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Check my newest scene out

I prefer to imagine that the things these boys tell us are the truth. The Colin really has a wife that fucks the hell out of him with a Dildo until he's numb from cumming and that Jimmy is the same Jimmy I see in his updates and in person. It helps perpetuate the fantasy. That's what I'm here for. If I wanted reality, I'd spend a little more time in my own life and a lot less time on Broke Straight Boys

me too.
i choose to believe my own personal observations of jimmy. i know it was his job to charm me and he did he job well. over a two day period you see people when they are upbeat and bored and tired. i came away with a good feeling. another1(not his real name) met jimmy (not his real name) and it was fun.
it all a fantasy, i am another1!
in the real world i am looking into vermicomposting. it seems some earthworms eat so much that collecting their castings is worthwhile.
me too.
i choose to believe my own personal observations of jimmy. i know it was his job to charm me and he did he job well. over a two day period you see people when they are upbeat and bored and tired. i came away with a good feeling. another1(not his real name) met jimmy (not his real name) and it was fun.
it all a fantasy, i am another1!
in the real world i am looking into vermicomposting. it seems some earthworms eat so much that collecting their castings is worthwhile.

Vermicomposting is prevalent at the LL house. The worms are plump and doing so much good for my garden. If I wanted to watch that, it's very interesting and fascinating. I also enjoy spending time listening to my children play their instruments.

Do I want reality with my "adult entertainment" as I was recently corrected when using the term "porn"? Nope!

There are real parts and made up parts in every persona we put on each day with our make up or our clothes. We're too complicated to be any one thing. Why do we assume our entertainers are anything less than we are?
adult entertainment is the broad term, but it tells the reader/listener little.
it would be like giving your address as planet earth. where on the planet?
pole dancing and video performing are adult entertainment. lapdances and porn are clear enough for me.
it's not politics, it's public service.
it's not porn, it's adult entertainment.
The fact that you either love or hate Jimmy's performances just proves what a great entertainer he really is. Nobody comes away after watching one of his scenes with NO OPINION.
The fact that you either love or hate Jimmy's performances just proves what a great entertainer he really is. Nobody comes away after watching one of his scenes with NO OPINION.
That my friend is the exact point that I tried to make several weeks ago. There is an expression in show business, “I don't care what you say about me, just spell my name right” And Jimmy certainly get's more attention on this forum than any other model, be it by his fan's or by his detractor's. But a Jimmy scene never goes unnoticed, and that is why he is a star here. :thumbup1:
I LOVED it Jimmy, it is my all time favorite Jimmy scene. Your personality really shined through in this scene, and you were really cool and compassionate towards Anthony and it was AWESOME! I gave the scene, and both you and Anthony 5/5 Jimmy. GREAT JOB MAN!

Thanks abe hopefully will get a chance to meet at one of these pride events...
I gave it a 5/5 out as well. It's your best scene yet! :001_smile: But there is a whole thread of comments on it. Look up the thread in the site related section under "Jimmy and Anthony".

oooo damn i gotta get better with this whole thread thing i didnt even know ther was one about the scene already...i really enjoy reading your posts tampa
DITTO !!! Don't you love the ego " hey guys check out my new scene" as if we do not know what scenes are being released. And the forum Jimmy and Anthony was not enough.

well like i already posted im not good on this whole thread thing i was just posting something to talk about and didnt realize someone else already did...its like coxy and tony are the two kids in school who pick on the other kids to make themselves feel better lol be nice guys ur being mean to a model on a gay porn site ;)
Please give it a rest, Coxy. I'm glad you're back, but please don't make your sole reason for hanging out on the forum with us to slam Jimmy and say mean things about him. Jimmy is a cool guy, and he's actually a nice guy. He has been nothing but respectful towards you and your rants against him, but in your case Coxy less is more.

The more you repeat yourself spewing venom and mean things against Jimmy, unfortunately the less relevant you make yourself.

Please do us all -- and yourself -- a favor and give it a rest. There are many people who are not fans of Jimmy, and they are usually respectful towards him. I respectfully ask that you learn from your peers who are leading by example.

We know you don't like Jimmy, which is fine Coxy. I would like to apologize to you that I've made you mad in previous posts before, and I was rude to you and I'd like to extend my hand to you in friendship. Let us just leave it that we agree to disagree when it comes to Jimmy.

Next topic please?

hey abe not everbody has class like yourself :cool:
Have you not learned by now that unless you are blowing smoke up jimmy's ass you are not permitted to express your opinion. This blog has been going on for years and after almost every episode the members have chatted about the episode. Now they have created such a monster he is now announcing his episodes ( as if the up-coming episodes does not inform us) so his fans will all start telling him how great and compationate he is. He can not get his praises fast enough. He has accused members of being rude, selfish, childish and I do not know what else and yet he has been nothing but respectful.
Please do not single abe out, he is not the only one.

wellllll when members are acting rude selfish childish (never said selfish or childish ever) then im not affraid to tell the truth...and as far as me not getting my praises fast enough...isnt that a little contadictory of you?> if im such a terrible performer why would i get praise? i mean just look at you and tony all you post are negative things you dont think i expected critisism from the same two people? lol
I love the twists and turns this forum takes, it makes for such an enjoyable ride.

