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College Boy Physical: Nelson & Dr.Sean (as in Sean & Taz))


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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These boys are getting a bit older, but both very hot. I think Dr. Sean has some acting talents. I give it a "Casper" rating of 4.678.:001_rolleyes:
These boys are getting a bit older, but both very hot. I think Dr. Sean has some acting talents. I give it a "Casper" rating of 4.678.:001_rolleyes:

Neither one of them is as fit as he would need to be to avoid my body snobbery, but they're way up there on my most-loved list. Both smart as whips and really amusing, and loaded with class. Nelson also does that little wake-up "spazz" when he cums, which is one of the hottest things about him. I haven't seen the whole video yet, but I hope he judders when he shoots.

Sean and Nelson are now at No. 2 in the all time favorites list. Who would have guessed that could ever happen when Nelson's ugliness was a big topic on the forum a year ago, and Dave was getting e-mails from non-forumite members asking that he not be filmed any more?

Go Nelson.
It is Nelson's willingness and love for adventure that are his most redeeming qualities. He is such a free spirit when it come to explorational sex. He and Sean rocked the exam room in this latest video. I agree with Slim to an extent... I never thought Nelson was visually unappealing though. I think he just got over his shyness and loves to enjoy himself during sex... Something that resonates well with Sean in the exam room. Great shoot. Thanks... :wink::tongue_smilie:
I actually think Sean is much hotter now as the good doctor!

Daniel, He's completely terrific as the good doctor because he's an excellent actor, and has a sort of old mannish manner about him anyway. A couple of years ago on Broke Straight Boys when he got "unexpectedly" shafted from behind while he was busy topping the third guy, he expostulated a very dignified "Good Morning!" He could have followed it with, "...young whippersnappers..." and it would have been in character.

High up in the top ten Broke Straight Boys moments.

I agree just in physical terms anyway. As a Broke Straight Boys he's on the BSM side but is a hot doc on College Boy Physicals.
Nelson is hot

Nelson is still one hot guy. He is sexually the most try anything guy.
Good to see you again,Nelson
Daniel, He's completely terrific as the good doctor because he's an excellent actor, and has a sort of old mannish manner about him anyway. A couple of years ago on Broke Straight Boys when he got "unexpectedly" shafted from behind while he was busy topping the third guy, he expostulated a very dignified "Good Morning!" He could have followed it with, "...young whippersnappers..." and it would have been in character.

High up in the top ten Broke Straight Boys moments.

I agree just in physical terms anyway. As a Broke Straight Boys he's on the BSM side but is a hot doc on College Boy Physicals.

That "good morning" scene is one of the hottest top favorite/top rated scenes on xtube.com site. Everyone that knows Sean or meets him for the first time knows him as the "good morning" Broke Straight Boys boy and as Dr. Topinbotom.

He does a great job as the Doc and we enjoy filming him too!
Sean just seems like a really great guy. I'd love to have a whole afternoon just to chat with him.
LOL! You will be entertained.

Now I'm even more intrigued! haha You should have a contest just to have a chaperoned lunch date with Sean. No expectation of any hanky panky. Just an afternoon of great conversation and letting Sean be Sean. LOL

When Sean was so adorably being ambushed and embarrassed in the parking lot with Taz...how much of that was authentic or staged?
A profile of Sean would be welcome and while I agree Nelson added spice this time, I'd still rather not see him again. One appearance that launches my rocket is not enough to get him off my shrinkage list...
Sean is terrific, been a fan for as long as Ive been a member.
I also think Nelson is great. For those that don't thinkhe is cute, thats your opinion. To me he is natural and an average guy. He has nice warm smile and I enjoy his videos. He seems very natural in them and not like he is puttingon an act like some others.