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do they know they are twats


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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after world war 2 all of europe decided that national healthcare was a laudable and socially just goal because their governments believed that a society secure in the knowledge hat they could receive affordable and reliable healthcare
(drs/ nurses/ medicines/ surgeries/ psychological consults/ preventative care/ gerontological services/ obgyn/ pediatric care) would function better....BUT NOT IN THE US where make-up wearing diva fellatiobuster ted cruz believes that not every American deserves government mandated healthcare...of course Congress (House and Senate) have exempted themselves and will accept taxpayer funded healthcare and retirements...the us is a 1st world economy but at this rate it will soon fall into a 3rd world category with people literally dying in the streets from stuff that had been wiped out like smallpox, malaria, polio....even Thatcher did not mess with National Health Services in GB and no rightist government has dared to touch national healthcare in any Westyn Euro nation....
Only in the USA do elected officials who have passed laws that permit them to retire as millionaires because they may keep all unused campaign fuds and get fully vested lifetime retirements after onlys ne term in office plus get automatic cost of living inflation adjustments to their salaries unless they vote NOT to get them would tell the taxpaying public that they do not deserve to have secure healthcare and retirements...
Obamacare is shitty because he compromised and allowed private insurance companies to write most of the damn legislation yet it makes healthcare affordable but not guaranteed to all leaving more Americans covered than ever before...
after world war 2 all of europe decided that national healthcare was a laudable and socially just goal because their governments believed that a society secure in the knowledge hat they could receive affordable and reliable healthcare
(drs/ nurses/ medicines/ surgeries/ psychological consults/ preventative care/ gerontological services/ obgyn/ pediatric care) would function better....BUT NOT IN THE US where make-up wearing diva fellatiobuster ted cruz believes that not every American deserves government mandated healthcare...of course Congress (House and Senate) have exempted themselves and will accept taxpayer funded healthcare and retirements...the us is a 1st world economy but at this rate it will soon fall into a 3rd world category with people literally dying in the streets from stuff that had been wiped out like smallpox, malaria, polio....even Thatcher did not mess with National Health Services in GB and no rightist government has dared to touch national healthcare in any Westyn Euro nation....
Only in the USA do elected officials who have passed laws that permit them to retire as millionaires because they may keep all unused campaign fuds and get fully vested lifetime retirements after onlys ne term in office plus get automatic cost of living inflation adjustments to their salaries unless they vote NOT to get them would tell the taxpaying public that they do not deserve to have secure healthcare and retirements...
Obamacare is shitty because he compromised and allowed private insurance companies to write most of the damn legislation yet it makes healthcare affordable but not guaranteed to all leaving more Americans covered than ever before...

Good post KRU, I hope they sort it out soon before it's too late.
Gardenboy. I live in Texas and don't appreciate your view of the best state in the Country. I am not a Cruz fan either but I would suggest you not lump everyone in the state in your hate talk. I am a gay moderate Republican as is my boy friend. BOTH left and right do things that are insane. Just don't lump us all in some bigoted pot of whatever you are cooking.
Gardenboy. I live in Texas and don't appreciate your view of the best state in the Country. I am not a Cruz fan either but I would suggest you not lump everyone in the state in your hate talk. I am a gay moderate Republican as is my boy friend. BOTH left and right do things that are insane. Just don't lump us all in some bigoted pot of whatever you are cooking.

I agree with Bradley. It was a silly post generalising all the people of Texas because of the acts of one person.
Gardenboy. I live in Texas and don't appreciate your view of the best state in the Country. I am not a Cruz fan either but I would suggest you not lump everyone in the state in your hate talk. I am a gay moderate Republican as is my boy friend. BOTH left and right do things that are insane. Just don't lump us all in some bigoted pot of whatever you are cooking.

Hi Bradley! I understand you served our country in the military and I want to first off say thank you for your service. I can't imagine doing what you're doing, but I'm very grateful you're doing it.

Full disclosure: I'm a center left Democrat from deep blue Illinois, and I've only ever voted for one Republican (Mark Kirk, our current senator, and him only because I thought the Democrat in that race was frighteningly incompetent). This is a serious question: what does it mean, in 2013, to be a moderate Republican? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this; most of the Republicans I know are deeply conservative.
Hi Bradley! I understand you served our country in the military and I want to first off say thank you for your service. I can't imagine doing what you're doing, but I'm very grateful you're doing it.

Full disclosure: I'm a center left Democrat from deep blue Illinois, and I've only ever voted for one Republican (Mark Kirk, our current senator, and him only because I thought the Democrat in that race was frighteningly incompetent). This is a serious question: what does it mean, in 2013, to be a moderate Republican? I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this; most of the Republicans I know are deeply conservative.

Thank you for your comments and you are welcome. For me it is easy to explain my position. I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I want the government off our backs, telling us what we have to do like the healthcare situation. I want smaller government and less taxes. There is so much waste in Washington every year you hear about and nothing ever changes. I have heard it all my life and nothing ever changes!
I am socially liberal and agree with gay marriage and equally benefits such as tax breaks etc for a gay married couple that a straight couple get. I have no problem helping those who need and truly deserve it. But there are far too many now abusing the system that don't deserve the assistance they get. The fraud keeps growing and nobody does anything about it. I know at least a dozen people my age that are from upper middle class homes in college, they drive nice cars and they found a way to beat the system and get a fair amount of food stamps every month. They laugh about it. That system has grown out of control. I don't believe abortion should be anything to do with the Feds. I can sort of deal with the States mandating it but again, it's big brother telling you what you can and can't do with your own body. It should be a personal decision. This was a country founded on freedom and we should NOT be forced to buy healthcare we don't want or get fined if we don't or any other stupid program. It's absurd.
I am so sick of our country sending billions of dollars to countries that hate and are trying to kill us. We have been doing it for a long time and things are only getting worse. Nobody on "either side" will stop it because of the special interests involved padding their back pockets to keep it going. Bring our troops home NOW! I fought hard, have been wounded twice and I busted my gut to show the innocent locals the empathy, love and support we as Americans have. I went far beyond what I had to do to help those people and taught the kids to play baseball, sing, dance, speak some English. You could see the twinkle in their eyes they want to learn more and loved what we did. We helped a lot of people but the big picture is a loosing battle. I am a VERY proud Marine and I will always stand up for our Country. It's just time people cut though the bullshit and be honest that both sides of the aisle in Washington are doing nothing to change this insane spending that will bankrupt us soon and other stupid policies they keep pushing that don't work! Bring our troops home NOW!
That was very interesting to read, and I think we have a lot more in common than we disagree about politically, even though we're from different parties. I find that kind of reassuring, what with the shit going on in DC right now.
That was very interesting to read, and I think we have a lot more in common than we disagree about politically, even though we're from different parties. I find that kind of reassuring, what with the shit going on in DC right now.

Indeed advocate - I have been trying to learn how the American system works since I've been on this forum and still it gives me a headache.
The Tea Partiers grew up expecting to be treated better than anybody else!


Dear gardenboy,

I think your generalization is due to the overwhelming "Extremists Republicans" that have taken over the state of Texas and guaranteeing that only Republicans will be reelected due to the outrageous "Gerrymandering of the voting districts" (to disproportionately favor Republican candidates election) and erecting unnecessary obstacles in the name of discouraging exaggerated claims of voter fraud. If it is one thing these Tea Partiers hate, IT IS A FAIR FIGHT!

Gardenboy, I am with you and very much consider myself to be a Pres. Clinton Democrat/Pres. Obama loyalist(fiscal conservative and social liberal). Just like following the last presidential election, Romney could not understand how he could possibly have lost, these Tea Party Congressmen freaks are operating under the same delusion. Someone needs to slap them into the real world!


Stimpy, "No Tea for me please!"
How can you be a fiscal conservative when Obama has spent more money in his term then any other President in history. Money we don't have, programs that don't work, foreign policy that has made us the laughing stock of the world and more?
Dear gardenboy,

I think your generalization is due to the overwhelming "Extremists Republicans" that have taken over the state of Texas and guaranteeing that only Republicans will be reelected due to the outrageous "Gerrymandering of the voting districts" (to disproportionately favor Republican candidates election) and erecting unnecessary obstacles in the name of discouraging exaggerated claims of voter fraud. If it is one thing these Tea Partiers hate, IT IS A FAIR FIGHT!

