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Colin Drake


Active Member
Jul 7, 2011
Reaction score
I just again watched this vid, and I really gotta say, Colin is SO hot! Man he really puts out. It even seems like he's getting to be able to enjoy things for what they are without worrying about whether it automatically makes him 'gay'. The little discussion in the beginning was kinda funny, tripping over their words and all. But you knew what the talk was all about. THEN they got going, and, well, whew!!! Colin is SO hot! Did I already say that? Nothing against Drake, but he seemed a little outclassed. I like his humor and attitude, but, that Colin is SO hot! A better match-up, by far, was with Jimmy, but there Colin hadn't really let himself get into it quite as much yet. Maybe a 'second date'? With Jimmy sort of settling into what viewers really enjoy, without sacrificing his real self too much, I think a rematch with Colin might be even hotter. OR--a three-way with the two of them and Jamie! Now THAT might be good for some real excitement. Those three? Yikes, I'll be sore, for a day or two. Jimmy, Jamie and Colin...(BTW Jimmy, I admire the way you keep on top of the bashers with your responses--I think some folks have become confused with what this site is really about and just want to see straight guys suddenly find that they really do like sex with another guy--sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn't. Personally, I think you've come a real long way in simply being able to tolerate it for the sake of the members' enjoyment and I for one can appreciate what you must be feeling about it all--same with Jamie, I believe.)
I just again watched this vid, and I really gotta say, Colin is SO hot! Man he really puts out. It even seems like he's getting to be able to enjoy things for what they are without worrying about whether it automatically makes him 'gay'. The little discussion in the beginning was kinda funny, tripping over their words and all. But you knew what the talk was all about. THEN they got going, and, well, whew!!! Colin is SO hot! Did I already say that? Nothing against Drake, but he seemed a little outclassed. I like his humor and attitude, but, that Colin is SO hot! A better match-up, by far, was with Jimmy, but there Colin hadn't really let himself get into it quite as much yet. Maybe a 'second date'? With Jimmy sort of settling into what viewers really enjoy, without sacrificing his real self too much, I think a rematch with Colin might be even hotter. OR--a three-way with the two of them and Jamie! Now THAT might be good for some real excitement. Those three? Yikes, I'll be sore, for a day or two. Jimmy, Jamie and Colin...(BTW Jimmy, I admire the way you keep on top of the bashers with your responses--I think some folks have become confused with what this site is really about and just want to see straight guys suddenly find that they really do like sex with another guy--sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn't. Personally, I think you've come a real long way in simply being able to tolerate it for the sake of the members' enjoyment and I for one can appreciate what you must be feeling about it all--same with Jamie, I believe.)

thanks jakitov make sure you start posting more often...thanks for taking the time to let me know your thoughts im sure colin will read this also...and i try to interact with all the members even if they are bashers lol i just would hope they dont cross the line and stay respectful as men
I just again watched this vid, and I really gotta say, Colin is SO hot! Man he really puts out. It even seems like he's getting to be able to enjoy things for what they are without worrying about whether it automatically makes him 'gay'. The little discussion in the beginning was kinda funny, tripping over their words and all. But you knew what the talk was all about. THEN they got going, and, well, whew!!! Colin is SO hot! Did I already say that? Nothing against Drake, but he seemed a little outclassed. I like his humor and attitude, but, that Colin is SO hot! A better match-up, by far, was with Jimmy, but there Colin hadn't really let himself get into it quite as much yet. Maybe a 'second date'? With Jimmy sort of settling into what viewers really enjoy, without sacrificing his real self too much, I think a rematch with Colin might be even hotter. OR--a three-way with the two of them and Jamie! Now THAT might be good for some real excitement. Those three? Yikes, I'll be sore, for a day or two. Jimmy, Jamie and Colin...(BTW Jimmy, I admire the way you keep on top of the bashers with your responses--I think some folks have become confused with what this site is really about and just want to see straight guys suddenly find that they really do like sex with another guy--sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn't. Personally, I think you've come a real long way in simply being able to tolerate it for the sake of the members' enjoyment and I for one can appreciate what you must be feeling about it all--same with Jamie, I believe.)

