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Chat Rooms or is that Nonchat Rooms


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
It is amazing how many people go in to chat rooms & don't chat.
People will come in to a chat room sit for a while, say nothing & then leave.
I have never understood why that is, I always thought chat rooms were for chatting. :confused1:
It is amazing how many people go in to chat rooms & don't chat.
People will come in to a chat room sit for a while, say nothing & then leave.
I have never understood why that is, I always thought chat rooms were for chatting. :confused1:

The non chatter's are looking for hits on their profiles for private chat, or are BOT's. To me it is very annoying!! See 50 people in a room and only 1 or 2 actually involved in chat.
The rest are either BOT's or want private chat.
To me private chat is a waste! Unless you already know the person.
It is amazing how many people go in to chat rooms & don't chat.
People will come in to a chat room sit for a while, say nothing & then leave.
I have never understood why that is, I always thought chat rooms were for chatting. :confused1:

I was once a lurker, then I actually posted. Wow what a difference. One could always say the same thing about all the guests.... why not register?

Thanks Ray!

It is amazing how many people go in to chat rooms & don't chat.
People will come in to a chat room sit for a while, say nothing & then leave.
I have never understood why that is, I always thought chat rooms were for chatting. :confused1:

It's funny, but I have several aunts that are like that, as luck would have it,, I make up for it! LOL
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It is amazing how many people go in to chat rooms & don't chat.
People will come in to a chat room sit for a while, say nothing & then leave.
I have never understood why that is, I always thought chat rooms were for chatting. :confused1:

Sometimes people are looking for a friend. Sometimes they are just PM chatting with a friend that was prearranged. Sometimes they are just checking out the room. Sometimes they log in and walk away from the KB. Sometimes people log in and get abducted by aliens. Who knows what happened? :thumbup:
In the old days

In the old days when chat rooms were really chat rooms and not forums, we had a chat room for every persuasion. Unfortunately you could count on one hand the number in each room who really deserved to be there, the rest were imposters or spies or the curious. The old queens gathered in places aptly called fern bars. Get the picture? Overly decorated; damask; suede; crystal chandeliers; very dark ambient lighting. You get the picture; I can tell. Across the side of each chat room page scrolled a constantly changing list of the names of each online member. The names changed as people dropped in and out or moved off into private rooms to - well - each other. Some merely sat and listened, like my deeply closeted college roommate (a since Tony nominated Broadway actor) who would log on, on my second computer using the name of his first Shakespearian role and just sit there. Finally one old queen, much like this chat forum, got tired of seeing his name in the margin, shouted: WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS "PISTOL" WHO'S NOT SAID A WORD ALL EVENING? To which I replied, "He's hiding, Madam, in the corner, behind a fern." Perhaps some of your guests choose to hide behind a fern.
Let them - it could get you an invitation to the Tonys.

It is amazing how many people go in to chat rooms & don't chat.
People will come in to a chat room sit for a while, say nothing & then leave.
I have never understood why that is, I always thought chat rooms were for chatting. :confused1:

Isn't there a special name for people like that?...I think its like "lurker" or something creepy like that lol
Isn't there a special name for people like that?...I think its like "lurker" or something creepy like that lol

Voyer, peeping tom, pervert, and snoop are a few other names.:001_tt2:
Maybe they have has a long day and just wish to read.... maybe they just havent got anything they feel worth saying..

Here its been stinking hot, just starting to cool down now.

And i cant wait till the 17th so i can get full speed back grrrr, i have been shaved as i over went my downloads... only the second time in 2 1/2 years but what a cheese off.

Im ready to screammmmmmmmmm
Maybe they have has a long day and just wish to read.... maybe they just havent got anything they feel worth saying..

Here its been stinking hot, just starting to cool down now.

And i cant wait till the 17th so i can get full speed back grrrr, i have been shaved as i over went my downloads... only the second time in 2 1/2 years but what a cheese off.

Im ready to screammmmmmmmmm

Hey Kodie,

Any chance of translating that to Americanized English? What happens for you on the 17th? Shaved in what sense? A "cheese off" is a good thing, right? lol :001_smile:

Its the 17th here tonight at midnight its 2:10pm here at the moment.. so as of midnight i get my full speed back yaaaaaaaaa

And as far as i go,such as me myself and i i have not been shaved anywhere, what has been saved is my download speed by my internet provider.

So I'm in big trouble because of a slow connection and yes its all my fault lol and im suffering as my partner is not letting me forget it..

Today i've had the job of cleaning the dust off a computer video card..as it started making noises my partner wasnt used to hearing. and belive me they sure dont make that easy..

As for the term cheesed off it means to be upset..... and upset is never a good thing.

unless of course your the one doing the upsetting then of course, A "cheese off" could be classed as a good thing lol
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Its the 17th here tonight at midnight its 2:10pm here at the moment.. so as of midnight i get my full speed back yaaaaaaaaa

And as far as i go,such as me myself and i i have not been shaved anywhere, what has been saved is my download speed by my internet provider.

So I'm in big trouble because of a slow connection and yes its all my fault lol and im suffering as my partner is not letting me forget it..

Today i've had the job of cleaning the dust off a computer video card..as it started making noises my partner wasnt used to hearing. and belive me they sure dont make that easy..

As for the term cheesed off it means to be upset..... and upset is never a good thing.

unless of course your the one doing the upsetting then of course, A "cheese off" could be classed as a good thing lol

Thanks for the translation Kodie. :lol: G'day mate. Have a great afternoon down under!
Perhaps I can, in part, answer this question. First, Denver, the term lurker seems like a rather harsh and nasty term. It got my attention, but not in a good way.

So, using myself as the guinea pig here is my view on this.

For me this was the first time I ever considered joining anything on the internet, from first subscription (Broke Straight Boys) to Forum/chat room. As you all can see, I joined first week Nov. 2008 not long after it was set up. For someone who is basically a SHY person this was a BIG step. I am not sure how I got the nerve to do it, but it happened.

So now that I'm in and still questioning my wisdom for doing so, I needed to find out if this is something I have any interest in. So I did the SAFE thing: I just read, and read and read. This allow me the opportunity to see if the postees were assholes, perverts, idiots (here's back to you Denver on my harsh terms). On the other side of the coin, it would allow me to see if the postees were real, friendly, caring, loving, understanding. (Denver, you came up on this side of the coin, I win!)

There were many times I just laugh my head off and times when I said, 'boy that was a dumb statement'. But for those first 3 silent months I was feeling you all out.

So in time I realized that most of you (ie, Slim, Clydefrog, Tampa, Slim, Runningscorpion, Paris, Jayman, Tuscon, Kham, TDryan, Gremlin, Denver, Richard, Dannybear, etc., etc., etc.) were really nice people.


And then to add to this a Queen Mum to overlook and take care of the site, what more can you ask for.
Yes there were a couple that would fit into my "asshole" etc. category for example, (rswain aka Mitch).

So finally after the new year and I had some more time (I work retail, so I don't need to tell you how busy that time of year is for me) and after having gotten to know some of you via your post I felt it would ok for me to stick my head up. ( I did see my shadow, and you all know what that means!). So I quietly carefully did my first post. It might have been the 10 random facts one. And even then, my posts were very few and far between, again, just feeling my way around.

Then in early Feb. I noticed a postee, Jayman was rapidly approaching post #1000. I had in my mine what I thought would be an appropriate presentation to give Jayman on this milestone occasion. Now mind you, the only think I knew about Jayman was via his posts. NOTHING (not shit or shinola). But for the life of me I could not find nor implement what I felt would be the best presentation for Jayman. So I did the only thing I could, (another first) that was a Private message to queen Mum Markymark to get his help on what I felt was an occasion we should not overlook. Marky even share his phone # (which again was weird for me) but became a necessity as Jayman was moving too fast to coordinate this via e-mails. So I actually called Marky so we can speed this up. Too make this a short story, working a Warp 9.9 we actually accomplished our goal.

After this, I now had a number of new friends and my initial reservations are no more. So whether you like it or not, I'm here, hopefully with occasional words of wisdom, but for sure words to make you laugh, cause what the world needs now is more laughter.

The extroverts, outgoing, etc. members just jump right in to a froum. Those who are shy, introvert, hesitant may take some time to warm up to the forum. I tend to believe that is why members post/don't. They need to find a comfort zone. Yea there may be some who meet the other definitions, but I tend to think they are the minority.

I hope this answers the question of this POST.

Back to you Denver, for those first three months would you still use that "term" regarding me????????????????????

Live Long and Prosper,
My dear friends of the Forum,


P.S. Greatlakes, did I not mention you?
Perhaps I can, in part, answer this question. First, Denver, the term lurker seems like a rather harsh and nasty term. It got my attention, but not in a good way.Vicekid
Thank you Vicekid for saying that. I too have gone into chat rooms, and was too shy to participate, and I also feel the term "lurker" is a bit harsh, not to mention some of the other names that have been used to describe non-participants in chat rooms.

Perhaps I can, in part, answer this question. First, Denver, the term lurker seems like a rather harsh and nasty term. It got my attention, but not in a good way.

So, using myself as the guinea pig here is my view on this.

For me this was the first time I ever considered joining anything on the internet, from first subscription (Broke Straight Boys) to Forum/chat room. As you all can see, I joined first week Nov. 2008 not long after it was set up. For someone who is basically a SHY person this was a BIG step. I am not sure how I got the nerve to do it, but it happened.

So now that I'm in and still questioning my wisdom for doing so, I needed to find out if this is something I have any interest in. So I did the SAFE thing: I just read, and read and read. This allow me the opportunity to see if the postees were assholes, perverts, idiots (here's back to you Denver on my harsh terms). On the other side of the coin, it would allow me to see if the postees were real, friendly, caring, loving, understanding. (Denver, you came up on this side of the coin, I win!)

There were many times I just laugh my head off and times when I said, 'boy that was a dumb statement'. But for those first 3 silent months I was feeling you all out.

So in time I realized that most of you (ie, Slim, Clydefrog, Tampa, Slim, Runningscorpion, Paris, Jayman, Tuscon, Kham, TDryan, Gremlin, Denver, Richard, Dannybear, etc., etc., etc.) were really nice people.


And then to add to this a Queen Mum to overlook and take care of the site, what more can you ask for.
Yes there were a couple that would fit into my "asshole" etc. category for example, (rswain aka Mitch).

So finally after the new year and I had some more time (I work retail, so I don't need to tell you how busy that time of year is for me) and after having gotten to know some of you via your post I felt it would ok for me to stick my head up. ( I did see my shadow, and you all know what that means!). So I quietly carefully did my first post. It might have been the 10 random facts one. And even then, my posts were very few and far between, again, just feeling my way around.

Then in early Feb. I noticed a postee, Jayman was rapidly approaching post #1000. I had in my mine what I thought would be an appropriate presentation to give Jayman on this milestone occasion. Now mind you, the only think I knew about Jayman was via his posts. NOTHING (not shit or shinola). But for the life of me I could not find nor implement what I felt would be the best presentation for Jayman. So I did the only thing I could, (another first) that was a Private message to queen Mum Markymark to get his help on what I felt was an occasion we should not overlook. Marky even share his phone # (which again was weird for me) but became a necessity as Jayman was moving too fast to coordinate this via e-mails. So I actually called Marky so we can speed this up. Too make this a short story, working a Warp 9.9 we actually accomplished our goal.

After this, I now had a number of new friends and my initial reservations are no more. So whether you like it or not, I'm here, hopefully with occasional words of wisdom, but for sure words to make you laugh, cause what the world needs now is more laughter.

The extroverts, outgoing, etc. members just jump right in to a froum. Those who are shy, introvert, hesitant may take some time to warm up to the forum. I tend to believe that is why members post/don't. They need to find a comfort zone. Yea there may be some who meet the other definitions, but I tend to think they are the minority.

I hope this answers the question of this POST.

Back to you Denver, for those first three months would you still use that "term" regarding me????????????????????

Live Long and Prosper,
My dear friends of the Forum,


P.S. Greatlakes, did I not mention you?

Thank you for sharing that. So much for my abduction by aliens theory. Wait until Jayman gets back from our planet and finds out he is a member of this cool Forum. LOL Maybe he will be glad we abducted him. I mean in theory of course because, uh, um, I am Jayman. Yeah. I am Jayman... :lol: :thumbup:
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