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Damien Kyle and Paul Canon Leaving Broke Straight Boys? Hope it is not true

IFF they are leaving to head up their own site linked to a bunch of banging hot global boys from every continent and every state called "Spreading the American Way"
This is certainly startling news or rumor, As Damien, Paul, Mark and Johnny among others all do post here, I'd sure love a confirmation or denial as this would really change the face of Broke Straight Boys for the immediate future.
I hope the rumor I heard of Paul Canon and Damien Kyle leaving Broke Straight Boys is not true. They are both my favorites by far. Seem so real and HOT- and Paul is so funny. The site won't be the same if this is true :( Hope it is not

Why would you post something like this without any reference to where you have heard or read such a thing? This is the height of irresponsibility!
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Why would you post something like this without any reference to where you have heard or read such a thing? This is the height of irresponsibility!

ONLY would be IRRESPONSIBLE if I did not say IT was a RUMOR I Heard... Correct? I said I HOPE IT is NOT true..
It would be a Big terrible loss if it is true. I would stay just for the forum . But it would be a very sad day.
I wish one of the the higher ups would respond ....
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ONLY would be IRRESPONSIBLE if I did not say IT was a RUMOR I Heard... Correct? I said I HOPE IT is NOT true..


Hi, Jeffster ~

I personally wouldn't frame this question in terms of responsibility, at all. Apparently you've heard, or read something, and it has caused you concern: and you chose to share it with your friends on the board, because you ARE concerned. That's all fair, and good.

I suppose I would frame the question more as one of practicality, and courtesy. Paul and Damien are both very popular and well-loved models on Broke Straight Boys, so, it was a certainty that, when you mentioned this rumour, it was bound to cause further concern amongst their fans, and your friends, here.

Rumours are unpleasant, and unaccountable things, and are often grounded more in people's hopes, or fears, than they are in fact. (This is why, in the eyes of substantial segments of the public, on any given Tuesday, Elvis Aaron Presley is thought to be alive and well and shopping at a Wal-Mart in East Memphis, Tennessee, while Justin Drew Bieber is thought to have died of a drug overdose months ago - and to be laid out on ice next to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a matching sarcophagus in Red Square, in Moscow.)

Were I to post on Facebook, or Twitter, or some such place (for example) these four words: "Jeffster is gravely ill!" - no doubt either someone I know who frequents this page, or someone who knows someone who frequents this page, would get this information back to this board within 48 hours. . . and you'd have a whole committee planning your obsequies. (I do hope your health is good, by the way - it's just an example!) But that's the way social media works, today.

While I do think it was kind of you to share your concern, which I know is legitimate (!!!) - I do agree with Stowe to the limited extent that ~ given the relative openness of these boards ~ it might have been a courteous act to disclose: "I read the rumour of this impending departure in publication 'X'." Or, if it is a matter of having heard a rumour from someone who might be presumed to have "inside" knowledge of this matter, whose identity could not (in good conscience) be disclosed - it might be a courteous thing to confess that your source was of this nature, and that you are not able to reveal the source of your apprehension.

At any rate, as Paul often has posted here, and Damien regularly and faithfully does - - - the one thing which strikes me as being not quite courteous, is to speak about them as if they weren't here. It seems to me that the polite and honest thing to do would be simply to put the question to Damien, and raise the concern honestly and directly, with him. If he were honestly able to allay it, I am sure he would. And, if he were not - he might feel a need not to comment, but that would be his prerogative as a human being, and matters would take their natural course, in any event.

So, let's simply be honest, and ask Damien the question, and I am sure if he is able to answer, he will do so, honestly. If he isn't - and it would be far from the first time people have had to maintain confidentiality because they are seeking alternative employment (happens at my office every day): I suppose he won't.

My two discounted, Canadian, cents.

seems to be two threads with the same title. on the other thread, johnny said paul did some Broke Straight Boys work last week and said they leaving would surprise him.
please combine these threads
And Thank You Ambivalent for adding your two cents.
You always make so much sense xoxoxo johnny
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Hi, Jeffster ~

I personally wouldn't frame this question in terms of responsibility, at all. Apparently you've heard, or read something, and it has caused you concern: and you chose to share it with your friends on the board, because you ARE concerned. That's all fair, and good.

I suppose I would frame the question more as one of practicality, and courtesy. Paul and Damien are both very popular and well-loved models on Broke Straight Boys, so, it was a certainty that, when you mentioned this rumour, it was bound to cause further concern amongst their fans, and your friends, here.

Rumours are unpleasant, and unaccountable things, and are often grounded more in people's hopes, or fears, than they are in fact. (This is why, in the eyes of substantial segments of the public, on any given Tuesday, Elvis Aaron Presley is thought to be alive and well and shopping at a Wal-Mart in East Memphis, Tennessee, while Justin Drew Bieber is thought to have died of a drug overdose months ago - and to be laid out on ice next to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in a matching sarcophagus in Red Square, in Moscow.)

Were I to post on Facebook, or Twitter, or some such place (for example) these four words: "Jeffster is gravely ill!" - no doubt either someone I know who frequents this page, or someone who knows someone who frequents this page, would get this information back to this board within 48 hours. . . and you'd have a whole committee planning your obsequies. (I do hope your health is good, by the way - it's just an example!) But that's the way social media works, today.

