LOSER? i literally feel like im in elementary school at least call me a dickhead asshole something adults use...the funniest part of you whole i cant believe people believe bullshit is the story you picked out is COMPLETELY true ive seen pics of his wife and talked to her on his phone...you would pic one of the few true stories lol
wellllll when members are acting rude selfish childish (never said selfish or childish ever) then im not affraid to tell the truth...and as far as me not getting my praises fast enough...isnt that a little contadictory of you?> if im such a terrible performer why would i get praise? i mean just look at you and tony all you post are negative things you dont think i expected critisism from the same two people? lol
if i would "act" more tony and coxy would like me more because i would portray that i just love to have sex with men but im still soooo straight and nice and happy to be fucking another man for money...thats the Broke Straight Boys model they like...i cant make everyone happy but i am myself for the most part...and i dont really take offense to the loser comment lol ive been called worse i just think its funny
That is not the Broke Straight Boys model they like. The problem is all you do is fuck another man. We would not like you more if you acted like you loved to have sex with a man, we would like to actually see you do it. We are tired of the same ole same ole. The major problem is this crap you and your worshippers keep posting that we do not like you or we hate you. We HATE that Broke Straight Boys keeps posting your episodes because they are the same ole thing every time and you pretending to care did not improve anything. As I have told you before and you seem to not able to grasp, I DO NOT HATE YOU, I do not know you you are a model on what used to be a great porn site.
exactly why I was never worried about hurting your feelings, I just like to provoke these gullible Jimmy worshipers sometimes![]()
Yeah, like I believe Colin (though hot as he is) has a wife too. It is possible BUT common sense tells me it's a story to further the idea of the models being 'straight' so the site owner of BSB2 can just make more money. Awhile back someone from BSB2 messaged me that the models were straight AND bi. So the title 'Broke Straight Boys...' is a lie because it makes it seem that the models are only straight which their not.I prefer to imagine that the things these boys tell us are the truth. The Colin really has a wife that fucks the hell out of him with a Dildo until he's numb from cumming and that Jimmy is the same Jimmy I see in his updates and in person. It helps perpetuate the fantasy. That's what I'm here for. If I wanted reality, I'd spend a little more time in my own life and a lot less time on Broke Straight Boys
Yeah, like I believe Colin (though hot as he is) has a wife too. It is possible BUT common sense tells me it's a story to further the idea of the models being 'straight' so the site owner of BSB2 can just make more money. Awhile back someone from BSB2 messaged me that the models were straight AND bi. So the title 'Broke Straight Boys...' is a lie because it makes it seem that the models are only straight which their not.
hey its jimmy checkout my newest scene i hope you all like it make sure you give you thoughts and opinions...
babble babble bitch bitch
I enjoyed the scene a lot.
I only get annoyed when you start hitting him with low blows and calling him a loser.
How would you like it if someone sat there and called you a loser? And not in a joking around or kidding around way either, but in a nasty, mean way. I would hope that you wouldn't like it very much and I sure as heck know I wouldn't!
Awww abush, that's definitely how I feel.
My biggest thing is it's not the fact of whether or not he's hurting Jimmy's feelings or what have you, it's more about principle Tony. Everyone seems to leave their manners in the closet when they are behind the safety of a computer screen.
As I've said in the past, I guarantee most haters wouldn't say 99% of the comments to a models face lol.
I never said I hated anyone and I guarantee I'd say anything I've written to his face, and more. He's boring.
Jimmy, I am so impressed that you are even attempting to interact with these two that have been so rude and disrespectful to you. I'm sure that many, including them, expected you to just ignore these guys and talk to your fans.
The fact that you took the hard road, shows us that you really are trying to make all this work. The fact that you did not give the "expected" replies of a defensive man your age, and turn this into an ugly exchange, shows us that you are trying to make this work even when it is difficult.
Like Jason, I have declared myself "neutral" in the Jimmy battle, but I can still be proud of you, for the way you handle yourself "off camera" when you are speaking for yourself, and are not under direction.
exactly why I was never worried about hurting your feelings, I just like to provoke these gullible Jimmy worshipers sometimes![]()
I mean loser in the most adult sense. Clearly, you have very little education (just look at that spelling and grammar!) You don't have a real job, and the porn thing is good for... what, maybe 2 more years? Then what?
I still don't believe that Colin's 'wifey' fucks him with a Dildo you showed your hand already on this count; you always defend your brothers.
Now, will you PLEASE take it up the ass from this new guy Cliff so I can finally enjoy one of your boring and predictable scenes? Show us how MUCH you love to get paid to be gay!!![]()
Jimmy, I hope you have taken the time to read the thread about the scene. It is nice to read so many complimentary thoughts expressed by members. It was a great scene and your star was shining bright. I too gave it a 5. I would love the opportunity to meet you and talk about your early thoughts about doing gay porn and how this entirely new career has changed you and what it must be like for you traveling around the country living in a lifestyle that is so contrary to your own. Keep up the good work.
You see jimmy it is posts like this that make some members post that they think management and not you are actually making these posts. ' NEVER SAID SELFISH OR CHILDISH EVER ". It makes people think you are full of crap. On Sept 21 at 10:39 someone under the Jimmy Johnson sign on posted " STOP BEING SELFISH - IT'S NOT FAIR AND VERY CHILDISH " and yet you have never said this EVER !!!
After EVERY episode someone starts a blog of what they thought of the episode. Sept 17 like clock work one was started about your latest episode and then 4 days later you start one on yourself. Then you praise your supporters and trash the negative ones.
I have to agree with Tony that I do not think the problem is your episodes as it is the gullibe Jimmy worshippers postings. In your last episode I could tell you were pretending to care about your partner because someone told you to and as soon as it was over the post started how they all new you cared and just had not shown it yet. Give me a break. Kudos to you for trying to act like you cared about someone but for your worshippers, even you must have laughed when they believed it.
And when you post I am selfish and what are your fans going to do if you are gone, they will worship someone else. Honestly Jimmy, it is not normal to worship a gay porn model.
That is not the Broke Straight Boys model they like. The problem is all you do is fuck another man. We would not like you more if you acted like you loved to have sex with a man, we would like to actually see you do it. We are tired of the same ole same ole. The major problem is this crap you and your worshippers keep posting that we do not like you or we hate you. We HATE that Broke Straight Boys keeps posting your episodes because they are the same ole thing every time and you pretending to care did not improve anything. As I have told you before and you seem to not able to grasp, I DO NOT HATE YOU, I do not know you you are a model on what used to be a great porn site.
well coxy at least your being respectful in your opinions but ive reached the boiling point on this USED to be a great porn site...im sure ur not the only one who liked it more...FOR GOD SAKE THEY WERE ALL GAY wake up its obvious as shit im exaggerating obviously im sure some were BI and im sure a select few were really straight...we just saw an old model at a pride event come on now connect the dots...and its fine that you liked the way it was if i were gay id like to watch other gay men not straight men...but Broke Straight Boys has changed...better or worse its without a doubt more TRUE to its name...clay has done an outstanding job of finding straight models which is NOT at all an easy thing to do...members dont realize real true straight men arent lineing up to be on Broke Straight Boys