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Dinner? What the F***?


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Does anyone else get interupted by their partner while in Forum with a demand for dinner? And me so close to 100 posts! GRRRR! You know there ARE some things more important in life than eating. Thaw a pizza!

See ya'll later!


I think he thinks I'm Emeril LaGasse! Well, BAM, here's your dinner!
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Does anyone else get interupted by their partner while in Forum with a demand for dinner? And me so close to 100 posts! GRRRR! You know there ARE some things more important in life than eating. Thaw a pizza!

See ya'll later!


I think he thinks I'm Emeril LaGasse! Well, BAM, here's your dinner!
Well I'm lucky, my partner does all the cooking!!! So I only have to leave when dinner's ready....

That doesn't mean I can't cook, just that I'm not allowed to......
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LOL Marky, I know how you feel. I have to do all the cooking here too. My house mate can burn water with the best of them. I just try to keep him out of the kitchen, afraid he'll burn the house down.
Does anyone else get interupted by their partner while in Forum with a demand for dinner? And me so close to 100 posts! GRRRR! You know there ARE some things more important in life than eating. Thaw a pizza!

See ya'll later!


I think he thinks I'm Emeril LaGasse! Well, BAM, here's your dinner!

It is the curse of being the caretaker. I have a developmentally challenged brother who thinks I am Emeril like that too. Oh, well I guess it is a labor of love... Until that addiction thing kicks in... :scared: Isn't it odd how easily we can justify a good reason to be on line with our friends just waiting for the next hot post to respond too. Talk about your Soap Opera die hards. :thumbup:
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My mom is here for the holidays. As I was postin' yesterday I had to drop Everything and go watch Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. Really boring since it was a kid's production and none of the male dancers were wearing tights. She also is being a "Come and eat it while it's hot" freak, so just as I'm gettin' into full rhetorical flood about CJ or the French language, I have to go eat. But I love her more than I can say. As the Spanish say, "De madres, solo tenemos una."
And I bet shehas those "mom recipie secrets, that make the holidays extra special. My Godmother is that way, Bless her Soul. My mom does not cook very much now. So others of us take turns cooking. But Carl is a different story! All the best knives and cookware we could find?? Oh no mister, you had best be getting back in that kitchen, Get to reading those cookbooks, and amaze me. Now this isn't the insult it may seem. You see, of the outdoor bbq realm, I am "Where the meat stops" But Carl is the Mozart of our kitchen Even for our Wedding, he was amazing. He has a love of true Southwest Food,but can whip up french delights, he just...........amazes me


Have lost track of the status of guys who tied the knot before the People opted in a referendum to disallow gay marriages. What's the latest? Are you still married? Will you be able to stay married to Mozart?

She's great. She knows all the foody stuff about me, like the allergies for example. People say I owe my slimness, but not my vintageness of course, to the fact that I would get headaches, asthma and rashes if I didn't steer clear of a lot of the stuff that would otherwise put some kilos around my middle. Salads, fruit and lean meat is all I eat. And if the lean meat is also a fruit that makes my diet all the more interesting...
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My mom is here for the holidays. As I was postin' yesterday I had to drop Everything and go watch Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker. Really boring since it was a kid's production and none of the male dancers were wearing tights. She also is being a "Come and eat it while it's hot" freak, so just as I'm gettin' into full rhetorical flood about CJ or the French language, I have to go eat. But I love her more than I can say. As the Spanish say, "De madres, solo tenemos una."

Yes, we do only have one mother. :001_wub: It does my heart good to see that you are so close after all of these years. :001_smile:
Goodness slim, you're up early on your B'day! Felicitations on your Dia especial! Your mother gave us all a wonderful gift the day she brought you into the world.!! On another note, so far the Governator and Secretary of State are saying we will be grandfathered in and allowed to remain legally married. But most non Mormons and middle of the road christians don't seem to care, just the hard right wingers, and eventually we will deal with them by means of the ballot box or their tax excempt status, since they want to meddle in the political arena! Nuff said on that!


Did anyone ever argue the truth on this issue? Up until the Spanish Inquisition almost every denomination of Church in the world married Gay/Lesbian couples openly. It was the Spanish Pope and the Roman Catholic Pope that decided that homosexuality was a sin against God. This was incorporated into the King James translation of the Bible.

Every Christian religious sect seems to cling to the Old Testament of the book of Leviticus where it currently reads: if a man lies with another man as he lays with a woman he hath committed and abomination against God, roughly. (I don't have the Bible open at the moment to be exact) Any way, this is not an accurate translation. I have discussed this issue with Rev. Mel White. (He was a former ghost writer for Jerry Fallwell and he is a devout Gay Christian man) Based on our knowledge of the Gnostic scriptures and original manuscripts this is misrepresented. The book of Leviticus is actually about the survival of the Jews wandering the desert and finding the Promised Land. The intent of the passage was to rebuild the population of the tribes of Israel. This belief was highly supported by the Church because of revenue raised from tithes being paid. In order for the Church to grow strong it needed money and parishioners that could support its expansion. It was enforced by governments because; taxes were based on population census. If people were not raising children then they were not supporting the tax base for future generations. Ok, enough, biblical rhetoric. LOL

The Governator, Arnold, knows that we all know he did the deed frequently in his younger days. So, I am glad to see that he is supporting at least the grandfathering law. It would be unconstitutional to not allow them for two reasons. One there is to be a clear division between Church and State. The second reason is "Ex Post Facto." It was legal when marriage occurred. On ex post facto alone; they have no legal ground to stand on. Thanks for sharing.
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Did anyone ever argue the truth on this issue? Up until the Spanish Inquisition almost every denomination of Church in the world married Gay/Lesbian couples openly. It was the Spanish Pope and the Roman Catholic Pope that decided that homosexuality was a sin against God. This was incorporated into the King James translation of the Bible.

Every Christian religious sect seems to cling to the Old Testament of the book of Leviticus where it currently reads: if a man lies with another man as he lays with a woman he hath committed and abomination against God, roughly. (I don't have the Bible open at the moment to be exact) Any way, this is not an accurate translation. I have discussed this issue with Rev. Mel White. (He was a former ghost writer for Jerry Fallwell and he is a devout Gay Christian man) Based on our knowledge of the Gnostic scriptures and original manuscripts this is misrepresented. The book of Leviticus is actually about the survival of the Jews wandering the desert and finding the Promised Land. The intent of the passage was to rebuild the population of the tribes of Israel. This belief was highly supported by the Church because of revenue raised from tithes being paid. In order for the Church to grow strong it needed money and parishioners that could support its expansion. It was enforced by governments because; taxes were based on population census. If people were not raising children then they were not supporting the tax base for future generations. Ok, enough, biblical rhetoric. LOL

The Governator, Arnold, knows that we all know he did the deed frequently in his younger days. So, I am glad to see that he is supporting at least the grandfathering law. It would be unconstitutional to not allow them for two reasons. One there is to be a clear division between Church and State. The second reason is "Ex Post Facto." It was legal when marriage occurred. On ex post facto alone; they have no legal ground to stand on. Thanks for sharing.

Two pages before Leviticus says it is an abomination to lay with another man, he says it is an abomination to eat shellfish. J told me that was because shellfish were sometimes poison, but he added "We know better now" DUH?
I am a trained pastry chef It is a hobby for me but if someone is getting married , let me know
I am a trained pastry chef It is a hobby for me but if someone is getting married , let me know

lester, you're a doll! The discussion was as a result of my being asked about the legal status of gays who married in Ca. before the law changed in Nov. But I will keep you in mind for the celebration on our anniversary! (and dear Gremlin2k08 as well)

How did I ever find so many wonderful friends?


I am a trained pastry chef It is a hobby for me but if someone is getting married , let me know

This is great to know. Thanks...:thumbup1:
Two pages before Leviticus says it is an abomination to lay with another man, he says it is an abomination to eat shellfish. J told me that was because shellfish were sometimes poison, but he added "We know better now" DUH?

I had forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me of that too...:thumbup:

So, enquiring minds want to know. Are there chefs on Majorca, or should we plan on Lester Gremlin2k08 and Elyot to do the prep work while we chase boys on the beaches?


They definitely have some great chefs on the Island. However, I think that should be up to them if they want to do the Kitchen work... I am sure we all plan on cooking. :thumbup:
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So, enquiring minds want to know. Are there chefs on Majorca, or should we plan on Lester Gremlin2k08 and Elyot to do the prep work while we chase boys on the beaches?


I think we'll be chasing Gremlin around the kitchen, but never mind. Of course they have great pastry cooks. Miguel el Pastelero is 57 seconds from my front door, just around the corner. He's famous all over Europe for his ensaimadas and has been filmed for TV and appeared in articles. He's built like Marky, and greatly loved.

Tell you what though, I'll bet anything that Lester, Grem and Elyot put together would beat ole Miguel all hollow. Yummy.
What are we doing and where are we going? I think I missed something but I am happy to pitch in However if I am slaving over chocolate for you guys while you are chasing things on the beach I expect a room delivery of one of those things LOL love you
What are we doing and where are we going? I think I missed something but I am happy to pitch in However if I am slaving over chocolate for you guys while you are chasing things on the beach I expect a room delivery of one of those things LOL love you

We got your back, your front, and any other part you need covered BB.:thumbup:

It is the curse of being the caretaker. I have a developmentally challenged brother who thinks I am Emeril like that too. Oh, well I guess it is a labor of love... Until that addiction thing kicks in... :scared: Isn't it odd how easily we can justify a good reason to be on line with our friends just waiting for the next hot post to respond too. Talk about your Soap Opera die hards. Wouldn't it kind of be nice if we all did too...:thumbup:

That's so sweet that you take on that role for your brother. Is your brother really challenged or are you being sarcastic? I'm a big believer in karma. The good that you put out there will come back to you eventually.

That's so sweet that you take on that role for your brother. Is your brother really challenged or are you being sarcastic? I'm a big believer in karma. The good that you put out there will come back to you eventually.


Yes, He is. He was born with hydrocephalus. It crushed the right rear quadrant of his brain. Both of my parents have passed on. So, I am his only family. Thanks for caring. I too believe in karma. I am not too worried about that in this life time. :biggrin: