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College Boy Physicals-suggestions

Hey, that's a thought! Hire a massage therapist, they're all the rage now. ( Coach says we need to get a massage cuz we strained our groins during our stretching exercise.) Or, "I was trying to defend the goal and as I ran for the ball, I twisted my knee" Hey, I gat a million of 'em!


I really love the massage therapy idea MarkyMark.

I would like to see them move past the Dr. office occasionally too. Wouldn't it be nice to see an episode where a really hot straight guy goes into see a counselor because he is really having trouble with girl friend? The young man isn't sure what to do. So, the therapist offers a little hypnosis to get to the heart of what is wrong. Once under hypnosis the doctor/therapist encourages him to have gay sex. Remarkably, after that hypnosis session all of his stress and anxiety disappears. Episode number two he comes back and explains how he is getting along much better with his girl friend but for some reason he isn't able to perform as well as he used to....... You all can write it from there. He could also refer friends. for treatments too..
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I'm LOVIN IT, Jayman01! OH we can go places with this! Dande01, have ya got your ears workin?

Let's see, I like the girlfriend/conflict idea. Maybe in the third scene, said boyfriend can discuss how he has become facinated with the young new track star, who happens to be living in the apt. next to him. He is afraid to talk to the star about his new found lustful feelings...

David, I am developing a deep admiration for your wonderful work. This is actually kind of ...exciting? I'm ROFL, thanks Jayman01!

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I'm LOVIN IT, Jayman01! OH we can go places with this! Dande01, have ya got your ears workin?

Let's see, I like the girlfriend/conflict idea. Maybe in the third scene, said boyfriend can discuss how he has become facinated with the young new track star, who happens to be living in the apt. next to him. He is afraid to talk to the star about his new found lustful feelings...

David, I am developing a deep admiration for your wonderful work. This is actually kind of ...exciting? I'm ROFL, thanks Jayman01!


I love the idea about being interested in the hot new track star too.

I thought about your Massage Therapist idea too M&M. Rider is pretty hot and he is in Massage Therapy school. I wonder if BJ would loan him to College Boy Physicals for a few shoots.
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I hope everybody will go to this thread and vote:
Poll: Do We Really Act Our Age....A Poll
T.J. Jordan (Dr Rimmerman) was the hottest Dr of all. He is cute and sexy and there something smart about him that makes the whole Dr fantasy fun. And he is gorgeous. Bring him back!
T.J. Jordan (Dr Rimmerman) was the hottest Dr of all. He is cute and sexy and there something smart about him that makes the whole Dr fantasy fun. And he is gorgeous. Bring him back!

kevin, he's promised for this year. I agree with you totally...:001_wub:
I have couple of thoughts. Since this is supposed to be a fantasy/role-playing site I think that more though should go into the dialogue. Not that any of the models are egoing to win Oscars for their acting skills!

But I think that some of the models should play hard to get even as they are getting aroused. Give them some lines like: "Why should I take my pants off for a sore shoulder? Well, I'll take my pants off but not my underwear. You don't understand Doc. I'm very shy. Not even my dormmate has seen me naked. But Doc I don't want to take off my underwear. I don't even use urinals. I use the stalls. I never let anyone see my dick. Well okay. I'll take off my underwear real quick since you're a doctor and all and it's just you and me. But it will just be for a minute. Right?"

Or how about the doctor promising not to touch him above the thigh or below the waist and then slowly breaking that promise? "Doc don't! You said you wouldn't. Oh Doc, you're getting me hard. Stop! Ohh... Oh that feels good. Nobody's ever touched me like that."

If you turn the scenes into a little bit of seduction and the models playing bashful, it would really add another dimension to some of the scenes. Instead of the rather silly and campy dialogue they have been given up to now.

What do you think guys?
If you turn the scenes into a little bit of seduction and the models playing bashful, it would really add another dimension to some of the scenes. Instead of the rather silly and campy dialogue they have been given up to now.What do you think guys?
I agree. I am not a fan of the doctor scenario. It is all contrived with bad acting. I love the Broke Straight Boys site as I am able to suspend disbelief and get into the scenarios. I understand it is all fantasy on these sites, but the College Boy Physicals dosen't do it for me. Your suggestion of the boy's "resisting" somewhat, and seduction could add spice to the site.
I agree. I am not a fan of the doctor scenario. It is all contrived with bad acting. I love the Broke Straight Boys site as I am able to suspend disbelief and get into the scenarios. I understand it is all fantasy on these sites, but the College Boy Physicals dosen't do it for me. Your suggestion of the boy's "resisting" somewhat, and seduction could add spice to the site.

Maybe the problem is that the students come in for "a check-up" which is required for team selection, or admission to the college, or whatever, and then the doctor proceeds to abuse them.

If they came in with some of the complaints that we've been mooting, and had actually googled the symptoms before the shoot, and had found something to motivate their performances during that research, maybe it would be easier for us willingly to suspend our disbelief.

There's another thing here. Obsessive fetishists know exactly what they like, and don't like to have it fucked with. Maybe the formula as it stands is just right for them. A minimum of variety, within narrow parameters, is maybe all they'll stand for.
1. I was thinking about putting this suggestion up for Broke Straight Boys but I now think it is probably more appropriate for College Boy Physicals.
I know it is not always possible for guys to do this, & with the pressure of the studio environment it would be even more difficult to achieve. My suggestion is to set the scene for the patient to be made to cum twice in a row without stopping. This would have to be done as a single shoot, & without editing, in order to show the patient actually does cum twice (this is from a viewer's perspective).
2. I love Dr Topnbottom (as I do his alter ego Sean - hehe). I do hope he will be around for a while.
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What ever happened to the boy Calvin that was in the episode with CJ? Just wondering I thought he was hot.

Welcome to the Forum Remi. Yes, he was cute. Sometimes the guys decide they had enough after their first shoot or two I guess from David has told us. Sometimes they seek work with other studios and mess up their chances for more work with Broke Straight Boys And sometimes they get very unreasonable. It is hard to say what happened to Calvin. David is the best one to ask I think...:thumbup:
If it helps , my favorites have been ones where the boys were reluctant but had to give BJs or get fucked to pass their physical and the ones with the gay serum. Anything along those lines would be just dandy with me...
...Then we had Doctor Dick which was played by myself. Although I enjoyed playing the doctor, I'm too fat and not appealing to many...however, I had the best "bedside" manner...

Fuck that. You know what? I liked Doctor Dick. Yes, your not my usual type when it comes to porn but there was something there plus there was the fact I finally had a face to go with that wonderful voice of yours. Maybe you revive Doctor D once a year if you're against being in the regular rotation?
Fuck that. You know what? I liked Doctor Dick. Yes, your not my usual type when it comes to porn but there was something there plus there was the fact I finally had a face to go with that wonderful voice of yours. Maybe you revive Doctor D once a year if you're against being in the regular rotation?

I agree, I liked Dr. Dick too. Maybe Dr. Dick can do some of that Broke Straight Boys stuff with the models that come in for physicals. David, I really think the Psychologist or Psychiatrist doing hypnosis would be great too. Often times mental stability is included in over physical health. I know you can have a lot of fun with that role. I think you could do it with out the whole I will pay you $500.00 to suck his cock kind of thing on camera.

Scene: A guy comes in with his friend. He has lost his edge playing football because he is having terrible girlfriend problems. He is so sexually frustrated that he cannot think "straight" LOL (sorry just my pun there.) Any way you hypnotize him and his friend. His friend is hypnotized to be his girl friend to help you help them work out their issues. Anyway, the pt. has a break through with his best friend who is role playing his GF under hypnosis. They have wild crazy sex right there in the office. After you wake them up they will remember nothing.

Another scene: They come back at different times. Each one seems to have loving feelings for the other. They are pretty sure they are not Gay but they don' understand why they love their best friend. So, now they can explore their sexuality under hypnosis. Only you can provide partners or dildos for them to act out their fantasies about their friend with.

Anyway have fun with it. I think it could potentially add some dimension to the things that can go on in a physical.
Hey guys! Love all your suggestions!! We are moving our studio and office to a larger location and revamping both the Broke Straight Boys and the College Boy Physicals sets. Once we move into our new location, I will change some things up a bit and perhaps make another cameo as Dr.Dick :)
thanks jayman :) I figured that would be a good idea lol. I just wondered about it because I saw that scene and I was like wow! he's hot! lol and he was good at sucking dick and everything too. Everything about that scene was A++ for me. But thanks for acknowledging my comment I appreciate it :)
