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David Hardy Tops Ronan Kennedy - The Scene Thread


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
This scene basically didn't work for me. I love Ronan Kennedy and agreed with him when during the BTS at the conclusion he said his fans want to watch him top and destroy some ass with his dig dick. I felt this scene wasted his best attributes although it was a classic cum scene when Ronan Kennedy kept shooting on that leather chair.

In the pre-scene talk David spoke of pleasing his fans, but as this was his first scene for Broke Straight Boys, what fans was he talking about? He seems like a nice enough guy with a pleasant personality but when it comes to porn, I react with my dick, and David is not exactly my type. I was glad to hear Ronan Kennedy say that he reads the forum and it can lift him on a bad day to read his praise by his fans. I am a big fan of Ronan Kennedy. I'd love to see Ronan Kennedy back to fuck a guy like Brody from his last scene.

No offence intended to David as he said he wants to read the fans comments on the scene, but taste in porn is an individual thing, so perhaps others are bigger fans of him than I am, but I am a very big fan of beautiful Ronan Kennedy, but not so much in this scene.
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I felt the Very Beautiful Ronan Kennedy was wasted on this. Maybe if he was in the scene with someone else? I hope they don't try to make him a bottom boy.
Not with that great cock. David seems nice but did nothing for me personally. Didn't think it was a good
way to introduce him. What fans was he talking about? Maybe I missed his solo? Just looking at Ronan Kennedy made it worthwhile.
Glad he gave a shout out to Paul. Now there are two boy's I would love to watch again.5 for Ronan Kennedy just for being there.
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Ronan Kennedy - very hot guy. David - hot guy and... uncut! It was a solid scene, not very special, but nice enough to watch. But i don't like the edited interviews in the beginning of the newer episodes. It's hotter to talk with the guys TOGETHER, before they are going to fuck ;-)
wow, i totally agree Ronan Kennedy should be a top

Ronan Kennedy should be a top, his topping talent was wasted. why can't Broke Straight Boys find a good bottom that can handle good pounding from Ronan Kennedy ? please..... how about Ian? how about Ryan Fields? they are both very good bottoms. why can't they shoot a scene with Ronan Kennedy ?

This scene basically didn't work for me. I love Ronan Kennedy and agreed with him when during the BTS at the conclusion he said his fans want to watch him top and destroy some ass with his dig dick. I felt this scene wasted his best attributes although it was a classic cum scene when Ronan Kennedy kept shooting on that leather chair.

In the pre-scene talk David spoke of pleasing his fans, but as this was his first scene for Broke Straight Boys, what fans was he talking about? He seems like a nice enough guy with a pleasant personality but when it comes to porn, I react with my dick, and David is not exactly my type. I was glad to hear Ronan Kennedy say that he reads the forum and it can lift him on a bad day to read his praise by his fans. I am a big fan of Ronan Kennedy. I'd love to see Ronan Kennedy back to fuck a guy like Brody from his last scene.

No offence intended to David as he said he wants to read the fans comments on the scene, but taste in porn is an individual thing, so perhaps others are bigger fans of him than I am, but I am a very big fan of beautiful Ronan Kennedy, but not so much in this scene.
What did Ronan Kennedy say when he pulled forward while getting fucked? sounded Russian! It was good scene and I like David and Ronan Kennedy is becoming quite the versatile porn star. The positions were a nice change of pace so gave this one a 5.

I am sort of with Mbergemann on this one. I didn't have a problem with the scene, at all.

When it comes to Ronan Kennedy, I don't rise to quite Mike's level in the hierarchy of Ronan Kennedy's fan-club, but - he's cute, and I love his passion. (Ronan Kennedy, that is. I've never seen Mike perform in erotic video ;-) David is a goodlooking guy and a SUPER-energetic top (something I always appreciate) and I enjoyed his performance.

Ronan Kennedy should be a top, his topping talent was wasted. why can't Broke Straight Boys find a good bottom that can handle good pounding from Ronan Kennedy ? please..... how about Ian? how about Ryan Fields? they are both very good bottoms. why can't they shoot a scene with Ronan Kennedy ?

Hey yearningboat, :welcome: to the forum! I have to agree with you; Ronan Kennedy's a natural top.:001_wub: I did however give the scene a 5, but there is no way Broke Straight Boys is going to convince me this was David's "first time" for anything with a guy.:2c: His skills were way to good for that. I did enjoy the camera going behind David as he fucked Ronan Kennedy; very sexy shot. I also like the flow of the scene, the different positions and the great cum shots, even though we should have gotten a "bird's eye view" of David's.
I do want to say that I am not a fan of this set-up, like I said when they first used it. It is too dark, not well lit and feels claustrophobic. Most of the time, I could not enjoy seeing Ronan Kennedy's face because it was hard to see; and I do so love when his eyes roll back!:001_wub:
I like this new grading system wherein you can grade each of the performers as well as the scene.

Ronan Kennedy - I gave a 5. While I prefer him as a top and he apparently does too, he bottomed here and manned-up without all the moaning and groaning others engage in to let us know how much they don't like to bottom. As I said on a previous thread, I think Ronan Kennedy is a highly sensual young man and there is no greater proof than his consistently copious cum shots. If he sticks with us, he is the next mega-star on Broke Straight Boys (as long as he doesn't let that go to his head as some others have).

David - I also gave a 5. As a newbie and presumably fucking a guy for the first time, he was gently aggressive in knowing what positions he wanted to fuck in and made sure his bottom acquiesced. And while he said he was a bit nervous, there was nary a sign of JFSFDS (Johnny Forza Semi Flaccid Dick Syndrome). And if his cum shot is any indication, he too has a highly sexualized pysche and gets off on sex as sex even with a guy.

The scene - I gave a 4. One would think with the two models given a 5, so should the scene. But I again point out as I have done in another recent scene, in the pre-scene banter the guys don't have to tell us all about how they have sex with women. Believe me, we get it - you are straight and you like to fuck women and you are doing this for the money and not to give enjoyment to the poor hapless gays who are members who get off watching these types of sites. The guys' grades are on their performances. The scene grade incorporates that but also includes the direction of the scene and how it unfolds. Also I didn't like the scene being back on the awful red couch used so much in the early days of Broke Straight Boys 2.5 I can only hope that means the regular studio is being remodeled which will please all the guys who hate those red discs - lol!!!

Note to Damian: I've left this note before, e.g. we had a similar run of these kinds of pre-scenes banter and they were not appreciated and eventually stopped. Please refrain from them in this latest iteration of Broke Straight Boys Thanks.
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Well what a mixed bag of comments. Well I hated the first 3 minutes when we were once again subjected to both models stating they are Broke Straight Boys and other bullshit. The kissing was very plastic but that was David's fault because we know that Ronan Kennedy can kiss properly. I wasn't particularly keen on the BTS 5 mins at the end either.

Nevertheless the bits in between were pretty hot. David fucked like a pro - maybe he is one (I agree with Beth) and Ronan Kennedy took it like a pro too. Peter - I wonder whether Ronan Kennedy actually came when he fell forward but not sure.

Stowie - Glad you agree with me about the pre action bullshit
The sex was just basically David pounding Ronan Kennedy. No finesse and no real connection between the guys.

Ronan Kennedy isn't a bad bottom, he's just not a very interesting one, like, say, Ian. Ronan Kennedy's big dick was meant to be showcased topping. He gets much more into the scene when he does.

I'm a firm believer in the "bigger dick tops" rule (at least in porn). David's average dick (or so it seemed, even though his stats say 7.5") was fairly dwarfed by Ronan Kennedy's (no offense David). Even half hard, my eye was always drawn to Ronan Kennedy's dick as it flopped up and down, as opposed to the fucking going on.
It the guys are about the same size I don't care which one tops, as long as the top does a good job. Average and average is fine. Big and big is fine. Smaller fucking much larger is just distracting. Seeing a good bottom take a big dick and enjoy it is the best of porn for me.

I'd like to see David bottom. He has a nice ass, seems anxious to please and gave this scene his best shot. He has a nice body and a great Adam's apple :)

Scene 3, Ronan Kennedy 4, David 3.
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But I again point out as I have done in another recent scene, in the pre-scene banter the guys don't have to tell us all about how they have sex with women. Believe me, we get it - you are straight and you like to fuck women and you are doing this for the money and not to give enjoyment to the poor hapless gays who are members who get off watching these types of sites. ........................................Note to Damian: I've left this note before, e.g. we had a similar run of these kinds of pre-scenes banter and they were not appreciated and eventually stopped. Please refrain from them in this latest iteration of Broke Straight Boys Thanks.
Well what a mixed bag of comments. Well I hated the first 3 minutes when we were once again subjected to both models stating they are Broke Straight Boys and other bullshit. The kissing was very plastic but that was David's fault because we know that Ronan Kennedy can kiss properly. I wasn't particularly keen on the BTS 5 mins at the end either............................................Stowie - Glad you agree with me about the pre action bullshit
Once again I totally DISAGREE with my friends Stowe and Jon on the pre-sex comments by the models regarding their "sexual prowess" with the ladies. I choose Broke Straight Boys to be my only pay porn site because I am fixated on hot young straight guys and in my travels through life young straight guys are always talking about girls and sex. It is their number one topic of discussion among one another, and it turns me on to hear them talking about "the bitches".

