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Dustin Actually was Gay


Active Member
Mar 4, 2009
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new jersey
I was just on Dustins myspace page and it states that Lavon(Dustins Boyfriend) is doing the posting under Dustins page.
I was just on Dustins myspace page and it states that Lavon(Dustins Boyfriend) is doing the posting under Dustins page.

whats the address Bjd?
this is one reason why the models real names can't be exposed to the public. some of the models are gay, but what does it matter. I mean they look the part and definitely do there job by giving you something hot to jack off too.
I Knew this was going to happen and I anticipated that the assumption were going to fly....when Dustin started filming with our studio he came to us like many of the models you see here on the site. The apply and they come here as curious models...Dustin, was with plenty of females but had an interest in doing stuff with males.

Just like many models and I have stated many times on various threads, some models come here, they are curious and when we place them in front of the camera, we film them having sex with guys and they make the money, some models feel very comfortable doing gay sex and become "gay for pay". This is very common in the porn world. Straight guys or Curious guys or Bi guys want to ulitimatily do straight porn, but when the realize the pay in straight porn sucks, they think they can do gay porn.

Some guys do well and feel comfortable doing gay porn and discover a side of them that they never felt before and go to other studios and do gay porn. Some just try it once and never to be seen again.

In Dustin's case, he came to use curious...he worked with us for a year. We filmed him and he really didn't care for doing gay sex. He wouldn't bottom, he never bottomed, he didn't like sucking dick and his cum shots were awful. We liked Dustin a lot because off camera he was a charming individual and since he was getting his fame and glory here on Broke Straight Boys, he would go to both straight and gay bars. In the gay bars all the femme gay boys would throw themselves to Dustin and he loved the attention and the femme gay boys would fall in love with Dustin. The truth of the fact was Dustin was a "player", he was a nice guy...but he had more then one boyfriend and had several girlfriends while filming here on Broke Straight Boys He would piss off the boys because he would play them for fools, the gay boys would be in love with Dustin and he fuck them, have them suck his dick and then leave them for the next boy that would fuck him and suck....he didn't love the boys, he didn't care for the boys he fucked. It was just fucking to him. His romantic side was with females and he had plenty of females as well and he treated the females the same way. Dustin was afraid of commitment and didn't want to settle down. Dustin loved to be in the fast lane, play hard and party hard and he charmed a lot of people. Dustin was a great guy to be around and party with. He loved to drink and get super drunk, he loved smoking pot and getting real high and he was the attention and the life of the party. He also loved bringing attention to himself, he didn't want to work or go to school. He had a "sugar daddy" that paid for his house and car and other things as well. Dustin was a type of person, that he would do anything for you and he was a cool guy...but if anyone would offer him money or if there was a way for him to get money, he was there. It didn't matter to Dustin if he had a sugar daddy or a sugar momma, just as long as his rent was being paid...he didn't care. Just as long Dustin was able to party and have his fun...he didn't care.

Dustin growing up didn't come from a rich family, he was a troubled kid and was in & out of juvi several times. He was street smart and knew how to survive. Unfortunately since he wanted to party hard, play hard and live life and the fast lane, it caught up with him as a result an untimely death.

When Dustin first came to us, he was raw, but the fame, the glory and the attention got to him and that was his addiction. He wanted his fame and glory and party hard and in the porn life, he was able to do it. We recognized Dustin's path when we filmed for us at Broke Straight Boys..he got "cocky", rude, nasty, all he wanted to do is party, drink and smoke pot...after a while, he started getting bald, he was getting fat and he was becoming arrogant towards Eddie and I and the other models...he really didn't want to do gay sex anymore so when his contract was up, we didn't renew it and we sent him on his way.

Apparently, he just couldn't get a job and/or go to school, he had to continue living the fast life. He figured since he was so popular on Broke Straight Boys that he would be able to work with other studios. That is were he found an agent, the agent had a difficult time finding him work. When he did work with other gay studios, again he was arrogant and nasty thinking he was some gift from god. The other studios used him but never had him back, the agent dumped him and then he went to another agent and that agent dumped him as well. He did get some work by himself doing some minor porn gigs here and there but nothing major...he turned to selling drugs, thus leading him to what happen to his life.

Although I love Dustin and he was a wonderful person, he was a lazy dumb ass for not getting his life in order. Dustin was a smart guy and he had some money in the bank. His mother wanted him to move back home and go to school, but he refused and he couldn't live a normal life and get a job and go to school so that is why I say he's a dumb ass for not getting his life in order and leaving us the way he did. Its sad but this is what happens to some of the porn models in this industry....it can gobble you up, and spit you out.

