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Did That Feel Good Bro - scene thread

My view is a hybrid of your old and present view: For a brand new model whom I do not know, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and believe what he says, and I like "Getting to Know" interviews as I find them informative. However, once it is documented that a model has lied to us, I will no longer ever believe a word that he says. Ricky was amazingly stupid as he openly kept his somewhat unusual name of Ricky Bobby the same for both sites plus got filmed with very good lighting!
Well that’s one thing we both have always done is give models the benefit of the doubt. And I’m once again going to give it here. Lol. I think Ricky is probably just a very young guy who is new to all of this and probably doesn’t realize how much many of us pay attention to details. The production dates and release dates are always different on some of those sites and perhaps those scenes hadn’t been released yet at the time of his Broke Straight Boys interview and he probably just wanted to play into the fantasy of what Broke Straight Boys is and didn’t think he’d get caught. There was probably no bad intention on his part and he probably didn’t realize that we would notice or even care to be honest. He probably thought “I’m at Broke Straight Boys so I need to make this as believable as possible” not realizing that it ALWAYS comes out in the end. Lol. It’s been like that since I’ve been a full time member since 2016.
Well that’s one thing we both have always done is give models the benefit of the doubt. And I’m once again going to give it here. Lol. I think Ricky is probably just a very young guy who is new to all of this and probably doesn’t realize how much many of us pay attention to details. The production dates and release dates are always different on some of those sites and perhaps those scenes hadn’t been released yet at the time of his Broke Straight Boys interview and he probably just wanted to play into the fantasy of what Broke Straight Boys is and didn’t think he’d get caught. There was probably no bad intention on his part and he probably didn’t realize that we would notice or even care to be honest. He probably thought “I’m at Broke Straight Boys so I need to make this as believable as possible” not realizing that it ALWAYS comes out in the end. Lol. It’s been like that since I’ve been a full time member since 2016.

Intentions are always hard to guess and usually not nefarious, but even the best intentions mean nothing when ignorance prevails.
It is so much easier to sit and enjoy the product and avoid the problem is what he says true or not.Some people can lie with a straight face and others can't. This happens all the time both in the public sphere and in private life.
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Well that’s one thing we both have always done is give models the benefit of the doubt. And I’m once again going to give it here. Lol. I think Ricky is probably just a very young guy who is new to all of this and probably doesn’t realize how much many of us pay attention to details. The production dates and release dates are always different on some of those sites and perhaps those scenes hadn’t been released yet at the time of his Broke Straight Boys interview and he probably just wanted to play into the fantasy of what Broke Straight Boys is and didn’t think he’d get caught. There was probably no bad intention on his part and he probably didn’t realize that we would notice or even care to be honest. He probably thought “I’m at Broke Straight Boys so I need to make this as believable as possible” not realizing that it ALWAYS comes out in the end. Lol. It’s been like that since I’ve been a full time member since 2016.