So to Damian Christopher, while Stowe has asked you to refrain from this type of discussion among the boys on the videos, I ask for the opposite. I want to be able to believe that I am watching real straight boys sucking and fucking each other, and talking about girls gives me the validation that helps in my fantasy. When it comes to my sexually arousal, there are certain cues that trigger my reaction, and hot young guys talking about "fuckin' da' bitches" is boner inducing material for this customer, so please keep the "straight boy sexual comments" coming which in turn will help my cumming as well. :drool:
For those who didn't like it just look at the average. I gave a 5 5 5 .The average includes those who don't comment. I agree that Ronan Kennedy is better as a top but should bottom at least 1/2 the time. I'd like to see a newbie bottom as a first. That will show commitment but the guy who tops should be on the small or average size. In such a scene he needs to have his ass played with first. I have to say that Broke Straight Boys is trying hard to give us variety, Thank you Broke Straight Boys
Wow. So many divergent opinions here. I gave this scene a 5. I thought both models did very well here. I didn't mind the pre-scene banter about having sex with women. This is supposed to be Broke Straight Boys So a little bit of reaffirmation of their straight cred is okay with me, especially if it's not overdone.

I read how some people interpreted David's mention of the "fans" as indicating that he felt he already had fans or a fan base here. I listened closely and for myself interpreted his comments as simply using the term "fans" to apply to the viewership in general. After all, if you're a member and viewer of the site and willing to pay money to be here, then you are typically also a "fan" of the site. So I thought his comments were innocent and straightforward enough.

I found myself enjoying David much more than I might have expected. As some of you may already know, I typically don't like the models to have really close-cropped hair. Plus the fact that he's uncut still takes a little getting used to for me. Having said that, I found him to be most friendly, gracious, humorous at times and generally an affable guy who I would probably enjoy hanging out with in real life.

I thought Ronan Kennedy did an excellent job here for a guy who doesn't like to bottom. :) He looked especially handsome here. Just a total vision of male pulchritude. :001_tt1: One thing I love about Ronan Kennedy's bottoming scenes is his ability to keep a rock solid woody going while he's taking a pounding. lol My favorite parts of the sex here were when David was topping Ronan Kennedy and jacking Ronan Kennedy's rock hard dick at the same time. :P haha It's the ultimate in trust and surrender to the top when one puts himself in such a vulnerable and submissive position.

A few clues to David's rather unusual entrance here without the typical introduction can be found in the comments on his model page:

In his own words:

"This is a quick way to make money for school. I also want to try to make it in the industry."

In the Broke Straight Boys staff's words:

"David told us that he has tried this once before with another studio, so we thought we would give him an opportunity with Broke Straight Boys He seems like a really nice guy."

So those of you who suspected that this was not David's' first rodeo were right. lol Broke Straight Boys went out of its way so as not to lie to members or try to portray him as a total newbie in a solo jackoff scene. I appreciate the honesty here. They marketed him in a very clever and balanced way I believe. They were upfront enough about him that he could be much more accepted as a new Broke Straight Boys model in spite of his experience elsewhere. We viewers here have typically been much more willing to embrace at least some models who have performed on one or more other sites, as long as there is no deception about the model's prior work.

In spite of not being immediately taken with David in some of the initial stills from the upcoming scene, I found myself liking him quite a bit. I welcome him here to Broke Straight Boys and look forward to seeing what else he can show us. :)
A few clues to David's rather unusual entrance here without the typical introduction can be found in the comments on his model page:

In his own words:

"This is a quick way to make money for school. I also want to try to make it in the industry."

In the Broke Straight Boys staff's words:

"David told us that he has tried this once before with another studio, so we thought we would give him an opportunity with Broke Straight Boys He seems like a really nice guy."

So those of you who suspected that this was not David's' first rodeo were right. lol Broke Straight Boys went out of its way so as not to lie to members or try to portray him as a total newbie in a solo jackoff scene. I appreciate the honesty here. They marketed him in a very clever and balanced way I believe. They were upfront enough about him that he could be much more accepted as a new Broke Straight Boys model in spite of his experience elsewhere. We viewers here have typically been much more willing to embrace at least some models who have performed on one or more other sites, as long as there is no deception about the model's prior work.

I welcome him here to Broke Straight Boys and look forward to seeing what else he can show us. :)
Thank you Tampa for doing the research to check his model page, which I did not think to do prior to reading your post. And yes the fact that he was upfront about his work with another studio, and management presenting it to us in a straight forward manner definitely makes it all good with me. I love the attempt at "full disclosure" so as not to make me feel duped when one of the porn detectives on the forum comes up with details of his prior work. I am still not a fan of his "type" but I respect him for not being a phony, and am pleased if he turns on some of my fellow forumites.

However, looking at his model page, I do find a discrepancy as in the beginning of his scene with Ronan Kennedy, he says "Hi, My name is David. I'm 22 and I'm a Broke Straight Boys", but his model page lists his age as 25. I also noticed his height is listed as 5' 8". We seem to be getting some more diminutive models lately on the site.

And finally Tampa, you say you "look forward to seeing what else he can show us". Well, you won't have to wait long to see as you will see him bottom for Conner on Friday.
I have to say, I enjoyed the scene and enjoyed both models! Welcome David! Now, as a top, I am more partial to bottoming scenes than anything. My favorite being a Flip/Flop. I enjoy watching a "good bottom" even if they prefer to top! Ronan Kennedy has demonstrated (at least for my enjoyment) that he can perform very well as a bottom and gives me that sense of "visual pleasure" that I like when watching porn. I don't want him to think that I would only be a fan of his bottoming scenes but, that he does give a good performance (for my appreciation view point) when he does! I liked David too! He looks good from every angle (especially nice ass)!
That being said, I guess my mood for the day was different so, this is a scene (even though I liked it) will be used for my spunk at another time! Today, I was in the mood for a different vibe! I still give this scene a 5! I look forward to seeing both models (either topping or bottoming) in future scenes!
The beautiful, studly Ronan Kennedy is hard not to watch. He's not a bottom, he's not a top he is a sexual being and does have the most beautiful cock ever seen on Broke Straight Boys He is also one of the few models who throws himself into whatever he's asked to do and does it well. My least favorite scene of Ronan Kennedy's is the one with Connor and this one ranks just above that. He tried to connect with David but David was not having that. (If David wants to do porn he needs to learn you don't pull out when your partner is cumming ) I gave this scene a 4, it would have been lower if it weren't for Ronan Kennedy. David did little for me. But to each his own.
A very disappointing scene. If I thought beginning chatter was bad, the Behind the Scenes at the end redefines bad. The only thing that halfway saved it was, of course the appearance of Ronan Kennedy who is, in my opinion, THE rising superstar on the site. (SC often does an entire BTS on his site and they are fun to watch). I find it interesting that the majority of members have said that they would prefer that Ronan Kennedy top; Ronan Kennedy has said that he would rather top and that he does not like bottoming. Apparently no one is listening. In the past, there have been models who did not bottom or that gave in and tried it once only to refuse further: MikeR, Cory, Alden, Jimmy, Diesal and many others, yet they continued to shoot scenes with no adverse effect on their continued performance on the site. Personally there was pretty my nothing about the scene. Thought it was poorly conceived and executed.

I still have high hope that someone will creep in in the night and take away that damn red couch, And frankly since the first post about this supposed TV show has been talked about since 2012, to the point that I have lost complete interest in the whole thing.
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So those of you who suspected that this was not David's' first rodeo were right. lol Broke Straight Boys went out of its way so as not to lie to members or try to portray him as a total newbie in a solo jackoff scene. I appreciate the honesty here. They marketed him in a very clever and balanced way I believe. They were upfront enough about him that he could be much more accepted as a new Broke Straight Boys model in spite of his experience elsewhere. We viewers here have typically been much more willing to embrace at least some models who have performed on one or more other sites, as long as there is no deception about the model's prior work.

Thank you Tampa for helping to set the record straight; I didn't read it and just bitched on the forum...you think I'd learn.:bored: I apologize to David; I am sorry.
I watched this episode and found that it was well done. Ronan Kennedy is cute and seems to give nearly a 100%. the addition of david was handled as I would have liked to have seen with another model. I think he will made a nice addition to the Broke Straight Boys team.