Gardenboy, I am with you and very much consider myself to be a Pres. Clinton Democrat/Pres. Obama loyalist(fiscal conservative and social liberal). Just like following the last presidential election, Romney could not understand how he could possibly have lost, these Tea Party Congressmen freaks are operating under the same delusion. Someone needs to slap them into the real world!


Stimpy, "No Tea for me please!"
How can you be a fiscal conservative when Obama has spent more money in his term then any other President in history. Money we don't have, programs that don't work, foreign policy that has made us the laughing stock of the world and more?

Disagree with that Bradders. You have to get your internal house in order before blaming the situation on foreign policy. The UK has a similar foreign policy to the US but because we have gotten our internal house in order we are currently not in such a financial mess as other Euro countries.

I do believe that your country's political infrastructure needs a good pull through. There is no way a current government should have the carpet pulled from under there feet by the opposition.
I do believe that your country's political infrastructure needs a good pull through. There is no way a current government should have the carpet pulled from under there feet by the opposition.
You are correct Jon that the current opposition lead by the ultra conservative Tea Party have pulled a coup never seen before in American history. They have found a way to highjack the government by a minority fringe group. I sure hope that this does not set a precedent for future Congresses. This is not what the framers of our Constitution had in mind.
I don't know if it's NEVER been seen before. Things were pretty bad in Congress right before the Civil War... I'll believe things have really gotten out of hand when something like this happens:

Good point Advocate. You are not the first who has mentioned our current situation being eerily similar to the U.S.A. before the Civil war. It is actually quite scary.

I think your generalization is due to the overwhelming "Extremists Republicans" that have taken over the state of Texas and guaranteeing that only Republicans will be reelected due to the outrageous "Gerrymandering of the voting districts" (to disproportionately favor Republican candidates election) and erecting unnecessary obstacles in the name of discouraging exaggerated claims of voter fraud. If it is one thing these Tea Partiers hate, IT IS A FAIR FIGHT!

Gardenboy, I am with you and very much consider myself to be a Pres. Clinton Democrat/Pres. Obama loyalist(fiscal conservative and social liberal). Just like following the last presidential election, Romney could not understand how he could possibly have lost, these Tea Party Congressmen freaks are operating under the same delusion. Someone needs to slap them into the real world!

That same description applies equally to Florida. The Republican governor Rick Scott ( A rather sinister Lex Luther look-alike) did his best to suppress turnout among Democrats in the last general election by dredging up the boogeyman of "voter fraud". They're still trying to pass laws in Florida mandating only certain forms of photo ID and so on. It's pretty transparent what they are trying to do. It's little short of the original intent of poll taxes, literacy tests, proof of ownership of a home or real estate, denying women the right to vote, etc....from the era of the 17-1800's. Maybe they'd even like to return us to the pre-Vietnam voting age limit of 21 years and older only. lol

In Florida, much like the rest of the country though, the Republicans are quickly risking becoming only a congressional party (and for now still a statehouse party) partly because of district gerrymandering. But they can't win general elections like they use to. Florida has a Republican governor, a Republican controlled state senate...and yet Obama still won the state of Florida in the general election.
In Florida, much like the rest of the country though, the Republicans are quickly risking becoming only a congressional party (and for now still a statehouse party) partly because of district gerrymandering. But they can't win general elections like they use to. Florida has a Republican governor, a Republican controlled state senate...and yet Obama still won the state of Florida in the general election.
I have to give the founding fathers their due, as the three branches of government is usually a very effective way to rule, but unfortunately our system is currently being bastardized by a fringe group of nudniks. :scared:
You are correct Jon that the current opposition lead by the ultra conservative Tea Party have pulled a coup never seen before in American history. They have found a way to highjack the government by a minority fringe group. I sure hope that this does not set a precedent for future Congresses. This is not what the framers of our Constitution had in mind.

Obama alluded to this himself and framed it in historical terms. That if he gave in to this shutdown and ran to negotiate with these people and reward them with concessions, that both parties would have to be very afraid in the future. If each time the House or Senate changed hands and they could easily shut down the government to extort concessions from the executive branch (in the hands of either party) to give in to their demands...there would be no end in sight to the political and economic chaos.
Good point Advocate. You are not the first who has mentioned our current situation being eerily similar to the U.S.A. before the Civil war. It is actually quite scary.

Indeed guys but we are now over 100 years later and a lot has happened since. The US has to address the present and not the past.