I can't let this one go by. You praise Colin for opening up to member advice and letting go, then you praise Jimmy for staying uneffected by member advice and staying boring and stagnant. If Jimmy would follow Colin's lead and get into the sex, then it might be worth seeing. But if Jimmy gives his usual standoffish unemotional performance, it would be a waste of good videotape.:thumbdown:
I just again watched this vid, and I really gotta say, Colin is SO hot! Man he really puts out. It even seems like he's getting to be able to enjoy things for what they are without worrying about whether it automatically makes him 'gay'. The little discussion in the beginning was kinda funny, tripping over their words and all. But you knew what the talk was all about. THEN they got going, and, well, whew!!! Colin is SO hot! Did I already say that? Nothing against Drake, but he seemed a little outclassed. I like his humor and attitude, but, that Colin is SO hot! A better match-up, by far, was with Jimmy, but there Colin hadn't really let himself get into it quite as much yet. Maybe a 'second date'? With Jimmy sort of settling into what viewers really enjoy, without sacrificing his real self too much, I think a rematch with Colin might be even hotter. OR--a three-way with the two of them and Jamie! Now THAT might be good for some real excitement. Those three? Yikes, I'll be sore, for a day or two. Jimmy, Jamie and Colin...(BTW Jimmy, I admire the way you keep on top of the bashers with your responses--I think some folks have become confused with what this site is really about and just want to see straight guys suddenly find that they really do like sex with another guy--sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesn't. Personally, I think you've come a real long way in simply being able to tolerate it for the sake of the members' enjoyment and I for one can appreciate what you must be feeling about it all--same with Jamie, I believe.)

Great post Jakitov, I would love to see Colin paired with the kind, thoughtful, gentleman Mick!
thanks jakitov make sure you start posting more often...thanks for taking the time to let me know your thoughts im sure colin will read this also...and i try to interact with all the members even if they are bashers lol i just would hope they dont cross the line and stay respectful as men

Jimmy, I hope you never think of me as a basher. Think of me as a critic like for a play or movie. A knowledgeable critic. When I was young and foolish, I actually had a fantasy of trying to do porn. I never thought I had the looks for it. LOL I've still got a lot of experience and I tell you, don't let people tell you to keep doing what you're doing, the way you are doing it. Because they don't know your potential. Hell, I don't know your potential because you won't let loose and have a genuine sexual experience with your partner. I know you are not gay, I know you are not bi, but you are human and on some level you can show an emotional connection with a man. I bet you have even had a fleeting thought about what it would privately be like to go to bed with fellow hetero friend Rob Ryder. I'm gay and I've had mine about women. So here's a chance to explore, without attitude, another possible facet of yourself. Fake it till you make it. :wink:
COLIN, sooooooo hawt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please sir, can I have some more sir?
Jimmy, I hope you never think of me as a basher. Think of me as a critic like for a play or movie. A knowledgeable critic. When I was young and foolish, I actually had a fantasy of trying to do porn. I never thought I had the looks for it. LOL I've still got a lot of experience and I tell you, don't let people tell you to keep doing what you're doing, the way you are doing it. Because they don't know your potential. Hell, I don't know your potential because you won't let loose and have a genuine sexual experience with your partner. I know you are not gay, I know you are not bi, but you are human and on some level you can show an emotional connection with a man. I bet you have even had a fleeting thought about what it would privately be like to go to bed with fellow hetero friend Rob Ryder. I'm gay and I've had mine about women. So here's a chance to explore, without attitude, another possible facet of yourself. Fake it till you make it. :wink:

I have to quote myself for a PS. Watch the Anthony/Chad scene and you'll get an idea what I'm talking about. All your defenders are praising it and giving it fives. That's what they want. You and Anthony could have had that if you could just have opened up to the passion. I know you aren't Chad, you have your own style. It is not the style that is the problem, it's the lack of heart underneath. And it's not captured in words, but actions. You are capable of that. :thumbup1:
I can't let this one go by. You praise Colin for opening up to member advice and letting go, then you praise Jimmy for staying uneffected by member advice and staying boring and stagnant. If Jimmy would follow Colin's lead and get into the sex, then it might be worth seeing. But if Jimmy gives his usual standoffish unemotional performance, it would be a waste of good videotape.:thumbdown:

Whoa, Larkster--where're you getting your material? First of all, who are you? And what do you mean YOU "can't let this one go by"? Do you hold the paradigm on how people should be expressing themselves? You're beginning to sound like the guidance counselor for the entire site, both the members AND performers.

First of all I didn't praise Colin for "opening up to member advice" and doing anything! Where did you get that? THEN, I "praised Jimmy for staying uneffected (the word, incidentally, is unaffected) by member advice"? Please show me where I said that. And I certainly never said anything about him "staying stagnant and boring"! Those were all your words. Maybe you're just trying to instigate something. If you want to imply that performers are responding to members' advice, that's your business, and please don't make it mine. Do it in your own posts. A little later on, in a later post in a response to Jimmy, you even take liberties with Jimmy's thought processes and interject his (your) musings of his curiosities involving other straight guys! WHERE DO YOU GET THIS STUFF?!? You bet he's "even had a fleeting thought about what it would privately be like..."???

I stand by everything I said about Colin and Jimmy in my original post, and I didn't berate anybody. Jimmy may be too rough for you, some other members, and even myself sometimes, but some of you guys make it sound like all he's capable of is trashing his partners and having zero regard for anyone's feelings. We've seen instances where that was shown not to be the case. In the cases where it has seemed he was too mechanical, too rough, too borish, maybe that was at least in part due to direction and preplanning; it may have sounded like a good idea at the time but "on film" it ended up coming off otherwise.

I think you need to sit back and take a deep breath, Larkster. It sounds to me like you're getting too big for your britches, and feel you have all this stored up wisdom with regard for, and understanding of, others' emotions, as well as propositions for their motives. Give it a rest, please.
Whoa, Larkster--where're you getting your material? First of all, who are you? And what do you mean YOU "can't let this one go by"? Do you hold the paradigm on how people should be expressing themselves? You're beginning to sound like the guidance counselor for the entire site, both the members AND performers.

First of all I didn't praise Colin for "opening up to member advice" and doing anything! Where did you get that? THEN, I "praised Jimmy for staying uneffected (the word, incidentally, is unaffected) by member advice"? Please show me where I said that. And I certainly never said anything about him "staying stagnant and boring"! Those were all your words. Maybe you're just trying to instigate something. If you want to imply that performers are responding to members' advice, that's your business, and please don't make it mine. Do it in your own posts. A little later on, in a later post in a response to Jimmy, you even take liberties with Jimmy's thought processes and interject his (your) musings of his curiosities involving other straight guys! WHERE DO YOU GET THIS STUFF?!? You bet he's "even had a fleeting thought about what it would privately be like..."???

I stand by everything I said about Colin and Jimmy in my original post, and I didn't berate anybody. Jimmy may be too rough for you, some other members, and even myself sometimes, but some of you guys make it sound like all he's capable of is trashing his partners and having zero regard for anyone's feelings. We've seen instances where that was shown not to be the case. In the cases where it has seemed he was too mechanical, too rough, too borish, maybe that was at least in part due to direction and preplanning; it may have sounded like a good idea at the time but "on film" it ended up coming off otherwise.

I think you need to sit back and take a deep breath, Larkster. It sounds to me like you're getting too big for your britches, and feel you have all this stored up wisdom with regard for, and understanding of, others' emotions, as well as propositions for their motives. Give it a rest, please.

Sorry if I got in your hackles. Rereading your post, it is true I read into it something you did not say. It was Colin who said he was learning from members advice, not you. I guess I thought you were keeping up with Colin's threads. I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. Jimmy knows there is more to his potential than he has shown. I didn't put quotation marks around what I wrote, but I apologize if it sounded like I was at anytime quoting you. As for Jimmy showing feelings for his partner, as a fellow human being, sure he does. But his performance lacks any connection other than dick to mouth and/or dick to ass. I am hardly the only one who has voiced that opinion. Including Jimmy, himself. He is the one who has said he has no sexual feelings in performance. He has received copious amounts of advice from people, so forgive me if I offered mine. Which, by the way, in the recent past he has graciously acknowledged. So if I have overstepped some imaginary line with you, forgive my audacity. And if I mispelled(sic) a word in my post, I certainly am contrite about that. As to who I am. I'm just a member of Broke Straight Boys who is having a ball offering solicited advice to the models and tete a teting with other members. I do have a lot of experience as an actor and director, so I do have something to bring to the table. But this is all entertainment to me, so the last thing I want to do is get into some bad feelings situation over something I carelessly wrote. I do this late at night, in my spare time. So, peace, my friend, life is too short for acrimony. And for me it gets shorter every day.
Sorry if I got in your hackles. Rereading your post, it is true I read into it something you did not say. It was Colin who said he was learning from members advice, not you. I guess I thought you were keeping up with Colin's threads. I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. Jimmy knows there is more to his potential than he has shown. I didn't put quotation marks around what I wrote, but I apologize if it sounded like I was at anytime quoting you. As for Jimmy showing feelings for his partner, as a fellow human being, sure he does. But his performance lacks any connection other than dick to mouth and/or dick to ass. I am hardly the only one who has voiced that opinion. Including Jimmy, himself. He is the one who has said he has no sexual feelings in performance. He has received copious amounts of advice from people, so forgive me if I offered mine. Which, by the way, in the recent past he has graciously acknowledged. So if I have overstepped some imaginary line with you, forgive my audacity. And if I mispelled(sic) a word in my post, I certainly am contrite about that. As to who I am. I'm just a member of Broke Straight Boys who is having a ball offering solicited advice to the models and tete a teting with other members. I do have a lot of experience as an actor and director, so I do have something to bring to the table. But this is all entertainment to me, so the last thing I want to do is get into some bad feelings situation over something I carelessly wrote. I do this late at night, in my spare time. So, peace, my friend, life is too short for acrimony. And for me it gets shorter every day.

You know what? I'm sorry I got so "hackled". It's no excuse, but I'm tired and had a stupid day in business. Shouldn't be working on a Sunday anyway. I reread my post before posting and thought it said what I wanted it to say, so I am glad to read your reply and see you take the time to very kindly explain yourself. Now--my turn: The truth is, I at times agree with you, but I think I've had the tendency to lump a lot of the anti-jimmy sentiments into one big basket. You do seem to try to be kind in your more recent comments to/about him, but I think that a lot of folks commenting here want something out of straight boys/men that sometimes just isn't there. When it is there, we get a little spoiled and seem to want all straight guys to show a real willingness to try hard to take a dick up the butt or down the throat, show tenderness to another guy, and even express emotion (great kissing scenes) with another guy, like we think "why not--it's not going to kill 'em". I'm one guy who goes kind of crazy when a hot straight dude all of a sudden reaches over and starts groping another guy's dick, or even just his crotch through his pants, much less anything ELSE! Like probably anyone else visiting this site, I REALLY LOVE that stuff. But if a guy just hasn't got it in him to do that and be that way, I don't feel we should rake him over the coals for that. Unnecessary roughness isn't even tolerated in the NFL, and it does not turn me on to see it in a gay sex site, straight guys or no. Sure I think Jimmy's got it in him to be real roughneck, but I think a lot of what we see isn't all his doing and we should maybe express our disapproval to admin instead of getting so vitriolic with the performer. And I guess folks may realize by now that for some reason I have kind of a soft spot for Jimmy. I don't really know why for sure; I like his looks, his manner in general, and the fact that he has, at times, shown some ability to relate in a humane way with his performance partners. He's certainly capable of defending himself so he doesn't really need me or anyone else to come to his aid, but he has expressed appreciation for some of the things I have said. I truly hope admin doesn't give him the boot because of a few really loud members on this forum. I think he's a fairly nice guy, actually. And I'm not really attracted "nice" people, per se. Maybe he just strikes some kind of balance for me.

It does seem to me that you've been trying to offer advice, solicited or un-, in a kind way lately. I just never thought of this forum as a place to tell performers what they should or shouldn't be doing. That, to me, is the director's job. If we don't like it, tell the director. I really feel a little embarrassed for some folks who get on a high horse and think they're in a spot to ridicule, admonish, and sometimes very crudely criticize a performer.

Like I said, I tended to lump all the negative commentary in the same basket. I think most of yours was probably well-intended.

Peace to you. Friends?

