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Conner showing up on many sites


Jun 6, 2011
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Connor is getting around. The leg tattoo is hard to miss. He showed up on BigDaddy.com and now Nextdoortwinks.com. I am sure if I look hard enough he could be elsewhere. I see he has an update here as well for Saturday. He bottoms on the Nextdoortwink site today. I guess he has the looks that others like as well, plus coodo's to him for having the looks to do so.
Now's the time for Connor to do porn and collect the monies. I don't think there's a retirement fund for ex-porn stars. I think he got it all - good looks, nice personality, a dick that anyone would respect, charm and panache - his natural red hair.
I watched the video from nextdoortwinks, and I just love Connor doing porn. He is so into what he's doing. I like the fact he gets passionate in his scenes (almost like he's making love) rather then just a fuck scene. I would like to see him do a lot more of these type of scenes. It just makes him more hot and sexy. My wishful scene would be him and Blake "make love" maybe flip flop.
It's sad that Connor is no longer Broke Straight Boys's exclusively, but I certainly understand the $$$ motivation. I really don't mind any of the models going to other sites, just as long as they don't return here to Broke Straight Boys acting all innocent. Give us here a chance to see what you haVe learned to do at other studios.
He went to Bigdaddy and Nextdoortwink I am not signed to those sites but they are fucking hot so I dnt mind him going on them lol but I do think when Broke Straight Boys lads go to other sits they shouldn't be aloud back on to Broke Straight Boys
It's sad that Connor is no longer Broke Straight Boys's exclusively, but I certainly understand the $$$ motivation. I really don't mind any of the models going to other sites, just as long as they don't return here to Broke Straight Boys acting all innocent. Give us here a chance to see what you haVe learned to do at other studios.

Jlipps, I agree 100% with your post, especially about not acting all innocent when they do scenes here and showing us what they do elsewhere.

It's sad that Connor is no longer Broke Straight Boys's exclusively, but I certainly understand the $$$ motivation. I really don't mind any of the models going to other sites, just as long as they don't return here to Broke Straight Boys acting all innocent. Give us here a chance to see what you haVe learned to do at other studios.
He went to Bigdaddy and Nextdoortwink I am not signed to those sites but they are fucking hot so I dnt mind him going on them lol but I do think when Broke Straight Boys lads go to other sits they shouldn't be aloud back on to Broke Straight Boys
At one time I completely agreed with what Straightcurious said, particularly when David was directing the scenes here. I agreed with David's philosophy that once the boy's made the rounds to the other studios, they lost their appeal here, and their 'five minutes of fame' were up on Broke Straight Boys.

But Mark is now employing several models who have been elsewhere, and they do keep coming back, so things have changed, and I accept it, but I agree with JLipps that they can't go back to playing the innocent straight boy, after doing "it all" elsewhere.

What I now look for on this site is what Abush11 calls "believably straight" guys. I no longer necessarily expect genuine straight guys, but keeping the illusion believable is still important in my fantasy.
But Mark is now employing several models who have been elsewhere, and they do keep coming back, so things have changed, and I accept it, but I agree with JLipps that they can't go back to playing the innocent straight boy, after doing "it all" elsewhere.

This bit I dnt mind if they are employed from elsewhere it doesn't bother me but when they go somewhere else then come back they should just not be :welcome:
At one time I completely agreed with what Straightcurious said, particularly when David was directing the scenes here. I agreed with David's philosophy that once the boy's made the rounds to the other studios, they lost their appeal here, and their 'five minutes of fame' were up on Broke Straight Boys.

But Mark is now employing several models who have been elsewhere, and they do keep coming back, so things have changed, and I accept it, but I agree with JLipps that they can't go back to playing the innocent straight boy, after doing "it all" elsewhere.

What I now look for on this site is what Abush11 calls "believably straight" guys. I no longer necessarily expect genuine straight guys, but keeping the illusion believable is still important in my fantasy.

Mikey, I understand and agree with your post. Especially the last paragraph. Illusion and fantasy are the key components in porn and we have had some recently who are far from "believably straight". Hopefully they will be few and far between.

P.S. Go Duke in the NCAA's!!!

I love the big redwood, I would be happy to have him show up anywhere...my doorstep would be a great place for him to cop a squat, get a gator or eat a beaver (okay, the last one will probably not do it for you, but it was meant for Connor anyway)!
Mikey, I understand and agree with your post. Especially the last paragraph. Illusion and fantasy are the key components in porn and we have had some recently who are far from "believably straight". Hopefully they will be few and far between.

P.S. Go Duke in the NCAA's!!!

Thank you Stowe, and especially for your P.S. :wink:
Good luck Conner. I don't care if you work other sites. You have to make money to live. I just want you to always be available on BSB2 so your fans can enjoy seeing your beautiful self.
Good luck Conner. I don't care if you work other sites. You have to make money to live. I just want you to always be available on BSB2 so your fans can enjoy seeing your beautiful self.

Amen to that! :biggrin: :wink: