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Discover Your True Political Identity

Political Typology Results

How this group compares to the rest of the country on key issues …
Solid Liberals
General Public

Key Beliefs of Solid Liberals versus the General PublicGovernment often does a better job than people give it credit for
Solid Liberals 74%
General Public 39%
The government should do more to help needy Americans, even if it means going deeper into debt
Solid Liberals 74%
General Public 41%
Government regulation of business is necessary to protect the public interest
Solid Liberals 86%
General Public 47%
Business corporations make too much profit
Solid Liberals 77%
General Public 54%
Our country needs to continue making changes to give blacks equal rights with whites
Solid Liberals 77%
General Public 45%
Good diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace
Solid Liberals 89%
General Public 58%
The growing number of newcomers from other countries strengthens American society
Solid Liberals 84%
General Public 52%
Homosexuality should be accepted by society
Solid Liberals 92%
General Public 58%

What They Believe
•Strongly pro-government and very liberal on a broad range of issues
•Very supportive of regulation, environmental protection and government assistance to the poor
•One of the most secular groups; 59% say that religion is not that important to them
•Supportive of the country's growing racial and ethnic diversity
•Two-thirds disagree with the Tea Party

Who They Are
•Highly politically engaged
•75% are Democrats
•Concentrated in the Northeast and West
•57% are female
•Best educated of the groups: 49% hold at least a bachelor's degree and 27% have post-graduate experience
•A third regularly listen to NPR, about two-in-ten regularly watch The Daily Show and read The New York Times
•59% have a passport
•42% regularly buy organic foods
•21% are first or second generation Americans

Based on your responses, YOU are a…
Solid Liberal
Along with 14% of the public

Pew has developed quite a clever and super rapid to take test. If you do it and agree with (or are surprised by) the results, would you post them here?:w00t:


I came out as DISAFFECTED, which is squarely in the middle, between Staunch Conservative and Solid Liberal. Along with 11% percent of my peers.

So where did you fall, my dearest Slimmie?????
I am a Solid Liberal!!!!

Now what do I win??? j/k
Big surprise... I'm a solid liberal. haha

I will say though that some questions were very black and white. For instance just because you believe that the military can't solve all of our problems abroad with force...doesn't mean that you believe that good diplomacy alone will solve any problem...with no threat of military force to back up said diplomacy.

While we may cringe at the obscene profits some oil companies make here for instance, that certainly doesn't apply to every mom and pop restaurant. Not every single business makes "too much" profit. So obviously some of the questions are a little too "one size fits all".
I came out as DISAFFECTED, which is squarely in the middle, between Staunch Conservative and Solid Liberal. Along with 11% percent of my peers.

So where did you fall, my dearest Slimmie?????

A pox on both their houses. Until Obama I couldn't have cared less which asshole sat in the Oval Office.

I took the test three times, twice coming out as Post Modern and once as Solid Liberal.
Big surprise... I'm a solid liberal. haha

I will say though that some questions were very black and white. For instance just because you believe that the military can't solve all of our problems abroad with force...doesn't mean that you believe that good diplomacy alone will solve any problem...with no threat of military force to back up said diplomacy.

While we may cringe at the obscene profits some oil companies make here for instance, that certainly doesn't apply to every mom and pop restaurant. Not every single business makes "too much" profit. So obviously some of the questions are a little too "one size fits all".

They have only 20 questions to get everything into, but make up for it by having, how many?, seven or eight different, fairly nuanced identities. I think they're aware that almost half the questions are too unsubtle, but have worked out the test so that you come close to identifying yourself through your answers nonetheless. I took the test again and answered several of the questions (or the sort you mention) differently--and went from Post Modern to Solid Liberal, and then back to Post Modern.

Did you like the test, all in all?
I was ranked as a Solid Liberal, but I would have called for a recount if I came in anything less. However, I have to agree with Tampa, that the questions are too obvious, or heavy handed, going for obvious knee jerk answers. I would have liked the questions to go a little deeper than just scratching the surface, to make me think about more about my answers a bit.
I came out a solid liberal, and like Mikeyank, would have demanded a recount if I came out differently. I thought the questions were a bit obvious, but enjoyed taking the inventory to see where I'd come out.
How this group compares to the rest of the country on key issues …
Staunch Conservatives
General Public

Key Beliefs of Staunch Conservatives versus the General PublicGovernment is almost always wasteful and inefficient
Staunch Conservatives 90%
General Public 55%
The best way to ensure peace is through military strength
Staunch Conservatives 76%
General Public 31%
Most corporations make a fair and reasonable profit
Staunch Conservatives 78%
General Public 39%
Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy
Staunch Conservatives 92%
General Public 39%
The government today can't afford to do much more to help the needy
Staunch Conservatives 87%
General Public 51%
New health care law will have a mostly bad effect on U.S. health care
Staunch Conservatives 80%
General Public 27%
Religion is a very important part of my life
Staunch Conservatives 90%
General Public 71%
The U.S. stands above all other countries in the world
Staunch Conservatives 67%
General Public 38%
The growing number of newcomers from other countries threatens traditional American customs and values
Staunch Conservatives 68%
General Public 39%

Staunch Conservatives

lol why do i feel like i should say Im sorry
j/k I can say knew i was on a lot of topics
Solid liberals unite!

Big surprise... I'm a solid liberal. haha

I will say though that some questions were very black and white. For instance just because you believe that the military can't solve all of our problems abroad with force...doesn't mean that you believe that good diplomacy alone will solve any problem...with no threat of military force to back up said diplomacy.

While we may cringe at the obscene profits some oil companies make here for instance, that certainly doesn't apply to every mom and pop restaurant. Not every single business makes "too much" profit. So obviously some of the questions are a little too "one size fits all".

Solid Liberal; if I lean any farther left I will fall over! :001_rolleyes:

I came out a solid liberal, and like Mikeyank, would have demanded a recount if I came out differently. I thought the questions were a bit obvious, but enjoyed taking the inventory to see where I'd come out.

I was ranked as a Solid Liberal, but I would have called for a recount if I came in anything less. However, I have to agree with Tampa, that the questions are too obvious, or heavy handed, going for obvious knee jerk answers. I would have liked the questions to go a little deeper than just scratching the surface, to make me think about more about my answers a bit.

Dear fellow liberals,

In this time when there is so much polarization in the political spectrum, it is indeed personally gratifying to know we are not some soon to be extinct specie. Coming from a conserative state as Arkansas, I often feel ganged up on in the real day to day discourse. I have always felt that being liberal was essentially being progressive in your political agenda. Now if we could only get Congress to act with some spinebone or conviction and not be on the payroll of special interests, perhaps we could build a more promising future for America's next generations benefiting from a greater safetynet under them!


In some ways the poll is really only to gauge your philosophical home along the line of pro or anti government feeling, from metaphysical abhorrence to metaphysical infatuation. Where I ended up most of the time, Post Modern, is probably right for me: essentially rejecting knee jerk old school partisan identities, trendily espousing many of the zeitgeisty positions I've picked up since finding a politician I really like--while at the same time revealing the complexities and even contradictions in the way I feel about politics and politicians in general.

If you notice, they "waste" questions in an effort to nuance the test taker's possible postures, enabling her to zero in with "grayer" subtleties in her overall response. It's actually a terrific test, not on the level of horoscopes or pet peeves, and especially interesting in identifying with some subtlety the sociological range of attitudes in the US at the end of the first decade of the 21stC, with a profile for each one that makes sense. Obviously it doesn't rise to much more than the level of clever market research, but you can see there's been some brainstorming at Pew to get it right.

You guys who were uncomfortable with the baldness of the two choices, take the quiz again and answer the questions you found insultingly simplistic the other way around, and see if you get lumped in with members of a different category.
Poppycock. The poll says I'm a solid Liberal but I know that's not true.

I'm more conservative than that.
Poppycock. The poll says I'm a solid Liberal but I know that's not true.

I'm more conservative than that.

Join the Post Moderns then and make your cock Pop.

Keep in mind that the Solid Liberals are the most highly educated of all the groups before you do though.
President Obama says he's a solid Liberal but I know that's not true.
You guys who were uncomfortable with the baldness of the two choices, take the quiz again and answer the questions you found insultingly simplistic the other way around, and see if you get lumped in with members of a different category.

I took your advice Slim and did it again. I actually came out Post Modern. I know for instance that I hold what would be considered conservative beliefs on a few hot button topics. Not many, but a few. Within the definitions of this particular poll I would probably fall somewhere between Post Modern and Solid Liberal. Though I am not ashamed of the Solid Liberal badge. I'll wear it with pride. :wink:
My results say that 91% of the population is wrong because they don't have the same views I do, or conversely, that 9% of the population is whacked because they don't fit in with the remaining 91%. Either way, the poll indicates I am a libertarian. And I always thought I was an independent! Ha! See what I know?
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Interesting topic...

I have been awarded the title of : Libertarian and make up a constituent of 9% OF THE PUBLIC. Although I am an Aussie living in Australia - so I adapted a little to suit the Aussie POV.

What They Believe
Economically very conservative but moderate to liberal on social issues
Highly critical of government
Strongly pro-business
Accepting of homosexuality
Less religious than the average American
Moderate views about immigrants compared to other GOP-oriented groups

Who They Are
Strong Republican-orientation, though a majority identify as independents
Affluent: 39% have incomes of $75,000 or more
Two-thirds are male
85% are non-Hispanic whites
About seven-in-ten (71%) have attended college
About half as likely as the two strongest GOP groups to attend church weekly
56% use social networking sites
36% trade stocks

Cheers Luke :biggrin:
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