While I do think it was kind of you to share your concern, which I know is legitimate (!!!) - I do agree with Stowe to the limited extent that ~ given the relative openness of these boards ~ it might have been a courteous act to disclose: "I read the rumour of this impending departure in publication 'X'." Or, if it is a matter of having heard a rumour from someone who might be presumed to have "inside" knowledge of this matter, whose identity could not (in good conscience) be disclosed - it might be a courteous thing to confess that your source was of this nature, and that you are not able to reveal the source of your apprehension.

At any rate, as Paul often has posted here, and Damien regularly and faithfully does - - - the one thing which strikes me as being not quite courteous, is to speak about them as if they weren't here. It seems to me that the polite and honest thing to do would be simply to put the question to Damien, and raise the concern honestly and directly, with him. If he were honestly able to allay it, I am sure he would. And, if he were not - he might feel a need not to comment, but that would be his prerogative as a human being, and matters would take their natural course, in any event.

So, let's simply be honest, and ask Damien the question, and I am sure if he is able to answer, he will do so, honestly. If he isn't - and it would be far from the first time people have had to maintain confidentiality because they are seeking alternative employment (happens at my office every day): I suppose he won't.

My two discounted, Canadian, cents.


Well put!
Ambi - whether you disagree with me re: irresponsibility or I disagree with you re: courtesy, it seems that we arrive at the same conclusion, i.e. source should be revealed and that way each of us can judge for ourselves as to the possible veracity of said source.
Very well said. Thank you... I was just wondering if it was true or not. I sure hope not. But you are very articulate and I appreciate your feedback and the way you put it. thanks again...
Great. Thank you. Guess can't believe everything you hear. Very glad. Those two are the reason I am on the site...
What concerns me is why did the poster choose to put 2 threads on the same subject ? One on this side of the forum and one on the other. Seems he's wanting to stir things up..
Ambi - whether you disagree with me re: irresponsibility or I disagree with you re: courtesy, it seems that we arrive at the same conclusion, i.e. source should be revealed and that way each of us can judge for ourselves as to the possible veracity of said source.


Hey, dear Stowe -

No disrespect to you, or the concerns that you expressed, at all!

My sense simply is that Jeffster is a nice guy (at least, I'm according him the benefit of the doubt); meant no harm; but got wind of some "information", or "misinformation", as the case may be: and because he loves both Paul and Damien, got quite worried about it; wanted to share and discuss with fellow members; but perhaps was at a bit of a loss as to how he might best do so, without causing a disruption. (And, on such a large topic, as we know - comments WILL follow!)

My only office in all of this, Stowe, was not to question your basic premise - the more information, the better (which is ALMOST always, true!): but rather, just to give Jeffster a little friendly support, in his conundrum. Because I deal with difficult questions of information-handling and disclosure every day, at my office: and these sorts of vexations are nothing new, or startling, to me. They're quite a constant, in any organization whose numbers exceed two - - - but, of a certainty, the Internet and social media have multiplied the potential pitfalls of saying ANYTHING, about ANYTHING.

In fairness to Jeffster, Stowe, he may not be able to adhere to the standard of transparency that you have commended, and that all of us would appreciate, in the best circumstances. Jeffster may have personal confidences at stake (which could be entirely off this site) - and may not be ABLE, in good conscience, to share the "source" of the rumour. My impression, though, Stowe (though I might be mistaken) is that Jeffster spoke out of care and concern - and not out of any desire to cause gratuitous distress.

Goodness knows, if I read, on www.gayporngossip.com; or my Romanian friend Andrei's husband's ex-boyfriend told me, on Skype; that Jason Matthews was never to return to Broke Straight Boys . . . I'm sure I would have reacted very much as Jeffster did. And probably LESS civilly. . . as I would have larded my posts with bold print, and inflammatory polysyllabics ~ LOL!!!

Stowe, perhaps Jeffster could have handled his disclosure in a manner that was a little less alarming - or not alarming at all. (As, for instance, by writing privately to Mark, about his concerns.) However, not everyone who writes here is a public-relations specialist, and nice people DO, by times, simply REACT from a place of natural emotion. It seems reasonably clear to me that Jeffster feels he cannot disclose the source of his information (this happens to various of my clients, for various reasons, all the time): otherwise I'm sure he would have done so.

Because, Stowe, if Jeffster were an accomplished troll, or fomenter of wickedness, I think he could have done a much better job than he has, thus far. Of course, time will tell, and I might be wrong about all of this.

But, I would suggest, this matter (as a practical, members', inquiry) is now practically concluded - until we receive definitive information. Because:
*The concern has been raised.
*Management has been asked - and professes to know nothing about this.
*Damien has been asked - and he's a good lad - and always writes, and I'm sure will disconfirm this rumour, if it is meet and right for him so to do.

We will thus know the truth, in the fullness of time. In the meantime, there is ****-all we can do about it, either way: and so I suppose we should just go on having fun, taking good care of each other, and appreciating the models we like. That's my suggestion, anyway.



It's really all we can do.
