You know what just dawned on me! I am sitting here and it just hit me why my family was so upset with the news. My grandmother passed away on ash wednesday in 1976, and my mother passed away on good friday in 1996. I was wondering why everyone was upset!
Things that make you go Hummmm!!!
The numerology is odd. 1976 = 5 and 1996 = 7
You got nothing to worry about. 2009 = 2
A 2 represents - Duality. Alteration; diversity; conflict; dependence. Two is a static condition. It is rooted, seen as balance (two sides); stability; reflection. Two are the opposite poles. Represents the dual nature of the human being. It is desire, since all that is manifest in duality is in pairs of opposites. As One represents a point, two represents a length. The Binary is the first number to recede from Unity, it also symbolizes sin which deviates from the first good and denotes the transitory and the corruptible.Two represents two-fold strength--that is symbolized by two of anything, usually in history, by animals in pairs.
A 5 represents - Five is the symbol of human microcosm. The number of the human being. Human forms---the pentagon when arms and legs are out stretched. The pentagon is endless ---sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the circle. Five is a circular number as it produces itself in its last digit when raised to its own power. The pentacle, like the circle symbolizes whole, the quincunx being the number of its center and the meeting point of heaven, earth, and the four cardinal points plus the center point.
Five is also representative of the Godhead - Central Creator of the four fours plus itself equalling five. Five is the marriage of the hieros gamos as combination of feminine and the masculine. Feminine being even, as 2, in frequency and masculine being odd as 3 in frequency = 5.
The number five symbolizes meditation; religion; versatility. It represents the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing) everywhere except in the East. In the East there are six---the extra being Mind. We find meanings to five in the five petaled flower, five pointed leaves--especially the ROSE. The Rose has much symbolism, but also the lily, vine, all of which represent the microcosm.
The five pointed star depicts individuality and spiritual aspiration, and education when it points upward. The five pointed star pointing downward represents witchcraft, and it is used in black magic. Noted: There is a very broad difference between witchcraft and black magic.
The number five formed the first counting process from which all else came.
A 7 represents - If 6 represents humanity then 7 - the center of the spiral is humanity's connection to its source, god, Christ consciousness - or whatever name you prefer.
Seven is the number of the Universe. It is the three of the heavens (soul) combined with the four (body) of the earth; being the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal. In looking over the list of meanings it doesn't take long to figure out why the seven has become significant in metaphysical, religious and other spiritual doctrines - as seven represents the virginity of the Great Mother - feminine archetype - She who creates.
There are 7
ages of man
ancient wonders of the world
circles of Universe
cosmic stages
days of the week
pillars of wisdom
rays of the sun
musical notes - sound as frequency plays a key roll in matters of Universe. There are over 80 octaves of frequency - each governing a specific manifestation in Universe.
Of course when I did the math I only looked at the actual year. And not their true life's path numerology. Nor did I ad in the specific date. Usually the year speaks clearly enough in these cases.