Hey, Beth:
Even though he's blond (and brunets are my thing). . . I have to say that I never saw a Tom Faulk video I didn't like. I wept, when I found out that he had left
College Dudes, to join
Men.com. (I loved his scenes, soooooo much.) The guy just turns me on, soooooo much!
Tom had a good long run at
Men.com - making something like 20 films with them. Since he left
College Dudes, his look changed radically. Thanks to the gym (he is a dedicated lifter) or the "munchies" (he is a dedicated pot-smoker, too), or both. . . he has gotten very big and beefy. Sometimes looking very muscular, sometimes looking just kinda chubby!!! His performances still make me melt, though - I love his eyes and smile, and the sort of "cute-dumb-guy" vibe he has going on. . . if that doesn't sound too condescending!!! (Blush) Lately, he has mostly been bottoming, in films.
Back in June, I think it was, industry papers announced that Tom had been fired from
Men.com, for excessive pot-smoking! Seems a little odd, but reading between the lines, one wonders if there wasn't more to the story. . . and if he just became too much of a behavioral problem for his bosses to handle. (I suspect this is what brought his happy time at
College Dudes to an end, as well.)
Unfortunately, Tom is the poster-boy for the time-honoured stereotype of the "troubled porn star." He is infamous on Flirt4Free as the guy who got so drunk and stoned in his show, that he passed out and remained passed out for two days on cam - or something :-((( And, Tom has been arrested no less than four times, for things like public intoxication, assault, and etc. (In fairness to Tom, he maintains the assault happened when a burglar invaded his home.)
Tom recently came out to all his fans as being 100 per cent gay. (For years, he had maintained that he was completely straight, and had even engaged in a couple of anti-gay rants, on his F4F shows.) I wonder. . . if some of that repressed anger and self-doubt, has contributed to some of his problems with substance abuse, and etc.
For sure, he is a bad, bad, boy - and NOT b/f material - like Blake would be, for example, or Jason, or Paul. But I still love Tom, and hope he is able to get his life together, and be happy. . . . I think Tom needs someone like Sha, or Sabrina, or YOU, in his life, to get him back on track!
That's the full report, Beth. I'm sorry, I didn't give links to all the particles of info above, but they are easily searchable on Google, or, if you want, I can hunt them up again for you, and send them to you in a note.
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