I figured I'd start a thread about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico since I live in a state that will be affected by it fairly soon. It seems there is a whole lot of propaganda and spin going on from all sides. Meanwhile new oil keeps pouring out by the second. It doesn't care what's being said by whom.
At the Republican convention in 2008 the sound bite of the day was, "Drill baby, drill!" Sarah Palin, John McCain and all the party faithful were touting the need for more domestically produced oil...an argument for which a case can be made. And that all this caution and resistance urged by environmentalists was the work of a bunch of out of touch, tree hugging, buffoons. In other words, by people who had no grasp of reality.
The GOP went with rosy scenarios pushed on them by Big Oil and the ideologues of the party. By those who said that our new technology is so good that we can safely tap oil just about anywhere off the U.S. coast at a reasonable depth. And that not doing so would be a danger to our national security. Or as the simpleton wannabe MENSA case Sarah Palin likes to say about every little conservative "outrage" of the day.... (You fill in the blank) "It would make us less free."
Meanwhile the oil encroaches on the coast of Louisiana and the damage is being done. The coast of Alabama and Florida are next in line. The powdery white sand beaches of Destin in the Florida panhandle, and the livelihoods of all the shrimpers and fishermen on the northern Gulf coast, are now at risk. If the oil continues pouring out at its present rate, by the third week of June it will be bigger than the Exxon Valdez spill of 1989.
BP claims that it was never prepared for a spill of this magnitude. What does that tell us about the priorities of these multi-billion dollar corporations? Or about our technology?
At the Republican convention in 2008 the sound bite of the day was, "Drill baby, drill!" Sarah Palin, John McCain and all the party faithful were touting the need for more domestically produced oil...an argument for which a case can be made. And that all this caution and resistance urged by environmentalists was the work of a bunch of out of touch, tree hugging, buffoons. In other words, by people who had no grasp of reality.
The GOP went with rosy scenarios pushed on them by Big Oil and the ideologues of the party. By those who said that our new technology is so good that we can safely tap oil just about anywhere off the U.S. coast at a reasonable depth. And that not doing so would be a danger to our national security. Or as the simpleton wannabe MENSA case Sarah Palin likes to say about every little conservative "outrage" of the day.... (You fill in the blank) "It would make us less free."
Meanwhile the oil encroaches on the coast of Louisiana and the damage is being done. The coast of Alabama and Florida are next in line. The powdery white sand beaches of Destin in the Florida panhandle, and the livelihoods of all the shrimpers and fishermen on the northern Gulf coast, are now at risk. If the oil continues pouring out at its present rate, by the third week of June it will be bigger than the Exxon Valdez spill of 1989.
BP claims that it was never prepared for a spill of this magnitude. What does that tell us about the priorities of these multi-billion dollar corporations? Or about our technology?