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Damien & Jaxon


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
New England
I seem to be in the minority again, but I really do like Jaxon. Pairing him with Damien was a good choice by Broke Straight Boys but neither seemed to really get into it. Damien is at or near the top of my list and I found his performance in this video a bit off his normal pace. But, I believe in taking the good with the bad from someone you like. As for Jaxon, yeah...he has too many tats. But, his body is still oh so nice. He seemed to put in the effort needed and got Damien to pop a nice load and is willing to please. He is not from the typical Broke Straight Boys mold, but that is what creates variety and, for me, an enjoyable experience. Some chemistry between the two would have added greatly. But, it is what it is. I gave it a 4 simply because I like Damien and even with only two scenes under his Broke Straight Boys belt, I like Jaxon already. With a little coaching from Johnny, I think he can become a very welcome addition to the Broke Straight Boys group.

I realize we all have our own opinions and are entitled to express them. That's what this forum is all about. But, I find that some of the critiques are pretty harsh on many of the models who are humans with feelings. Positive, yet constructive criticism seems to me to be in everyone's best interest.

So, in spite of the few who have been very vocal about their less than positive feelings about Jaxon, I will chime in with a positive response for a guy who seems to have some true potential to climb the ladder. Good job guys. Also, I'd love to see Damien every once in a while in something other than the traditional boxers. They do little, if anything, for me.
Meh; gave it a 1. Damien is great...and I can't believe he swallowed, but Jaxon, no thanks. I think this was a waste of Damien's time.
Chase is right that we should keep in mind that all the models who decide to perform for our entertainment are human being with feelings. If I met Jaxon in real life I would probably really like him and find him attractive. The scene here was okay. It suffered a bit from the models being in the same positions so much. Maybe if they had edited down the time that Jaxon spent getting Damien Kyle off, it wouldn't have felt (to me) like it was dragging on for too long.

I have a feeling that the rest of Jaxon's scenes moving forward will only get better. He hasn't been asked to do very much yet. So he can only improve.
I seem to be in the minority again, but I really do like Jaxon. Pairing him with Damien was a good choice by Broke Straight Boys but neither seemed to really get into it. Damien is at or near the top of my list and I found his performance in this video a bit off his normal pace. But, I believe in taking the good with the bad from someone you like. As for Jaxon, yeah...he has too many tats. But, his body is still oh so nice. He seemed to put in the effort needed and got Damien to pop a nice load and is willing to please. He is not from the typical Broke Straight Boys mold, but that is what creates variety and, for me, an enjoyable experience. Some chemistry between the two would have added greatly. But, it is what it is. I gave it a 4 simply because I like Damien and even with only two scenes under his Broke Straight Boys belt, I like Jaxon already. With a little coaching from Johnny, I think he can become a very welcome addition to the Broke Straight Boys group.

I realize we all have our own opinions and are entitled to express them. That's what this forum is all about. But, I find that some of the critiques are pretty harsh on many of the models who are humans with feelings. Positive, yet constructive criticism seems to me to be in everyone's best interest.

So, in spite of the few who have been very vocal about their less than positive feelings about Jaxon, I will chime in with a positive response for a guy who seems to have some true potential to climb the ladder. Good job guys. Also, I'd love to see Damien every once in a while in something other than the traditional boxers. They do little, if anything, for me.

Chase, whether you are among the minority or majority with your views and perceptions, I am elated you speak up nonetheless. I applaud your willingness to be heard and being unafraid to speak what you believe and not yield to the whims of others. Keep on opining, and I shall definitely continue reading what you have to say.
Damien is one hot beautiful man. And for me has a much nicer ass. I would rather have seen him with Adam, Zane Tate or Sam Truitt All are more personable, have big beautiful cocks, give better head and know how to top and bottom. They also have some kind of chemistry with their partners. Damien deserves better. Still wish he had let Brandon kiss him at the end of their scene. Know Brandon really wanted that. Damien and Ayden would also be a great pairing.
Chase is right that we should keep in mind that all the models who decide to perform for our entertainment are human being with feelings. If I met Jaxon in real life I would probably really like him and find him attractive. The scene here was okay. It suffered a bit from the models being in the same positions so much. Maybe if they had edited down the time that Jaxon spent getting Damien Kyle off, it wouldn't have felt (to me) like it was dragging on for too long.

