A couple of weeks ago the first ever (I think) cold opening appeared on Broke Straight Boys I said at the time that I did not enjoy that at all. However, there was a little chatter at the end which made up for it somewhat. This scene is like so many other sites where the scene has absolutely no personality to it..just sucking and fucking. I certainly hope that this is not going to be the direction of Broke Straight Boys David was taken to task many times for talking too much. Clay has reduced the pre-scene talk to a minimum. It just seems to me that a hint of the chemistry between two models comes out in that brief interview and sets the stage for the scene itself. I am a big Denver fan and also like Kodi a lot. But, this one left me cold. Let's hope that Broke Straight Boys does not go down the same road as the run-of-the-mill sites with slam, bam and good night. Sorry, but this one simply did not make the grade for me.
Hey Chase,
I couldn't agree with you more on so much of this. I'm not a fan of these "cold" openings to scenes. Others are welcome to disagree with me on this. But I will state a few reasons why I hope they will drop this idea, or at least curtail it quite a bit. I don't want to offend or hurt anyone's feelings on this. So I will try to explain my point of view on this as respectfully as possible.
I realize that Clay is looking for ways to shake things up a bit and add something fresh to the scenes. I applaud the intent behind this recent change. I just don't care for it though. When you have a pairing of models that most members already know and have seen multiple times, I can see where one would think, "Why bother introducing them and going through small talk? Let them just get to it." Well... That may be true for many of the viewers but not all of them. There are new members joining the site every day of the week. They don't already know some of the most popular or prolific models of the site. They don't even know which name belongs to which model. Every scene is potentially a new member's first introduction to the site. Some will only get a 3 day trial subscription and use that as a basis for deciding whether or not to stay.
In the Colin and Max scene the opening was ice cold. It immediately started with Max jackhammering some guy's upside-down torso. You couldn't help but feel that you were late to the party. So you felt cheated. Therefore the beginning did not look hot or erotic. We were 6 minutes into the scene before we got a good glimpse of Colin's face. If not for the title of the video we might not have known who Max's partner was for 6 minutes. The little chat with the models at the end somewhat made up for the very weak beginning. I actually like the idea of interviewing the models at the end!

As someone else alluded to over on that thread, it had the feel of one of the vids that you find so often on the tube sites. They start off cold, with unknown models just going at it in a mish-mash of various positions. The sequences are usually very disjointed and edited together in a jumble. Of course you know that they are going to cheat you out of the cumshot at the end, just as they have cheated you out of the intro in the beginning. Because they want you to pay and buy a subscription to the site. But you put up with those kind of videos on free internet sites because...they're free.
The intro for this scene went much better, as we could at least see Denver and Kodi from head-to-toe before the real action started. I'm still not a fan though of this kind of opening. As others have already stated in the past, one of the great and unique things about Broke Straight Boys is its amateur model premise. I like the fact that the models are talked to like real people. They are free to talk about their personal lives and give us a glimpse into their personalities. Girlfriends, car trouble, favorite hobbies off-set and so on. If we start out scenes with just hot guys with cool sounding porn screen names getting right to the sex...then Broke Straight Boys risks becoming just another packaged gay video studio. Broke Straight Boys has carved a great niche because viewers never know what the models might talk about or reveal about themselves and their offscreen personalities during the scenes. There are tons of studios where the models are very stoic and aloof. The viewer has very little else to like about them besides their sexual prowess onscreen and their physical attributes. Mainly because they're never given anything else. The "Wham, bam, thank you man" scenes are all over the net. Fortunately Broke Straight Boys has not gone that way. They would risk becoming just an ordinary gay porn site, like so many others already out there.
Clay has worked very hard to get the scenes up to a quality where a scene below a 4 rating is an extreme rarity. So he's done a great job in just over a year. Here at Broke Straight Boys we are given the gift to be able to be introduced to and identify with the models onscreen as real human beings. They not just pretty faces and great bodies, with cute names, on 2 dimensional virtual photos and videos. They're real people to us here.

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