If you don't die, you get into trouble with the law, you get arrested or some crazy shit happens...this is not the case for most models...most models do porn, make money, have fun and go to school or get a job...but some just love the fame, glory, the porn life and the fast life and all its glory...and its sad.
Thank you David for giving us that background on what some of his motivations were for doing the "dumb ass" things that he did. It's obvious that he was very immature, impetuous, reckless and yes, very selfish in many of his actions. And of course in the way he dealt with other people. It confirms what Jayman, I, and many others already knew or at least suspected.

His life and death though were learning experiences for all of us. And we have him to thank for that. Part of why he chose this lifetime is because he would have the opportunity to teach and impart lessons to others. I have learned so much from him in these past few days and I am grateful to him for that.

As you say, Andrew could be quite charming. With a great laugh and smile. Many people were able to catch a glimpse of that diamond inside that was still so rough around the edges. Therein was (and is) the true Andrew. Who like so many of us down here didn't reach his full potential yet. In his video work we saw all too often only the rough edges.

I would also like to remember the diamond inside that was the true Andrew.

The Andrew who wanted to be an exceptional person, but who got too self absorbed by all the earthly distractions.

As a blessed child of God I know that God isn't finished with him yet. Through more lifetimes God will take that diamond in the rough and apply friction, heat, cold, adversity, and most importantly... Love. Until at some moment in the course of eternity the soul we know as Andrew will shed the last bits of coal and become that sparkling diamond that is his birthright.

Much love to you Andrew!
I don't think Dustin should have died. I know in my post I was very upfront and matter of fact type tone in my post but I wanted to get my point across and not have the rumor mill start and all the crazy assumptions.

The bad part of the porn industry is some models (NOT ALL) go a bit crazy and love living the life of a rock & roll porn star. They have there 15 mins of fame and all the attention...they eat it up. Some guys are good with it and keep grounded but others take it to the next level and live the life of a party porn star. This is something they do on there own private time and when a model is not here, we have no control over them and what they do.

Keep in mind, we haven't filmed nor seen Dustin for over a year so what was going through his mind and what he was doing or what drugs he was doing, we don't know. Eddie would keep in touch with him often but just to say hello and such...but never in detail. We didn't keep track of what Dustin was doing or was up to ever since.

Who knows what was going on with his life in the past several months. ???
I don't think Dustin should have died.

Dear David,

Nobody in their right mind would ever accuse you of that. You spoke the truth about the areas of his life that you were aware of. That's all.

The manner in which he died is part of the tragedy of it. And it's what has so many of us so shocked and distraught. The senselessness of it will linger with me for years. As with so many injustices in this world I have to file this one away with, things I'll only get the answers to on the other side.
Teaching the Ropes

I think you guys are missing the point.

Years ago, I was in the porn business in Southern California. A light-skinned black dude popping a cherry with every surfer dude on the beach. I was cute, sensuous, excellent mouth, tight butthole.. could make a cute boy nut several times. My studio, long out of business now, was shuffling cute boys in, every 5 minutes, and not even bothering to check their ages. I left because I simply got tired of it. Always in demand, made tons of money, sucked lots of dick, avoided any diseases, and broke a few hearts.

But I was one of the lucky ones. I escaped with my sanity.

Every porn model boy nowadays, especially the cute ones, has to be schooled by the studios, in what happens if you let the fame, the fortune, the dick, go to your head (and I mean, the BIG one). If you want them to be successful, you've got to warn them about consequences.

What happened to Andrew Grande, a.k.a. Dustin, was predictable. I have never meet anybody in your studio, but I'm absolutely positive there are several "Dustin's" lurking around your studio right now. You know who they are, you've seen the attitudes. They need brotherly advice, and they need it quick.

Before you have them sign a contract, pay them a dime, or let one dude suck 'em off, the models ought to be made to watch older porn films, the ones with Kip Noll, Jon King, and some of those other cuties from back in the day. Then, read the biographies, the sex stories, the drug stories, and everything about those older models. All of them met untimely deaths, not because they forgot a condom, but because the fame went to their heads, and they started acting recklessly.

So here's the dilemma.. How do you convince an 18 year old with a gorgeous body, a hot dick, a cute little-boy face, a passion for sex, and enough cum to shoot across the room at the money he's making, to take it easy, chill back, and take things SLOW?

You let them see what has happened to others who lived in the fast lane. The depression, the manipulation of "friends," the drugs, the law enforcement encounters, not to mention the psychological impact. All of it. Up front. The course could be called: "This could happen to you."

Do I hold you guys responsible for Andrew's fast rise to fame, and predictable downfall? No. Do not take these boys away from me. I just find it difficult to feel sorry for them. Nobody makes these choices for them.

