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Coors Light Splash Bash Reception, Friday, June 5th, Phoenix


Oct 28, 2008
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The Broke Straight Boys will be celebrating the opening activities of the Coors Light Splash Bash. The event starts at 6 pm at the Radisson Phoenix City Center Hotel. This is a nice hotel that has a very special rate for those who attend the event.

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Heya Patrick! It's looking like I'll be coming up to Phoenix for the Splash Bash reception with my hubbie.....

Am really looking forward to meeting you and the boys!

Bw well,

Jayce that's great. I'm happy to hear that you'll be able to make one of the Broke Straight Boys events. All my best to you buddy!

Thanks Tampie!!!!:001_wub:

Patrick: I know some of the boys hail from the Valley..... so will Derek, Jay Ray, Johnny be there? What about Wayne and Aleck? Anyone else? In other words, Who ya bringing?????? Want to know so I can dream some dreams......:001_tt2::001_tt2:



I don't know if Patrick still likes me, I was teasing him about molesting the boys in London - he was lonely.:001_unsure:
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Derek will be there. Please note, I spelled his name right this time! I'm still seeing which other models are available for this Phoenix event.

Jayce, I'm soooooo glad you'll be there!
Derek will be there. Please note, I spelled his name right this time! I'm still seeing which other models are available for this Phoenix event.

Jayce, I'm soooooo glad you'll be there!



I'm such a happy camper!

Jayce, wish I can be there for the event, but circumstances won't allow me to travel any where right now with me being unemployed and also taking care of my parents.
I know you will have a great time. Enjoy yourself.
Jayce, wish I can be there for the event, but circumstances won't allow me to travel any where right now with me being unemployed and also taking care of my parents.
I know you will have a great time. Enjoy yourself.


We'll just have to get Patrick to book an event in Tacoma. Then we can work on the rest. I'd send some $$ for you to spend on the boys.....


P.S. I am working on getting Baal to come as well. Depends on his work schedule.
Unfortunately there is no gay life or establishments anymore here in Tacoma. And I don't know what is up in Seattle. I haven't been to a bar or club since I moved back up here in 2000. I don't even keep up with the happenings up there in Seattle. And as far as I know, there isn't anything down in Olympia anymore. Sad to say.
Radisson City Center - Phoenix

If anyone has tried to book a hotel thru the Ionaz.com website for the $65 per night rate and gotten the "No Availability" message, Hotels.com has rooms for $65.40. So you can still stay "on Campus" for Splash Bash in Phoenix.

Talked to Patrick today (really nice guy!). Am going to have dinner with the boys tomorrow!!!!!! YEAH!!! I hope Baal can make it.......

I feel like breaking out in song........

I'm so Excited!​

Talked to Patrick today (really nice guy!).


Thanks! My Mom thinks so........

Anyways, great talking to you today. Looking forward to dinner with the boys and you tomorrow. Coors Light Splash Bash should be fun. It was last year.
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hey guy's have a great time at the bash. I hope you all have a lot of FUN
Talked to Patrick today (really nice guy!). Am going to have dinner with the boys tomorrow!!!!!! YEAH!!! I hope Baal can make it.......

I feel like breaking out in song........

I'm so Excited!​


That is SOOO cool!! Congratulations Jayce on scoring one on one time with the boys. Patrick is an absolute sweetheart for letting you join them. You picked a great guy to do such a favor for Patrick. Thank you!
It's 12:20 in the m here in Phoenix and I have just spent 7.5 hours with Derek, Johnny, Wayne and Patrick. Wow am I pumped! Patrick is an amazing fellow, I wish I could have his job. Plus he's a nice guy and goodlooking to boot. He's a ginger (redhead/blonde) and I've never met one who wasn't hung...... Didn't get the opportunity to find out....:cursing: He was so sweet and fought me for the check at dinner (he won).

Derek is a great guy with a big heart. I think Tyler has some competition for my love/lust. He has grown in his pubes although the are trimmed back to just around the base of his prodigious endowment. Words cannot express how great a guy he is. When he smiles he lights up the room! And he has a really cute little bubble butt. I talked to him about returning to Florida and doing a topping scene. I think we might see him on the futon again. I even got to put his Broke Straight Boys "tattoo's" on his chest, back and tush! I thought I'd die with that cute tushy 6 inches from my tongue!

Johnny is just a big puppy dog. He is full of joy and life. He's a blast to be around. Got to meet his girlfriend even. Damn it all to hell cause I won't be the one on the futon with him when he goes to Florida. What I could do to that boy. Semi hard he's still 6 inches and has finally been convinced to trim what he calls his "mane". Don't know what it looked like before but what I saw was really nice.

Wayne just started out doing the events and was a little on the shy side about having a pic taken of him with trous around his ankles. But he's another great kid with a great physique and gorgeous eyes. He's working up to his futon time. We had a long conversation about being str8 and doing gay porn. I think in time he might become comfortable on the futon.

I took some pics with my cell phone. Will have to see how they turn out. I'll post them when I can (and if they're not just a blur). Patrick got some picks of me with Derek and Derek got some of me and Johnny. Markymark you are going to die when you see them.

Said hello to the boys for Parisnoyd, Tampa, Slim and Jayman and even I2ina69. The got plenty of squeezes and I made sure that both cheeks got equal billing.:001_tt2:

Let me tell you that today came close to the day I said my vows with Mikey as "THE" perfect day.

We're supposed to have breakfast in the morning here at the hotel. Guys, I am one lucky SOB since Patrick and the boys are coming down to Tucson for Pride in October and we've made dinner plans as well as lodging at my abode.

I had long talks with the boys and will report more later.

Now I get to curl up with the love of my life, it's a great day!

Be well brothers,

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Dear Jayce,

Thank you so much for sharing all that with us. I'm sure we'll have more questions for you later. ...In private. :tongue_smilie: LOL I kinda suspected all along that Patrick was a great guy. Thanks for the confirmation. LOL If anyboday needed and deserved a perfect day it was you my friend. :001_wub:
Last night was a great start to the Coors Light Splash Bash.

Jayce, thanks for being a great guy, bringing the husband along, and driving up from Tucson. You and the boys sure seemed to hit it off!

Like Jayce said, we got some really good pictures. Hopefully, I'll get some posted today.
Last night was a great start to the Coors Light Splash Bash.

Jayce, thanks for being a great guy, bringing the husband along, and driving up from Tucson. You and the boys sure seemed to hit it off!

Like Jayce said, we got some really good pictures. Hopefully, I'll get some posted today.

I really want to see them. But I think I might have to get a security detail so the other members don't come and hunt me down for being such a lucky SOB.

The boys and you were terrific. Both Mikey and I felt right at home and as if we had known you guys for ever. You are very special people. Mark (Broke Straight Boys) said he's glad to have you on the team and all I can say is I can see why. I know I sound like a school girl gushing over some hot star jocks, but it's all the truth (scout's honor!).

We are too pleased for you, Jayce, as stated earlier, you deserved the night and all its "bennies". Glad to hear you got Oct. set up already.

Yes, Patrick really is "da Man" isn't he? And We think you said it all concerning Derek and Johnny, our realms newest princelings. And while we are sure they were being Royals, we do hope they were not royal pains for Patrick, back in the hotel room. We have heard stories of other days, other towns.....and, Johnny, we were not amused! ROTF, LORAO.