I have a feeling that the rest of Jaxon's scenes moving forward will only get better. He hasn't been asked to do very much yet. So he can only improve.

Good afternoon, Tampa. While I have not met Mr. Ryder, nor do I ever intend to, I agree everyone should be given an opportunity. My problem, however, is that Ryder has had many opportunities on at least one other website, and while he professed to have been with a man a single time in his entire life, his appearing on another site seems to cast doubt into the olio. And once that doubt is cast, there is no way one can simply eradicate it for the sake of veracity. Please understand I am not attempting to mar your perceptions of Ryder; I am confident they are incredibly wonderful, and no one should ever even attempt to deny you of them. Still, I, too, have perceptions that are somehow dimmed by his possibly deceiving the audience. I shall wait for future videos and see how well he can perform, but until that time, I remain the cynic. (Who am I kidding; I am the perpetual cynic!) Thanks for opining, Tampa. I enjoy your posts, regardless.
Nothing to fancy, but I liked these two together so gave it a 4. Look forward to the fuck scene!!!
My problem, however, is that Ryder has had many opportunities on at least one other website, and while he professed to have been with a man a single time in his entire life, his appearing on another site seems to cast doubt into the olio. And once that doubt is cast, there is no way one can simply eradicate it for the sake of veracity.
As we are offering salutations today, I will begin by wishing you a good afternoon Nobel. The portion of your post that I quoted is exactly how I feel about models who've appeared on other sites prior to Broke Straight Boys This has to do with my personal fetish of being extremely attracted to handsome young straight guys, and is in fact why I first joined this site.

The reality or perhaps more often, the fantasy of watching true straight guys nervously dip their toes into the proverbial waters of gay sex makes me extremely horny, and once that illusion has been broken for me, it's impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. I am obviously only speaking for myself, and I understand that many if not most members of this site care more about the model being good looking, and performing well than his sexuality. But for myself it is the most important factor influencing my being sexually aroused by a scene here.
As we are offering salutations today, I will begin by wishing you a good afternoon Nobel. The portion of your post that I quoted is exactly how I feel about models who've appeared on other sites prior to Broke Straight Boys This has to do with my personal fetish of being extremely attracted to handsome young straight guys, and is in fact why I first joined this site.

The reality or perhaps more often, the fantasy of watching true straight guys nervously dip their toes into the proverbial waters of gay sex makes me extremely horny, and once that illusion has been broken for me, it's impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. I am obviously only speaking for myself, and I understand that many if not most members of this site care more about the model being good looking, and performing well than his sexuality. But for myself it is the most important factor influencing my being sexually aroused by a scene here.

Good afternoon, Mikeyank. Opening Day is 37 days away, but who is counting?!
Spanks for your post. I found your opinion most enlightening and informative. I, for one, would never even attempt to rub the bottle, let alone having to put the genie back into the blasted thing.
I am curious, however, if you would kindly indulge me: Does this mean you fancy or are disinterested in Ryder? Personally, he did nothing for me, as my attention was entirely focused upon Dimmie and his amazing talents. Ryder seemed to me as being a smirking manipulator, beguiling subscribers to look at him with the single-eyed mole than with a more realistic perspective. I cannot attest his manipulation is factual, but since he seemed that way to me, I can aver he hardly seems appealing to me in any aspect. I understand models on here are for entertainment purposes, much as actors in any media. They use pseudonyms to protect their identities, which is expected, and they pretend to be someone - and some thing - they are certainly not. For this reason, I do not ascribe to the tenet a vast majority of models on Broke Straight Boys are "broke", "straight", or "boys" in the sexual context. This hardly takes away from their performances, provided they appeal to me, which hardly any do. I firmly appreciate their attempting to entertain, although most fall short of being top-caliber material. It is my hope Ryder succeeds in whatever he pursues, but to deliberately deceive a paying audience outside the scope of past ventures hardly earns my respect, let alone my attention. Stained he was, and stained he shall remain.
To answer your question Noble, I am disinterested in Jaxon, mainly for the reason I mentioned previously that he is experienced in gay porn, and the kind of porn I want involves guys who I can believe might really be first timers dabbling in man to man action. Jaxon is a cute kid with a handsome face and a nice slim smooth athletic body, and I wish him all good things in life, but he is not a guy that I personally want to watch on this site.
To answer your question Noble, I am disinterested in Jaxon, mainly for the reason I mentioned previously that he is experienced in gay porn, and the kind of porn I want involves guys who I can believe might really be first timers dabbling in man to man action. Jaxon is a cute kid with a handsome face and a nice slim smooth athletic body, and I wish him all good things in life, but he is not a guy that I personally want to watch on this site.

Spanks again, Mikeyank. I could not agree with you more. Cheers.
Gave it a 1. I would have rather watched a solo with Damien.
Gave it a 1. I would have rather watched a solo with Damien.

Even though I suffer from brain trauma that disallows certain parts of my body to take notice, I certainly would be "up" for that, if only I could!
mikeyank and tampa.
Evening here in San Francisco...
When I grow up.. Ha Ha ... Or maybe learn how to spell better.
I want to be able to write just like the both of you...Gracious and kind ..even if you don't love something.
I didn't love the scene...Didn't feel a connection between the boy's..Damien Kyle worked.Jaxon tats turned me off. But I think he is cute.
But what do I know ?
I was Lucky last night . Got hold of some real fun porn..BUT.. Don't think the scene is good enough to watch again.
Maybe take a brake and watch TV.......Maybe....
Hope you all have a good night. What is left of it. NO work tomorrow. Yea.....
mikeyank and tampa.
Evening here in San Francisco...
When I grow up.. Ha Ha ... Or maybe learn how to spell better.
I want to be able to write just like the both of you...Gracious and kind ..even if you don't love something.
I didn't love the scene...Didn't feel a connection between the boy's..Damien Kyle worked.Jaxon tats turned me off. But I think he is cute.
But what do I know ?
I was Lucky last night . Got hold of some real fun porn..BUT.. Don't think the scene is good enough to watch again.
Maybe take a brake and watch TV.......Maybe....
Hope you all have a good night. What is left of it. NO work tomorrow. Yea.....
Good evening to you Johnny and thank you for your kind words. I actually like the way you write. You speak from the heart and you get your point across clearly and concisely.

Enjoy the weekend, be it porn, TV or whatever else makes you happy!!! :thumbup:
I do like to iron. And it is Saturday Night..I will most likely be on this dam machine. I do remember starting to get ready to
go out about 9 or 10.Not that long ago.But the machine sits on the top of the bed with me. Two cats my machine my dictionary So much easier to see what you guys are up to. No shoes..If you do anything fun. Let me know.Beats T.V
PS .. Sorry to go off topic.
Last edited:
I do like to iron. And it is Saturday Night..I will most likely be on this dam machine. I do remember starting to get ready to
go out about 9 or 10.Not that long ago.But the machine sits on the top of the bed with me. Two cats my machine my dictionary So much easier to see what you guys are up to. No shoes..If you do anything fun. Let me know.Beats T.V
PS .. Sorry to go off topic.

Good evening, SF Johnny. You like to iron? I am im-pressed. I even admire your having two pussies in your home. I have five - count 'em, 5! - furchildren who are all totally P-awesome. Do not worry about going off-topic. There are times I prefer your words over my own, and particularly over those who literally go out of their ways to attack me with useless verbiage.
Anyway, enjoy the rest of your weekend, and may the farce be with you.
mikeyank and tampa.
Evening here in San Francisco...
When I grow up.. Ha Ha ... Or maybe learn how to spell better.
I want to be able to write just like the both of you...Gracious and kind ..even if you don't love something.
I didn't love the scene...Didn't feel a connection between the boy's..Damien Kyle worked.Jaxon tats turned me off. But I think he is cute.
But what do I know ?
I was Lucky last night . Got hold of some real fun porn..BUT.. Don't think the scene is good enough to watch again.
Maybe take a brake and watch TV.......Maybe....
Hope you all have a good night. What is left of it. NO work tomorrow. Yea.....

Thank you for your kind words Johnny. :)
I do like to iron. And it is Saturday Night..I will most likely be on this dam machine. I do remember starting to get ready to
go out about 9 or 10.Not that long ago.But the machine sits on the top of the bed with me. Two cats my machine my dictionary So much easier to see what you guys are up to. No shoes..If you do anything fun. Let me know.Beats T.V
PS .. Sorry to go off topic.
Don't worry about me Johnny, I'm fine!!!! lol