As I watched Andrew writhing on the ground, trying to breathe, it all started to make sense to me. He was NEVER warned about ALL of the extremes he would face. At one extreme, great sex, tons of money, dudes and girls totally in love with him. At the other extreme, plenty of drugs, dudes with VD or AIDS, psychological issues, dudes and girls who use him because he's got money. Don't tell you you guys and the other studdios (not a missprint) don't have models right now that don't fit those categories because I have seen it. Myself. In person. I've lost model friends because they couldn't handle the pressure..

And nobody ever warned them about it.

You just have to school the models, because nobody else will.
Hey Buttsniffer- your post was excellent. But we are not the typical "porn studio" that people think we are. When we hire our models, we fly them in from all over the United States. We house them in our own home and feed them and treat them like human beings and guests of our home.

Some in our industry don't agree on how *WE* treat our models and we often get ridiculed from other studios on how we treat our models. When *WE* first started I was told by other studios to treat the models like "Meat" and that is all they are, MEAT! I beg to differ and I was not brought up to teach people like MEAT. Especially a guest in my house, especially when models are performing for me and making me money...I have a human moral right to treat the models like human beings regardless of what background they came from.

With that being said, when models do arrive, we get to know them personally and find out a lot more then what we want. Eddie and I continually coach these models about going to school, get a job, porn isn't a career and we do talk about past porn stars and the sad parts of porn. Many and I mean many models have taken our advice and are doing well in school and have turned there lives around...however, some models you can tell them and educate them and coach them as much as you can until your blue in the face and they don't listen. We have had many many models that didn't listen to us, we have had many models that came here and we through out and didn't film them because they were rude, nasty arrogant young guys and they think there invisible and because there young and good looking the world is there oyster and nothing can happen to them. Those type of models are sadly surprised when the reality of life hits them in the ass. At times, we treat the models better then there own parents.

As for Dustin, I have told him many times and over and over again that he can't be a player and what he does with all the boys and girls and how he treats them, how he used this sugar daddy guy and told him what he's doing is not right. I tried to tell him to go to school, get a job...I was trying to tell Dustin not to do porn anymore. He heard stories from past models and past events but still didn't listen. Thus look what happen...again its sad and that is what saddens me the most is because Eddie and I told him not to get into drugs, not to be so cocky, to go to school and don't rely on sugar daddies...but why listen to a 42 year old creepy pornographer filming boys for profit...who am I?
It is truly inspiring to read that there are people in the porn industry who really care about their people. Even if you don't believe in a god, compassion for ones neighbor is a quality that is approaches the divine. I am really touched by the empathy and understanding on this site. If more church-goers would exhibit this much concern for eachother this may trully be a better world.
I liked your post. I don't think anyone really thinks about that stuff. i know I don't but, I'm not a porn star or anything. I have gotten wasted with my friends and we've done lots of stupid and probably dangerous stuff together. I've messed around with them lately and of course didn't think anything about a condom or that because I've grown up with these guys and since we've all done the same girls anyway (and now guys..haha) well, I guess if there was anything going around we would already have it. I even had a friend that ate a bunch of weed when the cops was around and we knew they was going to pull us over but, he didn't eat the damn bag just the weed inside. The cops can't do nothing about and empty bag that smells like pot.

Dustin's thing is just bad, I mean it just happened and we can't do anything about it. I've been searching the internet last few days trying to find out anything about him. I hate to say this but I wish we could have got to know Dustin before he died. Why get to know him now. I mean I know they can't tell us stuff about the models and I know that they kinda get a name and a character that they go with and I understand that now. I was pretty naive when I signed up and even though I feel totally stupid now because I actually seen the place as a online forum where you could ask questions and kinda figure out about gay sex and figure out if you was straight or bi. I think my earlier posts deffinately prove that point. I was even in love with a couple of models that I just wanted to be like because I thought they was so freeking cool. Turns out I didn't really know anything about them..just a character...Now I don't even like them because I feel like I was telling them my whole life story and trying to get to know them, and everything I learned about them probably is all made up..Like I said, I kinda get it...I don't think we have any stalkers in Oklahoma so we just don't really think about that stuff. I guess we have better things to do around here. I mean Kansas blows, and Texas sux so were firmly and stationarily placed here (I'm not complaining if it wasn't for those two states Oklahoma would have floated off in the Gulf). I guess there good for something.

I don't know about David schooling the models...I mean what is he going to say that anyone is going to listen too...I mean he's the guy that you go to to get some money so that you can do some of the other stuff you want. I'm sure some of them would listen to him but, there not the problem...The ones that don't listen are the ones we will be sad about again, and we'll all be surfing the net trying to find out why they meant so much of us to begin with. We will feel sad because we falsely think we could have helped if we only knew but, It will turn out that we really didn't know anything about them. I don't care if Dustin was gay, or straight, or bi, or democrat, or republican. David has already stated why they couldn't use him as a model anymore but, I don't care about any of that stuff...I wish he was still here..alive...so we could just gripe about everything being fake...and we don't know a thing about him.....Shit...Now we know alot about Dustin, his name, his family, his life, his parents, his juvie, his drugs, but, what good is it when we don't have him to know.....we just need to remember that alot of people loved him regardless to who he really turns out to be.
I will shut up now!
For me, I will remember the good in Dustin and how much fun it was to have him around. For the members, enjoy his performance regardless if its good or bad or whatever...enjoy what he left us here on Broke Straight Boys His youth will be forever preserved on film.
Yeah. That's has to be one thing that will please Andrew. That he's been captured on film for posterity as a very handsome and youthful young man. We know how his human vanity caused him to worry and fret over his premature baldness.

Not to say that he is in the same league with any of these people...but just like Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana and James Dean....

Andrew/Dustin will be remembered forever as young, beautiful and handsome.

Why do I have the feeling that Andrew is looking down from heaven and approving of that part? :001_smile:
David, I personally want to thank you for the candor in your replies on this thread. Again, I think it is great that your models are not treated as proverbial meat. It was the side of the industry that was always the hardest to deal with on a personal level. I can truly say I appreciate being a member of this site regardless of the site's implications i.e. "Broke Straight Boys" It sounds like you are taking advantage of promiscuous youth when you first hear the site's title. Having been a long term member and reading your many posts I feel nothing but gratitude for all of Blu Media and D&E Productions for at least respecting your models.:thumbup:

I have been curious since it aired on November 9, 2009. Preston, Mike, and Jordan. Did Preston want to experience being dominated by Mike and Jordan just to see what it was like? I was really never 100% sure. Again, I know it is just porn. If during the interview Preston had revealed that he always wanted to be dominated by two guys at the same time; the shoot would have made more sense to me and much easier to watch.

My first thought when I saw the video was I can't believe this is happening and David is filming it. I thought these guys were all treated with respect and never forced to do things they did not want to. It looked like two models got out of control and decided that they were going to make this straight guy their bitch boy no matter what. I was wondering if the explanation part was cut out on the editing floor by accident.

As I watched more of the three models in action I could tell they were all pretty good guys. My point is it took me a few weeks to realize that scene was probably something Preston wanted to experience. I think it would have allayed my fears watching the that video and heightened the experience of watching the video to know that Preston wanted to experience being dominated by Mike and Jordan. The scene is a hot scene now when I go back to it. But I watch it now believing that this is what Preston wanted to do.:wink:
David, I personally want to thank you for the candor in your replies on this thread. Again, I think it is great that your models are not treated as proverbial meat. It was the side of the industry that was always the hardest to deal with on a personal level. I can truly say I appreciate being a member of this site regardless of the site's implications i.e. "Broke Straight Boys" It sounds like you are taking advantage of promiscuous youth when you first hear the site's title. Having been a long term member and reading your many posts I feel nothing but gratitude for all of Blu Media and D&E Productions for at least respecting your models.:thumbup:

I have been curious since it aired on November 9, 2009. Preston, Mike, and Jordan. Did Preston want to experience being dominated by Mike and Jordan just to see what it was like? I was really never 100% sure. Again, I know it is just porn. If during the interview Preston had revealed that he always wanted to be dominated by two guys at the same time; the shoot would have made more sense to me and much easier to watch.

My first thought when I saw the video was I can't believe this is happening and David is filming it. I thought these guys were all treated with respect and never forced to do things they did not want to. It looked like two models got out of control and decided that they were going to make this straight guy their bitch boy no matter what. I was wondering if the explanation part was cut out on the editing floor by accident.

As I watched more of the three models in action I could tell they were all pretty good guys. My point is it took me a few weeks to realize that scene was probably something Preston wanted to experience. I think it would have allayed my fears watching the that video and heightened the experience of watching the video to know that Preston wanted to experience being dominated by Mike and Jordan. The scene is a hot scene now when I go back to it. But I watch it now believing that this is what Preston wanted to do.:wink:

Yes...Preston wanted it. We would never force a model to do that type of filming unless they agree to it first. He actually requested that both guys fuck him hard.
In a way I'm kind of envious of Dustin.

We may not agree with his habits, personality, or overall path in life, but it was his. We're all so coached into the concept of success in this culture that I think we all lose a part of ourselves over the years. We slowly begin accepting things as "the way things are" and fail to thrive for more. Or we're so afraid of looking like a failure that we sit behind a computer for 40+ hours a week waiting for something to jolt us back to life.

Dustin may have stepped on some toes, broken some hearts, and disappointed some people along the way, but he made a name (or two) for himself and pursued what HE wanted in life as opposed to what others wanted for him. I respect that.