Thank you all for the welcome it is greatly appreciated. I am glad to join such an awesome community. More on the DADT. So when I first joined the army in august of 2010 DADT was still in effect and I had to sign a paper saying that I was not gay. Not too long after it was then repealed. I stay stayed hidden until 2012 and I came out to some of my peers who accepted me for who I am because 1) they are from our generation, a much more accepting generation, and 2) because I had proven time and time again to everyone that I am a very tough guy capable of making it through the hardest of conditions and even more capable of leading soldiers through them. I am now in a new period of my career where I have to be careful with who I tell of my sexual orientation because where I am at now is not the most accepting place. However those who I have told have accepted me. I am currently engaged tp the man I love however we know that we probably will not get married until I get our of the army. It could be a while lol as I just signed up for 10 more years. But anyway, I didn't post here to get gratification nor a million thank you's, (although it is greatly appreciated) I mainly shared my story because growing up and even into thje beginning of my army career I struggled with being gay. I accepted the then cold hard truth that gay men are weak and cant do the same as straight men. But something clicked in my head and made me realize that I can. That I can do everything that everyone else can. So I joined the united states infantry as an officer. For those who don't know what the infantry is, we are the ones who do all the killing and dying. It was hard at first when I realized that I might die for a country that doesn't think I should be allowed to marry the man I love. I want everyone out there who has any sort of doubt or bad feeling about their orientation that feels that they cant do things or feels like they are held back to know that yes you can. Life is what you make of it and if we don't rise to our self-defined greatness than what is it worth? Don't let silly people hold you back. e are who we are, we can do anything and everything better than anyone else. Lastly, no matter what life throws at you whether it be a hook or a jab you counter it with an uppercut and when life knocks you to the ground u get back up before the ten count holding your head high and strong because nothing and no one can bring you down for the count.