First off Jimmy, I am not a big supporter of your's, nor am I a big detractor of yours either. However, I must say that this was by far the best work you have done for BSB2 as far as I'm concerned. It is the only Jimmy video I have downloaded and saved for "future research" as I found it extremely erotic. It could have reached classic status if, while you had Anthony in that chokehold near the end of the scene and you really seemed to be getting excited and your heads were touching, you had turned his face to yours and then kissed him like you were kissing a woman. while you're "bringing it home" That is the type of spontaneity that will make you a true star and will land you a sponsorship with the Kleenix Tissue Company. I know you once said "we're not here to make love, wer'e here to fuck", and I can respect that, but when you connect with a partner and have this chemistry the way you did with Anthony, maybe you can drop your defenses and at least pretend like your making love. You don't have to be gay to like gay sex, and liking gay sex dosen't mean you're gay, it just means you like sex.

As to those who took issue with you announcing your scene, all I can say is that I read it as you being excited and proud of this particular scene and wanting to be sure that those who may have otherwise skipped over it did'nt miss it. You have never announced any of your other scenes that I know of, so I know you were especially proud of this one. If you can bring this Jimmy to the set each time, you will earn your place alongside the Broke Straight Boys Legends of all time.

So, throw us a bone here Jimmy, did you feel "something" different with Anthony that you haven't felt with your previous partners? Or is that "too gay" to discuss. Inquiring minds want to know.

Thanks to you and Anthonyfor a great scene, I gave it a 5.....twice!

- Jason

its not to gay to discuss LOL i dont know why people assume because i dont enjoy sex with men at all that im homophobic it couldnt be farther from the truth...anyways jason i didnt feel something different i just wanted to try a few different things some members have suggested in the hopes that respectful members like yourself who wouldnt call me the favorite model but at the sametime dont hate me...could start to enjoy my videos and maybe even come to like my performances overall...hopefully i can continue to win you over jason...
okay, not to single Abe out, it just seems ridiculous that people take it so personally that anyone dare to criticize this loser, Jimmy. I also find it ridiculous that so many members actually believe the silly stories these 'actors' make up, like Colin and his 'wifey'. (give me a break!) I really like Colin but I don't believe those stories for a second.

There is nothing I like about Jimmy, and I don't worry about hurting his feelings. I'd bet he has a real life outside of Broke Straight Boys and his self-esteem is not connected to the message boards on Broke Straight Boys in any way. These guys are actors. They create characters, they don't use their real names, we don't really know them, they are jerk-off fodder, and that's what they are paid for.

LOSER? i literally feel like im in elementary school at least call me a dickhead asshole something adults use...the funniest part of you whole i cant believe people believe bullshit is the story you picked out is COMPLETELY true ive seen pics of his wife and talked to her on his phone...you would pic one of the few true stories lol
Hi Tony, I wouldn't say that people like myself take it personally when you criticize Jimmy, after all I've certainly been known to criticize various aspect of various models and scenes myself. I only get a little frustrated when you're so disrespectful towards him, like calling him a "loser". You don't have to like someone, but can't you think of a nicer way to discuss what you like or don't like about him besides calling him a loser is all I'm saying.

Of course it's porn, and of course they're playing a role for us to enjoy. But I guess my point is, even though these guys are playing the role for our enjoyment, they still have feelings. When you call someone names, that has to feel like they're not doing a good job or being well received by their audience. Many television shows have filmed more than one pilot episode, and threw out the entire cast and started over from scratch as a result of various focus groups not liking them. It's all about ratings, in some cases likeability, and in all cases revenue.

I'd like to add, however, that there just may be roles that are intentionally portrayed as "the villain" so to speak, so as to generate more drama and interest (thus if people get bored with the scene content, some will remain members so they can hang out on the forum and either defend their favorite dudes or throw virtual tomatoes at them lol).

All I'm saying is that I like Jimmy, he's a great guy in my opinion, and I'm entited to my opinion just as you are to yours. I only get annoyed when you start hitting him with low blows and calling him a loser. He really can't defend himself, yet you can call him anything you want as long as you're not using cuss words. That's just not really fair in my opinion, and it has to be really hard for them reading these posts sometimes if they're not dying laughing (I'm guessing it's a little bit of both sometimes).

It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall and see what they must be thinking about us at times, and saying under their breath after the way some of us treat them. These guys are good looking, personable, cool guys. None of them, including Jimmy, has ever been anything but respectful towards all of us at all times. How would you like it if someone sat there and called you a loser? And not in a joking around or kidding around way either, but in a nasty, mean way. I would hope that you wouldn't like it very much and I sure as heck know I wouldn't!

I know these guys are in the public light and they're playing a role, but seriously that doesn't give any of us the right to treat them disrespectfully nor mean especially when none of them in my opinion has done anything to deserve it, they've done nothing but be nice, try to make the forum more fun, and try to improve themselves in every way possible.

if you were a fly on the wall you would see me laughing at a man calling another man a loser like were kids in preschool and to make it even more imature doing it through a computer...give me a break
How would you like it if someone sat there and called you a loser? And not in a joking around or kidding around way either, but in a nasty, mean way. I would hope that you wouldn't like it very much and I sure as heck know I wouldn't!

Once again, I'm calling the made-up character named Jimmy a loser... I don't know who this guy really is and neither do you. Congratulations on your strong sense of fantasy. The character I see in these videos is unappealing to me. I'm sure the guy who calls himself Jimmy in these videos has some redeeming qualities... and also quite sure he laughs at the intense scrutiny this character gets, positive or negative. As all the other guys seem to say, he probably is a fun guy behind the scenes, I personally don't care for what I see in the videos at all. This guy is a big boy, I don't think I'm hurting his feelings, but if he does have hurt feelings, let's hear it from him.

if i would "act" more tony and coxy would like me more because i would portray that i just love to have sex with men but im still soooo straight and nice and happy to be fucking another man for money...thats the Broke Straight Boys model they like...i cant make everyone happy but i am myself for the most part...and i dont really take offense to the loser comment lol ive been called worse i just think its funny
Oh yes let's "hear from him" because everyone knows that people employed in service industry jobs are permitted, no encouraged, to voice their opinions to the paying customers. I am sure that it would be refreshing for you to hear the opinion of the fast food workers thoughts on ordering a large diet coke with that 3000 calorie meal you are stuffing yourself with, or maybe the ushers opinion on your favorite singers performance abilities. You all don't care for Jimmy, Yea for you. You do not have to verbally attack someone that really is unable to say much back. Except to stoke your fragile egos in that you are keeping it "real". There are plenty of actors I don't care much for and guess what? I just don't watch their films....REVELATION!!!

im literally shocked to FINALLY read a post that came from a member that i wish i could post LOL THANK YOU KJNOBLE i dont even know if you like me but either way you gotta start posting more i neeeeeed more members like you posting THANK YOU AGAIN
I prefer to imagine that the things these boys tell us are the truth. The Colin really has a wife that fucks the hell out of him with a Dildo until he's numb from cumming and that Jimmy is the same Jimmy I see in his updates and in person. It helps perpetuate the fantasy. That's what I'm here for. If I wanted reality, I'd spend a little more time in my own life and a lot less time on Broke Straight Boys

hahahahaha THANK YOU LOVE LUMPS haahahaha you crack me up i hope tony and coxy read this...it makes alot of sense
The fact that you either love or hate Jimmy's performances just proves what a great entertainer he really is. Nobody comes away after watching one of his scenes with NO OPINION.

thanks buckeye i never thought of it that way...your helping me deal with the mental abuse from tony and coxy (;
wellllll when members are acting rude selfish childish (never said selfish or childish ever) then im not affraid to tell the truth...and as far as me not getting my praises fast enough...isnt that a little contadictory of you?> if im such a terrible performer why would i get praise? i mean just look at you and tony all you post are negative things you dont think i expected critisism from the same two people? lol

LOSER? i literally feel like im in elementary school at least call me a dickhead asshole something adults use...the funniest part of you whole i cant believe people believe bullshit is the story you picked out is COMPLETELY true ive seen pics of his wife and talked to her on his phone...you would pic one of the few true stories lol

thanks buckeye i never thought of it that way...your helping me deal with the mental abuse from tony and coxy (;

Jimmy, I am so impressed that you are even attempting to interact with these two that have been so rude and disrespectful to you. I'm sure that many, including them, expected you to just ignore these guys and talk to your fans.

The fact that you took the hard road, shows us that you really are trying to make all this work. The fact that you did not give the "expected" replies of a defensive man your age, and turn this into an ugly exchange, shows us that you are trying to make this work even when it is difficult.

Like Jason, I have declared myself "neutral" in the Jimmy battle, but I can still be proud of you, for the way you handle yourself "off camera" when you are speaking for yourself, and are not under direction.
i have come down strongly on the side that believes people and organization can change and improve.
that goes for jimmy, clay and Broke Straight Boys 2.0.
i may never be jimmy's number one fan, but i will always be another1.
i jimmy, clay and Broke Straight Boys have gone from startup to today at a steady pace upward.
i jimmy has handled things well. kind and responsive even toward those that dislike him.

way to go!