I'm sorry to have to write a forum post but I got no reply from the contacts page after 48 hours.
I subscribed on 30th April for the 2 day trial. On the second day I went to log in to cancel the membership but I was greeted with a page saying that I had gone over my bandwidth allowance and the account was not accessable.
I was not able to cancel the subscription as the links to all the cancellation pages were not there.
The contact us link was, however, so I immediately wrote a message saying I wanted to cancel but was unable to because the links were not there on the bandwidth page. I could not proceed further into the site to do anything - forums, FAQs etc.
What annoys me the most is that there's nothing in the T&C of the usage of the site that suggests there is a bandwidth allotment. I had no way of knowing I was going to go over this arbitrary limit and once done there is no way to proceed further into the site to cancel the account or anything.
And what a surprise, today when I can finally log in and cancel, it's already been renewed for a month.
FYI here is the bandwidth page:
As you can see there's no links off that site and if, when you've gone over the bandwidth allotment, you try and enter "support.html" rather than "bandwidth.html", it redirects you back to the bandwidth.html page.
Le sigh.
EDIT: oh and I like the subtle accusation that I was selling the videos or something. Real nice.
I subscribed on 30th April for the 2 day trial. On the second day I went to log in to cancel the membership but I was greeted with a page saying that I had gone over my bandwidth allowance and the account was not accessable.
I was not able to cancel the subscription as the links to all the cancellation pages were not there.
The contact us link was, however, so I immediately wrote a message saying I wanted to cancel but was unable to because the links were not there on the bandwidth page. I could not proceed further into the site to do anything - forums, FAQs etc.
What annoys me the most is that there's nothing in the T&C of the usage of the site that suggests there is a bandwidth allotment. I had no way of knowing I was going to go over this arbitrary limit and once done there is no way to proceed further into the site to cancel the account or anything.

And what a surprise, today when I can finally log in and cancel, it's already been renewed for a month.
FYI here is the bandwidth page:
As you can see there's no links off that site and if, when you've gone over the bandwidth allotment, you try and enter "support.html" rather than "bandwidth.html", it redirects you back to the bandwidth.html page.

Le sigh.
EDIT: oh and I like the subtle accusation that I was selling the videos or something. Real nice.