When the show originally aired on HERE-TV last year, I subscribed and watched each episode and was disappointed as I felt that I learned nothing new, but I am not the average viewer as I am so deeply vested in everything
Broke Straight Boys, and so I watched the first episode on the site last night and I must say I feel like I got more out of it than on my original viewing. It seemed like there was more content, as perhaps part was edited down originally due to time constraints, but I just may not have remembered all the details from my first viewing.
I made note that
Cage Kafig was introduced as a new model who had just filmed one scene when the show was being shot. I see that his
Broke Straight Boys solo debuted in late August 2013, so assumedly the show was shot in the spring of 2013, which incidentally was well over a year after
Jimmy Johnson's last scene was released in early March 2012, but the TV show made it seem as if Jimmy was just another model in the huse the week of the shoot. But as
Kaden Alexander said in one of the opening scenes, that he was ready for drama as this was a reality TV show and there is always drama. I firmly believe that the drama involving Jimmy was scripted as he was brought back from the past to spice up the show. The drama included his bonding with Sergio, the party at the house where Jimmy has sex with a girl in a closet, which will lead to Jimmy's former girlfriend and his "baby mama" later visiting the house, which is something that I do not believe has ever really happened, as why would Mark invite the girlfriend of one of his models to visit and have dinner with the models shooting, but again this is reality TV. Also the STD testing which will lead to the "inconclusive" test discovered at the last possible second as Sha is about to shoot a scene on the road with Jimmy and Denver, (another model who was no longer shooting for the site when the show was filmed). And later Jimmy will have a
Cage Kafig fight with
Cage Kafig, (and whoop his ass), have a blowup with his ex girlfriend when she visits, and be "thrown out" of the house and Sergio will leave with him. This is all the scripted drama of inviting Jimmy to participate in the series.
But more than the Jimmy drama, it was interesting for me to note how much has changed since the series was shot in the spring of 2013, just around three years ago. They are no longer based out of the mansion in Denver, Damian Christopher, Sabrina and Clay are all long gone as well. In my opinion there were more good looking models back then too. I did find it interesting watching the model who backed out of a scene named Corey Long, but again I question if that was real or a set up for the show, as typically a solo is filmed before a scene with another guy, and for the first thing that Clay asked him to do was to kiss Paul, seemed out of the ordinary. But it was interesting for me to see Clay wearing the headset and holding the camera, seeing a shoot from a whole different perspective. And we saw him block out the scene with the guys fully dressed, as we recently saw with one of the twins directing a scene as well. That is the kind of stuff I most enjoy watching.
I'd love to read comments by other folks who watch the series here on the site, some who perhaps never watched the original presentation. I'll keep checking it out as the epsiodes are uploaded here, as
Broke Straight Boys is a major hobby of mine. lol