When one opens up with the honesty clearly and plainly spoken with sincerity, Dimmie, I am with the utmost belief you shall cum back with better things for us all. As you said, no one is perfect (thank goodness), and no one can go through life's endless array of hurdless and obligations without the occasional "Oops!" You took your verbal criticisms better than most people I know, perceiving them more as challenges, and that is one reason why I appreciate you and your work. No worries, Dimmie. You still have your fan base, and any true fan will be there to pick you up when you are down rather than walk over you with apathetic disregard. You create fantastic illusions for your fans; I am confident there is plenty of magic you have yet to conjure before the cameras. Alohamora, my friend, and spanks for all you do!
Dear Jack,
Your eloquent words bring out what I appreciate most about
Damien's "WILL TO SUCCEED", regardless of the situation . It was not the circumstances that either Model had that much control over. Realizing this is not a perfect world in which we occupy, and despite the hardships that visit us all from time to time, both
Damien and
Tristan carried on with the task at hand and seized upon its
climatic ending milkiing what they could for our entertainment. Both held true to prior commitments, in a
good-faith effort. The fact that I failed to mention Tristan as frequently as Damien had more to do with my familiarity with Damien's work. However, there was no slight implied to Tristan.
And, my occasional keyboarding error speaks much more to the slight scoliosis in my spine than my keyboarding prowess, as I am not quite the human specimen I once was, just a few years ago. Those strict and unrelenting Typing Teachers of old knew only too well what proper posture could lead to, before word-processors or computers were ever thought of. My
devoting 36 years to my career requiring intensive determination on par with intelligence, resulted in my becoming a bonafied work-a-holic requiring endless hours at my desk facing either my word processor or, more recently a computer has taken its toll on my lumbar region. If only my back had come pre-equipped with a fully-functioning spell-check feature, I guess might easily observe..."
I have it made in the shade"!(meaning working by the shade of nighttime often until dawn).
While I haven't made a reference to one of the more obscure Barbra Streisand comic movies of the late 1960's:
streisand in