I agree that Ricky is just a kid trying to get work and said what he thought that he ought to say to work at Broke Straight Boys And actually in the big picture, it’s not really that big a deal, in a world where people like Bernie Madoff lied and swindled folks out of their retirement savings or a congressman got elected based on a totally fictional past. Yes, I was annoyed on Sunday afternoon as I learned that David and membership were lied to by young Ricky, but in the big picture, it is only porn…..
It was a three 5's scene for me :thumbup1:. In regards to the conversation about Ricky: Most members would be excited to have an on going convo here on the forum, but the comments that have been said, the raking over the coals of one of our models, questioning mgmt about lying to it's members is such bullshit! As a forum member for a long time now, I can tell you it's threads like this that keep other members OFF the forum!!! :cursing::2c:
It was a three 5's scene for me :thumbup1:. In regards to the conversation about Ricky: Most members would be excited to have an on going convo here on the forum, but the comments that have been said, the raking over the coals of one of our models, questioning mgmt about lying to it's members is such bullshit! As a forum member for a long time now, I can tell you it's threads like this that keep other members OFF the forum!!! :cursing::2c:
Setting aside it is the rare player that looks at the Forum, what is your solution: avoid controversial topics, censorship? I am not being facetious, I can see your point but also members have a right to say what they think. For me I take what is said with a grain of salt and judge a scene by how good it is. These guys after all reflect the general population, so msome are honedt, others not. Does it really matter. Don't most people come for a good show?
Setting aside it is the rare player that looks at the Forum, what is your solution: avoid controversial topics, censorship? I am not being facetious, I can see your point but also members have a right to say what they think. For me I take what is said with a grain of salt and judge a scene by how good it is. These guys after all reflect the general population, so msome are honedt, others not. Does it really matter. Don't most people come for a good show?
Peter has a crush on Ricky and ignoring a valid complaint and calling it bullshit is exactly why I’m going to stay off the forum. I don’t need to hear over and over how important the interviews are to get to know these guys while also knowing that at least some of the models create a story. If I wanted to watch acting I would go watch a movie. I am more upset by management trying to silence the problem by simply saying “Ricky never lied he told you about the other studio” when the issue was never if he worked for another studio and was always about the blatant lies he told in his interview.
Peter has a crush on Ricky and ignoring a valid complaint and calling it bullshit is exactly why I’m going to stay off the forum. I don’t need to hear over and over how important the interviews are to get to know these guys while also knowing that at least some of the models create a story. If I wanted to watch acting I would go watch a movie. I am more upset by management trying to silence the problem by simply saying “Ricky never lied he told you about the other studio” when the issue was never if he worked for another studio and was always about the blatant lies he told in his interview.
Please don't leave. My solution is to mainly post images and ignore posts of people who have said things that upset me by misinterpreting what I have said.
Please don't leave. My solution is to mainly post images and ignore posts of people who have said things that upset me by misinterpreting what I have said.
As long as Ricky continues to have new scenes and management continues to defend his lies (I posted the time stamps of them all) I have no desire to continue contributing to this community. This studio still hasn’t confirmed or denied Ricky’s scenes being filmed in mid November, my guess is not disclosing the date allows for more manipulation of the facts.
This is a porn site simple as that. I'm here to watch good porn with "believably straight acting gay/Bi guys" I don't give a fuck what they've filmed before, I don't give a fuck who they screw in their personal lives as long as they do their best work, I'm good with that!! I feel if anyone has to look into more than that then buddy you need get a life!!!
As long as Ricky continues to have new scenes and management continues to defend his lies (I posted the time stamps of them all) I have no desire to continue contributing to this community. This studio still hasn’t confirmed or denied Ricky’s scenes being filmed in mid November, my guess is not disclosing the date allows for more manipulation of the facts.
I for one will miss you. As to what management sya I ignore it & don't watch the pre or post videos. To me the action speaks for itself, lets face it a male that has sex with another man can not be entirely straight. My criteria is the plyer must be straight acting.
This is a porn site simple as that. I'm here to watch good porn with "believably straight acting gay/Bi guys" I don't give a fuck what they've filmed before, I don't give a fuck who they screw in their personal lives as long as they do their best work, I'm good with that!! I feel if anyone has to look into more than that then buddy you need get a life!!!
I can’t tell you the number of times I have been told to watch the interviews, and that is not porn. If you are here just for porn then stop being so hateful in the forum and enjoy your porn.
I can’t tell you the number of times I have been told to watch the interviews, and that is not porn. If you are here just for porn then stop being so hateful in the forum and enjoy your porn.
This thread was intended for members to express their opinions on the scene with Nico & Ricky, not for the background check on the models.
It was a three 5's scene for me :thumbup1:. In regards to the conversation about Ricky: Most members would be excited to have an on going convo here on the forum, but the comments that have been said, the raking over the coals of one of our models, questioning mgmt about lying to it's members is such bullshit! As a forum member for a long time now, I can tell you it's threads like this that keep other members OFF the forum!!! :cursing::2c:
You are correct. I speak to a lot of members of Broke Straight Boys off the forum and they refuse to come onto this forum because of all the knit picking comments about scenes and models and is a shame because this is such a good forum with a great group of guys.
There have been disagreements and arguments for years on the forum. Long before I got here because I can look through old threads from the past and see arguments.
I can see everyone’s point of view. The disagreements are not about the porn which is the most important part to some or even most of you. But there is some truth to what GWTW is saying. If you can’t give accurate information in an interview stop wasting our time. I don’t expect real names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. to get to know a model, but asking them to be completely truthful about their experience in porn shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do. I don’t complain about it much anymore because I’m just so used to it happening. I’m not even a member of these other sites but I see clips on Twitter and see many of these models going at it and I’m just like “whatever” now. Everyone watches porn differently. I used to form fantasies around these boys a few years ago based on their personal lives and experiences and then when I found out there were lies it changed how I viewed their scenes. I didn’t hate them but I rarely watched their scenes any longer. When a member comes on and gives a review of a scene they watched and say things like “it was so hot seeing Charles Owens taking it for the first time” only to find out you’ve made a complete fool of yourself because another model comes on and says “Charles has worked under 2 other names and has bottomed many times”. That’s embarrassing! I’m just using Charles as an example. This has happened to me personally several times with models who just bullshit their way through their interviews. It’s easy to say it’s petty and shouldn’t matter when you’re not the one putting your comments on an open forum making yourself look like a gullible idiot. Mark always encourages us to comment on the scenes themselves and on the forum. To give our opinions. That includes the interviews. As I’ve said before, David and Eddie and Sha and Mark can only give the information to the best of their knowledge. Perhaps just saying a model has previous experience and leaving it at that is enough. Also informing the model ahead of time that whatever they say that may be inaccurate will only come up in the future on the forum. It ALWAYS has, dating back to the beginning.
As far as people not commenting because of disagreements like this, I call bullshit. Like I said before, I’ve seen arguments dating way back worse than this and the forum was booming then. People don’t comment because membership numbers are down and new members can’t be bothered to create a separate username and password to participate.
Have a good week and if I’ve made anyone mad, sorry.
Let me explain saying “I call bullshit” because I don’t want anyone to misinterpret my words. I’m not saying people haven’t told David or any other members that the reason they don’t comment is because of fights. That may be true. I’m just saying that excuse in itself is bullshit. I think about some of the fights that I’ve read in the past before I was here. Controversies with models like Damien Kyle, Vadim Black, etc. and the forum was lit back then. I joined this site in 2016 and didn’t post on the forum until 2018. I still read the forum for those 2 years but didn’t join out of pure laziness.
How about everybody doing their thing and let it be? Management has a bias as we all do so state your position and others can take it or leave. As to Dande saying he speaks to members who refuse to come, give us statistics: How many, what percentage are they of the total. Are there other reasons they don't come on. I have been a Broke Straight Boys member from the beginning I I became a Forum member in 2019 no one ever contacted me before I joined the Forum.. I don't recall ever giving a rating for a scene below 3, most of my rating are 4 & 5. I judge a scene for the action never for the looks of a player. I have more than a few times misspoken on the Forum and when pointed out apologized and corrected my mis statements. What led me to try to just post images but speak less when after making a correction in detail I was still attacked. This may be a reason others stop posting asa few Forumites have told. Also keep in mind Broke Straight Boys has a product to sell & we members are the purchasers. The Forum is a big part of that product for some of us. I have rambled on far longer than I intended and will say no more,
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