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College Boy Physicals-suggestions


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
Hey guys!

We need your help! We are going to be interviewing and trying out new doctors in future episodes.

Doc Rimmerman, our first doctor no longer is in the adult business and refuses to do anymore work.

Doc Phingerphuk does not want to be the doctor anymore and it seems we have been getting a lot of negative responses to Doc Phingerphuk.

Doc James so far had been our hottest doc of all but his schedule no longer allows him to film and its very difficult to schedule Doc James.

Then we had Doctor Dick which was played by myself. Although I enjoyed playing the doctor, I'm too fat and not appealing to many...however, I had the best "bedside" manner.

Its seems that a lot of people like our newest Doctor, Doc Luca. He is nice and it seems everyone likes him.

We just hired a real nurse...his name is AJAY...matter of fact AJAY was one of the Broke Straight Boys in past episodes..it just happens that when he was filming for us he was taking his money from what he earned on Broke Straight Boys to support himself through nursing school and is working as a nurse. I contacted AJAY and asked him if he wants to be our Nurse for College Boy Physicals site and he agreed to do it. AJay is very similair to Doc Rimmerman and enjoys rimming plus he has an actual medical background and the experience of being a nurse which I think will bring some new ideas and a fresh look to the site.

We also are going to be filming a new HOT doctor in up & coming episodes as we continue to search for the right Doc that we can bring back on a ongoing basis.

Sorry for the long winded explination but I like to give some background to you all before asking this question.

Who is your favorite Doctor so far on College Boy Physicals.com? and are there any suggestions you can think of to make the site even better?

Your comments and suggestions would be most appreciated. I know that College Boy Physicals is a very nichey site. Its doing well and its the best gay medical site on the web as of today and we like to keep it that way. We also got nominated for best original theme site which you can read about in another post. Hopefully with our members input, we can continue to bring you HOT fresh episodes each week.

Thank you!!!
Okay I have a couple suggestions and comment: Doc Luca is fine but he does seem a bit stiff and unsure. Other than that he's great.
Suggestion maybe it's not a doctor your looking for my suggestions are a little young to be doctors just yet, perhaps Physicians Assistant is what your looking for. I think Nelson or Hayden would be a great picks for this they enjoyed their time on College Boy Physicals. Nurse Ajay is an awesome idea along with a PA, OMG!!! Hot scenes ahead.
While I am at it I would like to add a thought for a scene, perhaps the next patient has too hairy of an ass for his exam and has to be shaved before the exam can continue. I have a thing for watching and shaving a hot hairy ass.
Thanks for such great sites,
New Doc

A jock doc would be grt. Ajay is a inspiration. Would love to see him rim Dustin. Like to see Dustin's reaction to that.
Try Dereck

Dereck played an excellent role and he has come a long way. He sucks cock pretty well for a straight boy. LOL.:thumbup:
Derek Straight?

Dereck played an excellent role and he has come a long way. He sucks cock pretty well for a straight boy. LOL.:thumbup:

I don't know if Derek is straight or not....if he is straight, he's a quick study. I viewed him in some pics at some past Broke Straight Boys out of town parties being held at gay clubs, he wasn't shy there....He appeared first Oct 30th at the Palm Springs party. then, at the Nov 7th party and again at the Nov 8th party. Shy....no!

In the last shoot he had that involved cock sucking, David asked him if he was ready and willing to do anal as a bottom, I believe Derek said an enthusiastic "sure".....Straight......gay......I'm not sure. :blushing:
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I would love to see Dr. Rimmerman back with Dustin as the one to come for a physical
Experienced Doctor

Dave, I think what worked with College Boy Physicals was the fact that the doctors were older than the patients. The Drs., being older and gay knew what to do, how to do it, and had the age to pull it off. They, the Drs. have been there, done that, and could really help the "newbies" get through it.

The premise of college students coming in for a physical need the presence of an older person to direct them as the doctor. If they are new to anal or even cocksucking, an older or experienced person, i.e. "the doctor" would be able to coach them through the shoot. I think the "students" would feel comfortable being guided and shown what to do....granted some wouldn't need the guidance, but those that do would probably appreciate the guidance through the "procedures" and feel safer and more comfortable doing them. :001_smile:

Just my opinion in watching some of the "newbies" react to the "Drs." in past episodes. :001_tongue:
Ok, how about an episode where the person receiving the physical seduces the doctor? It would go kind of like the guy on the table has an adversion to the doctor putting anything near his ass. Dustin would be great at that role. Love you Dustin, BB. So, the Person receiving the physical shows the doctor what could happen. Then they both seem to enjoy it. LOL:glare:

Or do a commedy spoof where they do CPR breathing from the wron end. Oh, that could be really funny too... Have a CPR class going on and the guys don't seem to get the idea of mouth to mouth instead they blow each other and just keep going. LOL:lol:
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Ok, how about an episode where the person receiving the physical seduces the doctor? It would go kind of like the guy on the table has an adversion to the doctor putting anything near his ass. Dustin would be great at that role. Love you Dustin, BB. So, the Person receiving the physical shows the doctor what could happen. Then they both seem to enjoy it. LOL:glare:

Or do a commed spoof where they do CPR breathing from the wron end. Oh, that could be really funny too... Have a CPR class going on and the guys don't seem to get the idea of mouth to mouth instead the blow each other and just keep going. LOL:lol:

I like that one (CPR)...I think I'm going to use this one...LOL. As for Dustin bottoming...I think it will freeze in hell before we get him to bottom. Perhaps we can have fundraiser and collect money for a "dustin going to bottom fund" and all the proceeds will go to him so we can see him get fucked...:001_smile:
I like that one (CPR)...I think I'm going to use this one...LOL. As for Dustin bottoming...I think it will freeze in hell before we get him to bottom. Perhaps we can have fundraiser and collect money for a "dustin going to bottom fund" and all the proceeds will go to him so we can see him get fucked...:001_smile:

Wow, that would be interesting. Could that type of fund be done. Or a fund to tip the modles. That seems to have possibilities.:blush::001_cool:That way the modles could work for their fans as much as the company. I think it is great that the modles get to have a voice in the discussion threads too. Then they can see what the fans have to say or ask of them.
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I think more needs to be done with Mike and some Estim. He has a hot cock and love to see him get stimmed. Lets see if he can get a hands free orgazam with out someone jerking off. How about Mike commong in the office and trying on the e stim machine himself to a hands free orgazam?
I think I already said a couple of weeks ago that Rimmerman was by far, including everyone, the hottest doc of all. When I first joined this outfit I did it through College Boy Physicals because I'd seen Rimmerman's act on a bunch of Xtube clips. He lent the scenes such class. His humor, his nice voice and fluency, his super realistic, no nonsense preliminary exams, his perfect balance between medico and chummy. His capacity to identify himself with the boys. I think I said a while ago that he actually seemed to have been through med school. PLUS the fact that he did stuff to the guys when the atmosphere changed from clinical to sexual, that was really hot and seemed in keeping with the episode. He radiated control of the situation and there was almost never a clumsy moment. When a boy needed fucking he just did that really well and you believed it.

When Nurse Derek was on, he also looked like he was gonna fuck Zack Randall for just a second there, but then didn't, prob a viagra thing, although I saw him do it really well when Zack came to fix his PC in another video. If Derek could do the Rimmerman thing, he would be really fine. And bring back the cute blond boy who got fucked by his examinee. Ajay needs to be part of the team, but I think Derek has more medical menace, and the main doc needs to be a top.

Phingerphuck isn't convincing because he's a bit hysterical, and he's a sort of sexless entity taking up space on the set. No one has ever seen him with his dick out, he is only there to jack the boys off, and he is so un-hot that they go limp in desperation.

James has a great bod, but may have been back for surgery on his eyes one time too many. If we are into medical fantasy we want the medico to be hot and almost cute. Luca is a little like Phinger in that he doesn't pull down his surgical blues, just limiting himself to conducting the scene between victims, or jacking them off, while keeping himself tucked up in his underarmour. Ho hum.

I actually went to have a prostate exam when I was 20 at UNC and it turned into a semi-sexual encounter with a doctor who wasn't much older than me. He was just like Rimmermann, 5'7", tanned, blondish, cute (but not latino, which Rimmermann probably is) and smolderingly intent on what he was doing. He got me on the table doggy, massaged my prostate mega-vigorously with his fuck finger until I went stiff and began to drip fluid, and then started to collect it by sort of milking my dick. When he brushed my dickhead against the big test tube he was using, I ejaculated. I apologized but he said that semen was just as good as prostatic fluid. When I looked at him he was bright red and I was too. I muttered that that was the worst experience I'd ever had in my life, and don't remember going back for the results, but it was a totally eye opening moment in my sexual evolution. I didn't want to admit it because I was still straight then haha.

Sorry about the anecdote. To summarize: You have to find someone who can conduct a brisk and convincing preliminary exam, who's observed professionals doin' it and can get the feel of what those procedures look like in order to keep the viewer from getting cynical too quickly. Rimmermann was perfect at that. He seemed to be in just the kind of hurry that you associate with a busy college hospital, but thorough cuz he's da man, and he knows his stuff so WELL.

Then you have to script him so that what he does as the scene continues seems semi-reasonable. You had the perfect foil with that flask of limegreen Koolaid that made the boys savagely horny haha. There's only so much you can do actually in the way of variety. Maybe I would have every third episode an ER situation, with the doc (and the boy who brings his limping friend in) havin' to cut the victim out of his Fruit of the Looms, or give him mouth to mouth. What about an embarrassed kid with a foreskin that won't draw back and is painful when he gets a stiffy? It's called phimosis and it's a real condition. What about a boy who's skinned the palms of his hands on the parallel bars and needs bandaging urgently, then has to pee. The doc would have to help him since he can't unzip his own jeans but he gets a stiffy and can't pee so the doc has to... Maybe a boy comes in after partying all night still drunk and keeps stumbling or crashing against the doctor in an inebriated embrace and makes a pass at him. Patient abuses medico. It doesn't have to be standard semen collection or rectal thermometer every time.

And the main guy with the clipboard absolutely has to be a hottie, I think. Or there has to be a stable of hotties, 2 or 3, who take turns. It's no good for you guys if your membership groans and rolls their eyes when they see Phinger and Luca time after time. A Rimmer-clone; Derek; Ajay and the twinky blond. Doc Blake, those 4 would make a perfect stable of medicos. Be creative with the episodes, and script the scenes cleverly. Get the boys to google whatever's supposed to be wrong with them the night before so they can contribute...and make sure the doctor can be convincing, that's the main thing. It just turns into the high school play you wish you had been able to skip if the scene isn't a bit convincing, or if there is any monotony from one epi to another.

I've referred in a couple of threads to something called "the willing suspension of disbelief". A well run scene provokes in the viewer a desire to collaborate with the actors or models by actively deciding he isn't going to question the "reality" that's being proposed to him. It keeps him from being too objective about what's happening before his eyes, and he gets more enjoyment from the scene, the play, whatever. The production can be considered a success primarily if it achieves this kind of cooperation from the public it's aimed at. Then comes the costs and profit and so forth, but you don't even get that far if you're not enchanting the audience. College Boy Physicals had begun to fall down a bit in this regard.

(Personal preference: College Boy Physicals is more latino than Broke Straight Boys And that means that we should be seeing more uncut dudes on College Boy Physicals. In fact the more uncut boys (and doctors) on any of the sites the better as far as I'm concerned.)

Edited: it turns out Rimmermann IS cumming back. Excellent work Doctor Dick.
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College Boy Physicals Docs and ideas....

Everyone has their opinion so I might as well put in mine. David some of these might be similar to the ones I suggeted by e-mail previously....

As for the Docs: It is a college clinic so there is the possibility of young interns and residents staffing it. But I think you might need some hotties in the late twenties to pull that off. As for older docs I really liked Dr James. I luv Nurse AJ and Derek makes me hrad just looking at him. I'd like Derek back and to bottom if he is willing!

I loved the experiments! Sex enhancing drugs, electro stimulation and anal probing are as great for me as the sex. I'm not saying do one or the other, but a variety is good. Not everyone is going to like everything.... but that doesn't mean it has to be one or the other.

Id like to see a milking scene where the boy comes in and get an anal exam then gets on hans and knees, gets a thorough prostate massage while getting milked by the doc or nurse. Keep it all up until the boy cums in a cup.

A team manager scene with coach and doc really doing some anal play to make sure he can handle the team's equipment would be nice as well.

Hope this helps or stimulates (pun intended) some thoughts....

David, Mark, and the whole crew: My best wishes for a healthy, safe, and proserous New Year. You guys are the best.

Suggestions to improve? Now that AJAY is an actual nurse, (congrats to you, Ajay!) perhaps part of one day could be dedicated to having him familiarize whoever is picked to be a new Doc, with some of the basic tools of the trade? The problems with applying the sphignomanometer come to mind. Also, maybe a little more on sterile technique, some days we use gloves, some days we do not, and while I realize this may sound "nitpicky", it does tend to distract the train of thought in the minds of some viewers. Other than these minor things, just keep up the fantastic work. BTW Ajay, can you check this sprain in my upper thigh? Coach says it needs more than just icing down, maybe deep tissue massage?

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Hey, that's a thought! Hire a massage therapist, they're all the rage now. ( Coach says we need to get a massage cuz we strained our groins during our stretching exercise.) Or, "I was trying to defend the goal and as I ran for the ball, I twisted my knee" Hey, I gat a million of 'em!

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