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Damien Kyle is making moves

And here are two more recent ones.


TY. Mike they are very impressive pictures.
Good luck to Damien! I just wish more of those young guys that are such a pleasure to watch were sensible enough plan for the future and make a career for themselves.
Good luck to Damien! I just wish more of those young guys that are such a pleasure to watch were sensible enough plan for the future and make a career for themselves.

Welcome to the forum Special70! :welcome:
It might just be me, and probably is, but it really bothered me that Paul Canon and Damien (especially Damien) were emphatic they (or he wasn't gay) and would actually get vocal if caused of being so. I wouldn't have this opinion if he just didn't respond to the issue but to do otherwise was wrong.
I am glad to meet you. I am not sure what you mean. is it " The boy protestith too much!"?
It might just be me, and probably is, but it really bothered me that Paul Canon and Damien (especially Damien) were emphatic they (or he wasn't gay) and would actually get vocal if caused of being so. I wouldn't have this opinion if he just didn't respond to the issue but to do otherwise was wrong.
these 2 queens…lol. They fought publicly on twitter every time they separated. They shared private messages between the two and videos….it was dramatic. And then the Paul Canon video of him talking about doing porn and telling his family…..trying to act somewhat straight. The whole thing was a lie back in the day. They were totally a couple the whole time.
these 2 queens…lol. They fought publicly on twitter every time they separated. They shared private messages between the two and videos….it was dramatic. And then the Paul Canon video of him talking about doing porn and telling his family…..trying to act somewhat straight. The whole thing was a lie back in the day. They were totally a couple the whole time.

That is a major reason why I avoid the sexual identity issue as much as possible and concentrate on the quality of the sex
these 2 queens…lol. They fought publicly on twitter every time they separated. They shared private messages between the two and videos….it was dramatic. And then the Paul Canon video of him talking about doing porn and telling his family…..trying to act somewhat straight. The whole thing was a lie back in the day. They were totally a couple the whole time.
You are correct Jay, but it was so much fun and drama for us, the fans to be going through it with Paul & Damien. Remember the scene in the Broke Straight Boys TV show where they are “discovered” spending the night in each other’s room?

I’m not convinced that Paul’s “coming out” video in front of his family was completely contrived. But keep in mind no one in the family was shocked. And Paul’s oldest brother who passed away shortly after that video, had the funniest line about the two younger brothers that he always thought they were both gay, and he was correct. But all the drama and the speculation as we got to know the models back in those days was so superior to just watching studio models having sex, which is what Broke Straight Boys had become during the latter years in Atlanta.

Whether contrived or real, the straight is the most important part of Broke Straight Boys to me. Mark established this site because his his fetish, which I share for seducing straight guys to do it on camera, and once he met David at a porn convention and Mark hired him, that was the “secret sauce” to get the whole site cooking. If I just wanted to watch attractive gay guys having se, this is not the site I would have joined and spent so much time watching and chatting about.
these 2 queens…lol. They fought publicly on twitter every time they separated. They shared private messages between the two and videos….it was dramatic. And then the Paul Canon video of him talking about doing porn and telling his family…..trying to act somewhat straight. The whole thing was a lie back in the day. They were totally a couple the whole time.
I agree with Mikey that I believe the tension was real between Paul and his family in the "coming out" vid, regardless of Paul's sexuality. Only Paul himself knows just how straight or bisexual he may or may not be. But in spite of the high tension and drama of the situation and the discussion at hand...I still felt, dare I say, "honored" that he introduced us to his family.

As far as Damien and Paul's relationship it almost seemed like very much what was said of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. It was a torrid romance. It was tempestuous. It was rocky. It was always high drama between them. Both strong personalities where neither could conquer or subdue the other. When they "married", led the domestic life and tried to play house together for very long, they'd be very happy for a while. Then it just didn't seem to work out. Stormy breakups, harsh words, Hollywood-esque drama, almost public feuds, etc. But then once they spearated and enjoyed the initial relief of being apart, they didn't seem truly happy being apart for very long. Then they'd reconcile and things would be great for a while. Then the same cycle would repeat.

I have no idea where they are now in their feelings for the other. It's not my business anyway. But it sure rang familiar to everything I heard of Hollywood legends of yore about said legendary lovers and feuders Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton back in the day.
I found all the above very interesting, TY all for sharing.
I don’t know much about Damien anymore. Paul is the reason I joined for the first time, years ago. I have been through many phases with Paul, lol. I loved him in the beginning and hated him for a while. He used to come across on Instagram as so arrogant and hateful but now he’s really moved into a more interesting guy. He turned 30 this year and posts a lot about his college classes and exams he’s taking. He also has a love for plants and has a whole garden of plants that he takes care of. He sings for his followers sometimes. I’m really starting to like Paul, more and more.
I love Damien too, but he just doesn’t post that often or else I just don’t see his posts as often.
Paul appears to be another man who loves the bet as do I. I also share his love of plants which in my basement room is not conducive to grow for various reasons.
these 2 queens…lol. They fought publicly on twitter every time they separated. They shared private messages between the two and videos….it was dramatic. And then the Paul Canon video of him talking about doing porn and telling his family…..trying to act somewhat straight. The whole thing was a lie back in the day. They were totally a couple the whole time.
Your post Jay, brought back memories of the “Dynamic Duo” of Broke Straight Boys, or as Tampa said the term I used to use, the “Liz & Dick” of Broke Straight Boys lol My earliest memory of Damien was when Mark was originally casting the Broke Straight Boys-TV show and his concept at that time was for a competition show of some sort, like The Batchelor and he urged guys to submit audition tapes and he showed them on the site. (I once tried to find those auditions, but I can no longer find them). One of the most popular was from a brash, skinny kid with a New England accent who eventually was rebranded as Damien Kyle I had a close lady friend on the forum, who got his social media info and began messaging with him and she was the first to tell me that he would appear on Broke Straight Boys This was how he looked when we first saw him on the site in October 2012.


Paul Canon started during the same month, October 2012.


There were rumors of them hooking up, and as time went by it became a fun exercise for forumites to look closely in BTS and in scenes where they appeared together. Damien always seemed to “shoot daggers” at the other models who had sex with Paul in the 100th Episode Bareback Orgy.



They publicly came out as a couple during the Broke Straight Boys-TV series and they became the darlings and villains of gay social media. They would famously move in together and have a big fight, (usually because Paul cheated). But they would get back together again just like the real Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Damien became the master of social media and was actually a great promoter for the site. And they both were prolific posters on this forum, and because of some of their posts, Mark instituted a new system where model posts had to be approved before appearing on the site, whereas member posts appeared instantaneously. They also communicated with some members of the forum, off site and I know of one member who had a private lunch with Paul, Damien, Damien’s mother and little brother. I always wondered how Damien explained to his family who this older man was, lol Damien also spoke to other members on the phone that I know of too. He was and still is a great self promoter.

Eventually they were let go from Broke Straight Boys, which angered some of their fans, but my feeling is you can only be a “Broke Straight Boys” for so long, before it is time to move on. Paul went on to great success in porn with another site. Damien did some porn, but more modeling and social media promotion, which he does to this day.

These two were the most important and influential models in the history of Broke Straight Boys, in my opinion. I could say so much more, but I have gone on too long already.
I have that picture of Damien as well as all his episodes & Paul's as well. I am a big fan of both. While Damien looks great today, he has lost that young innocence that for me made him so special to me. I suppose you can call it growing up.
I do see Damien elsewhere & indeed he looks great I was always a fan of his and Paul's. It does then put into question the statement way back then only straight men were taken as Broke Straight Boys models.