PS--It's entertainment to me, as well. I never thought I'd spend this much time writing anything to anyone "on some porn site". I guess I've thought people should just try to get a real life. But you know what? I find myself caring about what other members say and feel, and certainly the performers, who are the reason we're all here, deserve to be treated with a degree of respect and not be put in a position of dodging the mud-slinging.
You know what? I'm sorry I got so "hackled". It's no excuse, but I'm tired and had a stupid day in business. Shouldn't be working on a Sunday anyway. I reread my post before posting and thought it said what I wanted it to say, so I am glad to read your reply and see you take the time to very kindly explain yourself. Now--my turn: The truth is, I at times agree with you, but I think I've had the tendency to lump a lot of the anti-jimmy sentiments into one big basket. You do seem to try to be kind in your more recent comments to/about him, but I think that a lot of folks commenting here want something out of straight boys/men that sometimes just isn't there. When it is there, we get a little spoiled and seem to want all straight guys to show a real willingness to try hard to take a dick up the butt or down the throat, show tenderness to another guy, and even express emotion (great kissing scenes) with another guy, like we think "why not--it's not going to kill 'em". I'm one guy who goes kind of crazy when a hot straight dude all of a sudden reaches over and starts groping another guy's dick, or even just his crotch through his pants, much less anything ELSE! Like probably anyone else visiting this site, I REALLY LOVE that stuff. But if a guy just hasn't got it in him to do that and be that way, I don't feel we should rake him over the coals for that. Unnecessary roughness isn't even tolerated in the NFL, and it does not turn me on to see it in a gay sex site, straight guys or no. Sure I think Jimmy's got it in him to be real roughneck, but I think a lot of what we see isn't all his doing and we should maybe express our disapproval to admin instead of getting so vitriolic with the performer. And I guess folks may realize by now that for some reason I have kind of a soft spot for Jimmy. I don't really know why for sure; I like his looks, his manner in general, and the fact that he has, at times, shown some ability to relate in a humane way with his performance partners. He's certainly capable of defending himself so he doesn't really need me or anyone else to come to his aid, but he has expressed appreciation for some of the things I have said. I truly hope admin doesn't give him the boot because of a few really loud members on this forum. I think he's a fairly nice guy, actually. And I'm not really attracted "nice" people, per se. Maybe he just strikes some kind of balance for me.

It does seem to me that you've been trying to offer advice, solicited or un-, in a kind way lately. I just never thought of this forum as a place to tell performers what they should or shouldn't be doing. That, to me, is the director's job. If we don't like it, tell the director. I really feel a little embarrassed for some folks who get on a high horse and think they're in a spot to ridicule, admonish, and sometimes very crudely criticize a performer.

Like I said, I tended to lump all the negative commentary in the same basket. I think most of yours was probably well-intended.

Peace to you. Friends?

PS--It's entertainment to me, as well. I never thought I'd spend this much time writing anything to anyone "on some porn site". I guess I've thought people should just try to get a real life. But you know what? I find myself caring about what other members say and feel, and certainly the performers, who are the reason we're all here, deserve to be treated with a degree of respect and not be put in a position of dodging the mud-slinging.

Thank you for your thoughtful response. All the advice, and I reiterate that it has been solicited, that I have given Jimmy is to attempt to extend his life at Broke Straight Boys I have given harsh critiques of some of his scenes, but they have always been about performance. I just think he invites a lot of his detractors by taking an "I'm here for the money and I don't like what I'm doing." attitude. He could get away with not doing a lot, if he would just be passionate about what he is willing to do, and use his hands and lips more. But from reading your past posts, I have a feeling I'm preaching to the choir. I may have gotten carried away with trying to get that kind of performance out of Jimmy. Our advice worked with Colin. But it really is my business and background, so I thought it might help. In the end these guys are going to go on with their lives and hopefully without regret for being here. Of course we are friends as much as we can be. I look forward to future communications. Truthfully, I was just going to read posts and very occasionally post something. LOL But it is addicting. :biggrin:
Thank you for your thoughtful response. All the advice, and I reiterate that it has been solicited, that I have given Jimmy is to attempt to extend his life at Broke Straight Boys I have given harsh critiques of some of his scenes, but they have always been about performance. I just think he invites a lot of his detractors by taking an "I'm here for the money and I don't like what I'm doing." attitude. He could get away with not doing a lot, if he would just be passionate about what he is willing to do, and use his hands and lips more. But from reading your past posts, I have a feeling I'm preaching to the choir. I may have gotten carried away with trying to get that kind of performance out of Jimmy. Our advice worked with Colin. But it really is my business and background, so I thought it might help. In the end these guys are going to go on with their lives and hopefully without regret for being here. Of course we are friends as much as we can be. I look forward to future communications. Truthfully, I was just going to read posts and very occasionally post something. LOL But it is addicting. :biggrin:

