I wish I could say that the forum has always been thoughtful and responsible, but, unfortunately, we have not. Quite often we speak before we think and think with more than our brains. Through various combinations of love and lust and guilt and shock, we've delved deeply into poor Dustin's death and shared way more than our memories and sadness and anger over his passing. In the process we seem to have forgotten that it's only been a few days ago that personal information about the models at D & E put some of them in some really uncomfortable situations. Now, in our new found access to Dustin's story, we're posting keys to his life that may inadvertently open doors to others'. And, in their grief, some of the models have let their guards down a little and this is not the time to take advantage of them or to expose them to future harrassment. Please encourage members to think before they post links or articles or information.