is full of himself and not in a good way. He is walking that line of cocky and asshole. He seems like a spoiled rich kid. I maybe wrong but I am just saying my impression wasnt a great one but he is going to be fucked by shane so I will see. One of the issues that I have with it is as someone being your first time and you have watched them before and may think something could be more then that becomes a really big grey issue. Everyone think about your first time? can you still tell me what happened even if 20 years has passed ? maybe I am thinking of this a wrong way cause I am a woman and we are told its huge to lose ours and men are basically told they need to inorder to become a man.

just some thoughts...
I am absolutely astounded that David would pimp out his models! I don't care how you word it, it is pimping! Is that to be the new standard? If so, I have couple ok $k for a romp with my favorite model. That was a line best not crossed!
I have always liked the premise of this site. I don't always care for a model, but I have learned to enjoy the ones I like and skip those I don't. And I can understand you bringing in gay boys to help out a straight boy. Too often though, you have brought in gay boys to fulfill their fantasy about being with a straight boy. And what is even worse, those gay boys often don't perform that well and produce a mediocore (at best) shoot. I am disappointed at this new twist. After all these years, it is time to say goodbye.
Breaking new ground

I do have mixed emotions about this one: Mainly legal. However this should be interesting. Now David, get over this business that "No One" likes the audition Jack-Off's. I do . . . it's part of the whole thing. As far as Dylan is concerned, He is a decent enough fella. Fairly lean, not too bashful and so willing to hammer it home so to speak and spill his virgin seed for all of us to watch. I did see who his virgin flight will be with and he's only one of the most perfect bodies you could find. Should be interesting . . . Little Dylan will never forget this one!