To all you just said here... a big Yes. Your insight and apparent compassion should be, and most probably have been, appreciated by folks who've sought your advice. You undoubtedly make a fine director.
To all you just said here... a big Yes. Your insight and apparent compassion should be, and most probably have been, appreciated by folks who've sought your advice. You undoubtedly make a fine director.

Thank you! You are too kind.:blush:
I read more fraternity here than in the monastery. When guys such as these can reconcile on a gay porn site, this tells me that God's grace works everywhere there's humanity. My goodness, I have seen examples of compassion and care. I have read of members brought to tears out of concern for one another; members asking for prayers; others offering prayers and words of kindness - it's beginning to sound like a religious community of members concerned for Broke Straight Boys Jesus said that he had "other sheep" that he must attend to. I think he must be referring to us.
Im glad you guys enjoyed the scene! i havnt been able to be on here as much due to computer issues but im back now. i finally broke down and leased a laptop!
im glad you guys enjoyed the scene! im sorry for my lack of posts lately i have been swamep! but i enjoy talking to you guys on here and im glad you guys could talk it out. :thumbup::thumbup:
Gee, Colin, not only do you perform well, you seem to have a nack of bringing out the best out of Broke Straight Boys members. Maybe somewhere deep down in you there is a wholesomness that just keeps on giving out of concern for others.
I can't let this one go by. You praise Colin for opening up to member advice and letting go, then you praise Jimmy for staying uneffected by member advice and staying boring and stagnant. If Jimmy would follow Colin's lead and get into the sex, then it might be worth seeing. But if Jimmy gives his usual standoffish unemotional performance, it would be a waste of good videotape.:thumbdown:

look im gonna let the cat out of the bag because in all honesty i know colin well enough to admit he does "get into the sex" everyone is different i "get into sex" with women and fuck men the best i can but im never going to GET INTO the sex im straight for gods sake stop hating...and why the fuck would a broke straight guy be emotional while having sex with another man? if you want me to be emotional il cry cuz thats the only emotion i can think of seeing a straight guy do what i do...i thought thats what this site was about seeing men have sex even tho they dont want to...it seems split down the middle some want emotional love making some want fucking...im the fucking type . im just tired of heearing all the complaints when i try the best i can to fuck good and alot of members would rather see bi or gay guys thats not my fault u signed up for a site with straight guys
Jimmy, I hope you never think of me as a basher. Think of me as a critic like for a play or movie. A knowledgeable critic. When I was young and foolish, I actually had a fantasy of trying to do porn. I never thought I had the looks for it. LOL I've still got a lot of experience and I tell you, don't let people tell you to keep doing what you're doing, the way you are doing it. Because they don't know your potential. Hell, I don't know your potential because you won't let loose and have a genuine sexual experience with your partner. I know you are not gay, I know you are not bi, but you are human and on some level you can show an emotional connection with a man. I bet you have even had a fleeting thought about what it would privately be like to go to bed with fellow hetero friend Rob Ryder. I'm gay and I've had mine about women. So here's a chance to explore, without attitude, another possible facet of yourself. Fake it till you make it. :wink:

your a great critic larkster i enjoy reading your posts...i hear what your sayin and im taking parts of what your saying and trying to be more IN the scene instead of trying to zone out....but i do NOT want a sexual experience i had my son at 14 ive fucked over 75 women in my short life i love sex but not with men i dont want that experience....
I read more fraternity here than in the monastery. When guys such as these can reconcile on a gay porn site, this tells me that God's grace works everywhere there's humanity. My goodness, I have seen examples of compassion and care. I have read of members brought to tears out of concern for one another; members asking for prayers; others offering prayers and words of kindness - it's beginning to sound like a religious community of members concerned for Broke Straight Boys Jesus said that he had "other sheep" that he must attend to. I think he must be referring to us.

You may have a point there Angelone. :wink: