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Chag Pesach Sameach


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
Happy Passover Holiday. At Sundown tonight, 4/8, Passover begins. This is an important feast for our Jewish Brothers and Sisters as it celebrates God's delivering the Israelites from Pharaoh's bondage of over 400 years in Egypt to begin their journey to the Promised Land.

I want to wish a Happy Passover to my dear friend Mikey and to all members of the Forum and/or the Broke Straight Boys site who are of the Jewish faith.
Happy Passover Holiday. At Sundown tonight, 4/8, Passover begins. This is an important feast for our Jewish Brothers and Sisters as it celebrates God's delivering the Israelites from Pharaoh's bondage of over 400 years in Egypt to begin their journey to the Promised Land.

I want to wish a Happy Passover to my dear friend Mikey and to all members of the Forum and/or the Broke Straight Boys site who are of the Jewish faith.

A huge number of Jews and Christians will be spending their holy days this week confined to home and separated from their traditional family gatherings. May God's historic liberation of the Israelites from Pharaoh's bondage liberate us all today from the confinement, illness and death of caronavirus. As for our special holy days this week, do your best to honor and celebrate them as best you can.
Thank you Stowe and kgmets for you kind words. Under normal circumstances I would have spent this evening with family celebrating the first night of Passover. However due to an illness in my family as well as the pandemic the entire world is dealing with, that is not possible this year. But as both Stowe and KG, both so eloquently expressed this is a very special time of the year and to all who do celebrate. :tongue:

To all of you the same. It is strange to be completely isolated from everyone at Passover but I guess an epidemic is a good reason. I wish all who celebrate and happy Passover.
I’m a bit into the second day but happy Passover! Mikeyank, I’m sorry you aren’t with your family tonight but I’m glad you got to visit. Stay sage my friend.